Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 2522: Make up your mind

"Heart seed?"

"What is a heart seed?"

Yang Chen was suddenly surprised. He had lived for so long, but in two lifetimes he had never heard of such a thing as a heart seed.

Could it be that this heart...can produce something else?

"Heart seed?"

Naxumi sneered twice:

"That thing is the key to the Holy Lord's understanding of heaven and humanity. The stronger the heart seed, the easier it is to control, the more suitable it will be for the heart buds born in the future."

"As for Xinya..."

Naxumi puffed out his chest and opened his extremely thin chest for everyone to see.

Sure enough, on his chest, the skin that should have been smooth was covered with wrinkles like spider webs.

The center of the spider web-like skin folds sunk into a hollow in his chest, and the sound of vigorous heartbeats could be heard.


"This is evil!"

King Pozhi looked at it and exclaimed that he had read about this kind of thing from the secrets of the Shura tribe.

In fact, this so-called heart bud is a terrifying evil spell that can silently swallow up a person's spiritual thoughts.

But...but when this kind of thing really appeared in front of Po Zhi, he was still a little unbelievable.

"This kind of thing is expressly prohibited even by the Shura clan. You heavenly beings... No, the so-called Holy Lord actually openly used this kind of technique on you?"


Nasumu smiled.

"Do you think we are all forced to grow our hearts?"

"What? Could it be that you..."

The more Lie Jinhuang thought about it, the more he felt that the pursuit of power and immortality by these heavenly beings was too morbid. Once this evil way was known to the real supreme gods, those emperor-level powers would definitely intervene.

Being in a higher plane does not mean that they are really superior to others. On the contrary, the idea that there is someone outside of others and that there is something beyond the world is always affecting them.

But the gods never think so.

They want to be on par with real gods, have unlimited life, strength that will never regress, and even want endless territory... For this reason, they launch seemingly unreasonable wars against Asura Road again and again.

"Yes, if you want to become a divine general, one of the conditions is that after accepting the planting of this heart bud, you can withstand the initial period of rejection. Heavenly beings are divided into three, six, and nine grades, and nine grades of heavenly beings live outside. On the edge of heaven and humanity, I live a boring life that seems carefree but actually counts for nothing."

"A slight change can make them die without any chance of fighting back. And how could I... be willing to live like that?"

"The Way of Heaven and Humanity is declining. In the past ten thousand years, the appearance of the five declines of Heaven and Humanity is even more terrifying than the decline of you Asuras."

"For this reason, there are so many heavenly beings who believe in the words of the Holy Lord and believe what he said. As long as they obtain the Shura Dao and the heavenly beings and humans become one, they will be able to obtain eternal life."

"It's ridiculous...but it's all true."

Xumi's voice gradually weakened, and it could be heard that he could not hold on much longer.

But Naxumi still had a lot to say.

"But if you say so many secrets about the way of heaven and humanity, then why doesn't the Holy Master use this heart bud to control you?"

Liu Xin had been watching from the sidelines without interfering. There were many things he wanted Yang Chen and others to discover on their own.

And Po Zhi also thought about this contradiction. If what Xumi said was true, how could he still stay in front of everyone like this without any reaction.

Now Naxumi really looked at King Po Zhi as if he were a fool:

"Stupid King Pochi..."


"Mo Zha! No need to..."

Mo Zha wanted to teach Na Xumi a lesson, but King Po Zhi stopped him.

"Say it..."

Naxumi snorted coldly and gestured to his body with his eyes:

"This is what you said. You used blood to destroy all the circulation of divine power in my body. Without the soil of divine power, how can this heart bud move?"

"Besides, why do you think we helped the Holy Lord rob the demon fox called Hongchen?"

"The Holy Lord has long discovered that the heart buds he originally used had fatal flaws, and tried every means to improve the quality of the heart buds. The heart seeds that can cultivate the heart buds are hard to come by..."

"Until that unintentional demon fox appeared..."

"It is true that she has no heart, but there are countless mysterious powers in her body that can give birth to heart seeds. It was this power that drove the last bloody battle between Shura."


The shocking fact caught everyone by surprise.

With the emergence of the heart bud and the so-called most suitable nurturing body of the heart seed, the mystery of the departure of the mortal world seems to be revealed and gradually revealed.

But who knows what changes happened later that made Hongchen step by step into a being like the God of Order?

Yang Chen squinted his eyes and looked at Xumi, and then said to everyone:

"In this case, I think this Holy Lord has reached the end of his strength."

"Since the inner bud bred by his evil ways has a solution, it means that beings like god generals have fatal weaknesses."

"am I right?"

Yang Chen looked at Xumi, who glanced to the side:

"Except for Yamado, the reason why all the divine generals have such powerful power is because the heart buds brought by the Holy Lord have given them talents that are more powerful than their previous limits."

"Without Xinya... they can't defeat any of you."

At this point, things are basically clear.

"So, the strength of heavenly beings is not as terrifying as imagined. Everything is just an appearance. It's just that the Holy Lord..."

Po Zhi couldn't help but be a little excited. After learning that the way of heaven and humanity was also declining, there was nothing more exciting than this.

He inherited the title of the Original King, and also restored the powerful bloodline of the Asuras to the past. Nowadays, quiet changes are taking place among the Asuras. One after another Asuras are able to awaken the ancient bloodline overnight. This is also This means that more Asuras have mastered the power of their true bodies...

If we don’t fight now, when will we wait?

"Holy Lord, let me handle it, Po Zhi... it's time to make a decision."

"I see!"

Without saying a word, Yang Chen accepted the task of confronting the Holy Lord. If he wanted to pursue the traces of Hongchen, he must defeat the Holy Lord. The catastrophe of six reincarnations should have ended here.

Po Zhi nodded and also looked into the eyes of Qi Luo Qian Tuo, Lie Jin Huan and others.

Seeing the determined looks in everyone's eyes, Po Zhi smiled.

"Let's fight! It's time for the grudges between devas and asuras to come to an end!"

Following Po Zhi's order, Naxumi also got the opportunity to be reincarnated.

In this dim room, the soul of Sumeru gradually dissipated between heaven and earth under the illumination of the Original Crown.

It seems that everything is entering the final stage.

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