Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 320: Climb to Heaven

Chapter 320: Climbing to Heaven

"Anyway, I'm lucky for us that these beasts are dead." After Tao Qiusheng glanced at the corpses on the ground with fear, he said to the crowd: "Everyone, let's go inside quickly, remember the thousands of dead bodies." Be careful not to disturb something that shouldn't be disturbed."

Everyone nodded, and after taking a deep look at the corpse on the ground, they withdrew their gazes and began to look at the hall.


At this moment, a voice suddenly came, and a certain martial artist not far away seemed to have discovered something, and he shouted: "Everyone, come and take a look, there are some paintings here!"

Hearing this, everyone's heart moved and they ran over immediately.

Sure enough, behind Yang Song, there were several paintings.

"A painting again?"

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help shivering. They had suffered enough from the previous murals, but they didn't expect it to appear again?

Tao Qiusheng took a deep breath and took it carefully.

These paintings are well preserved. Compared with other dilapidated objects, these paintings are not damaged at all. You know, this ancient tomb has existed for tens of thousands of years, but these paintings are intact? It's amazing.

Here, there are five paintings in total.

The first painting shows a huge city with many prosperous buildings. It's just that everyone found that these buildings are not the style of Canglan Continent today. The streets of the city are full of people coming and going, and it looks very lively.

And at the end of the city, there is a huge tree.

This tree is extremely huge, its trunk and branches cover the entire city, like a huge sky pillar, supporting the heaven and the earth.

The trunk of the tree goes straight into the sky without seeing the top.

"Climbing the god tree?"

Yang Chen was surprised.

"Senior, is this the Heavenly Climbing Tree?"

"That's right, it's the Heavenly Climbing Tree!" Gu Tianji nodded, and said in a deep voice, "Who is this Beiman Sword Saint? Why does he even have such a thing?"

Gu Tianji's voice contained inconceivability.

"I didn't expect to find the legend of climbing to the sky here?" Tao Qiusheng held the painting and looked at the giant tree in the painting seriously, his tone became excited.

"Does Mr. Tao know this thing?" Zhao Yuan asked curiously.

"No, I don't know." Tao Qiusheng shook his head and said with a smile: "It's just that when I was young, I heard people from the older generation talk about a thing called the Godly Tree of Climbing Heaven, which is somewhat similar to the one depicted in this painting. It's similar, but I don't know if it's true or not."

Speaking of this, Tao Qiusheng pondered for a while, and began to slowly explain the story of ascending the sacred tree.

According to legend, hundreds of thousands of years ago, the heaven and the world were not separated, but connected.

And the thing that connects the heaven and the world is the god tree of ascending the sky.

The sacred tree grew in the territory of the other country, and was called a god by the people at that time. At that time, people from the lower realms could reach the heavenly realm through the sacred tree, and people from the heavenly realm could also reach the human world through the divine tree. The two realms have been in contact with each other for hundreds of thousands of years.

But later, for some unknown reason, the Heaven-climbing Shenmu suddenly disappeared, and even the other country where the Shenmu grew disappeared completely overnight.

The original land of the other country turned into a huge pit, as if it had evaporated suddenly, without leaving even a trace.

Later, hundreds of thousands of years passed, and the land of the other country turned into a vast ocean, and the matter about the ascending tree became a legend, and no one could prove it.

Listening to Chu Zhen's words, everyone felt as if a door to a new world had opened, and they were extremely surprised.

"But legends are legends after all, who knows if they are true? It's hard to say for sure whether those heavens really exist, after all, no one has seen them, right?" Tao Qiusheng laughed, his tone quite For meaningless.

Yang Chen also smiled, but didn't speak.

He was also a little surprised that Tao Qiusheng knew about the Godly Tree of Climbing to Heaven. Even in his previous life, few people knew about this thing.

It can be seen that Tao Qiusheng still has a lot of research on the history of the mainland.

Turn your gaze to the second painting.

In this painting, a group of people suddenly appeared beside Shenmu.

These people are flying in the air densely, and their appearances are different, and they are very weird, which is very different from the current human beings.

Some of them have a pair of huge wings behind them, some are like beasts with scales all over their bodies, some are covered in crimson red with raging fire burning on their bodies, and some hold thunderbolts in their hands like thunder gods.

Above the sky, a huge hole was opened.

Countless people poured out from this opening, densely packed, covering the sunlight of the sky, and the earth was completely dark.

And under the Shenmu, everyone saw several huge giants.

These giants are hundreds of feet tall, and even the tallest buildings in the city only reach their ankles.

And among this group of giants, one was extremely huge, as tall as several thousand feet, and the other giants seemed extremely small compared to him.

He was holding a huge axe, chopping the sacred tree continuously.

In the third painting, the god tree was chopped off by a giant.

This is the backbone connecting the heaven and the earth, and it collapsed suddenly.

In the sky, countless creatures cheered happily, and the giants knelt down on the ground with pious faces, as if they were thanking for something.

In the fourth painting, a huge tsunami suddenly hit and flooded the city. Countless human beings were buried by the tsunami. The city turned into nothingness in an instant, including the sacred tree, which was also buried under the sea. .

The fifth painting is a lot of creatures.

It can be seen that this painting is about the world after the destruction of Shenmu.

Some creatures with flames all over their bodies chose to live in seclusion in the desert because they couldn't leave the ground because the god tree was destroyed.

Those beast-like creatures, after a slow evolution, some turned into powerful monsters, and some turned into half-human, half-beast monsters.

And those huge giants began to shrink slowly, and finally merged into the mainland, becoming no different from ordinary people.

They became completely human.

"Is this about the history of the continent's changes?" Yang Chen frowned and said in a low voice.

Aren't these five paintings telling the story of a distant era?

And those strange-looking creatures may be the most distant ancestors of the Canglan Continent.

It's just that they didn't belong to this world before. Because the Shenmu was cut off, they couldn't return to the heaven, so they could only stay in the human world. Finally, after a long evolution, they completely became a member of the Canglan Continent.

For some reason, Yang Chen suddenly thought of the alien race.

Aliens, it is from the sky!

The slogan they played at that time was to return to their homeland.

Yang Chen dismissed it at the time, but now it seems that he is in a cold sweat.

Maybe the foreign race was originally from the Canglan Continent? It's just that because the Shenmu was destroyed, they fled to the heaven. But without the connection of Shenmu, they didn't dare to come down privately. Until 80,000 years ago, they found another channel that could connect the two worlds...

Thus, the war began.

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