Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 38 You die on his behalf!

Chapter 38 You die on his behalf!

The sudden person startled Ling Yuyao, the little girl turned around in a daze, and saw two men in black tights with fierce faces standing behind them, with a long knife on their waists .

Ling Yuyao was startled, looked at the two men suddenly standing behind her, immediately trembled all over, and said, "You... who are you?"

"Who are you?" Cuihua said carelessly: "This girl is our guest, I warn you, don't cause trouble! Otherwise, I won't let you go!"

"Huh?" One of the men frowned, took out the knife from his waist, and put it on Cuihua's neck: "Get lost! If you talk too much, I'll kill you!"

Cuihua turned pale with fright, and the faces of the girls paled.

"Grand...Master, don't kill me! Don't kill me!" Cuihua was really frightened, and quickly waved her hand, begging for mercy.

"Get out!" The man spat out a word.

The girls from the brothel immediately ran away crawling and rolling.

The man put away the knife, looked at Ling Yuyao, and said, "Miss Ling, please come with us now."

"Who are you?" Ling Yuyao's face turned pale, she couldn't help but take two steps back, and said, "I... I don't know you, so I don't want to go with you!"

"That's up to you." The man grinned grimly, and as he spoke, he took out a token from his waist and waved it in front of Ling Yuyao:

"We are from the palace!"

"The people in the palace..." Ling Yuyao murmured, as if thinking of something, she immediately stepped back a few steps, looked at each other with vigilance, and said, "What do you want to do?"

"It's nothing." The man put away the token and said with a smile: "Miss Ling, your father seems to be a little disobedient in recent days, and the man in the palace is a little angry, so I want to invite you to sit in the palace. Just to remind your father."

"My father..." Ling Yuyao opened her mouth, gritted her teeth and said, "What does my father's business matter to me? You can just find him! Get out of the way!"

"I'm going home!" Ling Yuyao said, turning around and leaving.

However, she hadn't taken a few steps before the man stepped forward and placed it directly in front of Ling Yuyao, saying: "Miss Ling, I told you, this matter is out of your hands."

"You'd better follow us obediently, otherwise, we won't be sympathetic to you." The man grinned grimly, and when he was speaking, his eyes wandered over Ling Yuyao's graceful body intentionally or unintentionally, emitting an obscene light.

"Tsk, Miss Ling is so pretty, you don't want something to happen to you today, do you?" The man smiled, stretched out his hand, and touched Ling Yuyao's smooth face.

The soft touch made the man feel distracted.

If it wasn't because of the mission at the moment and Ling Yuyao's unusual status, the man swears that he would immediately take off his pants and vent his anger on himself.

Such a top-notch woman is rare!

Ling Yuyao's face turned pale, and she directly shook off the man's hand, her eyes full of horror.

The cultivation of these two people has reached the sixth level martial artist, let alone two, even if there is one, Ling Yuyao is not a match at all!

" can't touch me!" Ling Yuyao gritted her teeth and said, "Since you are from the palace, you should know my identity. If you dare to touch a hair of mine, my father will not let you go." !"

Hearing this, the man sneered, and said, "Your father is already a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, and he can't protect himself. How can he care about you? Besides, we did you here, and your father still dares to hold us accountable." Is he not responsible? How dare he offend that adult in the palace?"

The man's eyes were full of obscenity.

Hearing this, the little girl suddenly became anxious, with tears rolling in her eyes, she shook her head again and again: "No, help... who will save me..."

"Yang Chen!" Ling Yuyao burst into tears suddenly: "Yang Chen, you bastard! Where are you, come and save me!"


As soon as the words were finished, a hand suddenly stretched out, directly wrapped around Ling Yuyao's waist, pulled her back, and blocked her tightly behind her.

"Squad leader, shouldn't you add a word of please when begging for help? How can someone call the other person a bastard when begging for help?" A teasing voice sounded, and Yang Chen was standing quietly beside him, his face full of The color of helplessness.

"Yang Chen..." Ling Yuyao opened her mouth, as if she didn't quite believe this scene.

"It's me." Yang Chen panted, his forehead was covered with sweat, his chest heaved violently, obviously he had run all the way here.

"I just heard about you from a friend, so I ran all the way here, isn't it too late?" Yang Chen smiled, stretched out his hand, and flicked Ling Yuyao's smooth forehead.

This action instantly made Ling Yuyao's eyes sore, she pouted and said, "Stinky bastard!"

"I said monitor, I'm Yang Chen, not a bastard, can you stop calling me that? It's ugly." Yang Chen shrugged and said helplessly.

"Stinky bastard! I'll call you stinky bastard!" Ling Yuyao rubbed her eyes, her tense mood seemed to relax at this moment, and her little nose twitched, making people feel pity.

Seeing this scene, Yang Chen felt a little helpless, and said, "Okay, don't cry, what are you afraid of when I'm here?"

"Just cry! Just cry!" Ling Yuyao said coquettishly, rubbing her eyes and snorting.

Yang Chen smiled wryly, stretched out his hand, rubbed the little girl's head, and comforted him: "Don't worry, they won't dare to touch you with me here."

Hearing this, Ling Yuyao was slightly taken aback, raised her head, and stared at Yang Chen in a daze: "You...what are you going to do?"

"Revenge for you!" Yang Chen spat out four words, then turned around and looked at the two men opposite him coldly.

Those two people were still a little surprised and uncertain about Yang Chen, but when they saw the other's childish face, they couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and laughed in their hearts.

"Boy, who are you?" One of them held a knife, pointed at Yang Chen, and said coldly: "Now the palace is handling the case, I warn you, don't meddle in your own business! Otherwise, I will kill you too! "

"Yang Chen..." Ling Yuyao was a little nervous, she held Yang Chen's clothes tightly, and said softly, "Yang Chen, they are sixth-level fighters, you are not their opponent, let's go..."

The little girl's eyes were full of worry.

"Do you think they will let us go?" Yang Chen said lightly.

Hearing this, Ling Yuyao was slightly taken aback, indeed! Judging from the current situation, if these two men are not defeated, it is impossible for them to let themselves go safely!

"I know." Ling Yuyao pursed her lips and said, "Although I'm only a level five fighter, I will try my best to deal with one, so I won't hold you back!"

As she spoke, Ling Yuyao assumed an attacking state, her face tensed.

Yang Chen was a little funny, pushed her, stopped her behind him, and said, "Don't worry, I'm enough alone!"


The next moment, Yang Chen's whole body was shaken, and a strong cultivation base immediately permeated from his body.

Sixth-level warrior!

"Yang Chen!" Ling Yuyao exclaimed, looking at this scene in disbelief, and said, "You... When did you become a sixth-level warrior?"

Ling Yuyao couldn't imagine, and even wondered if she was dreaming.

Yang Chen was still a level five martial artist last week, why did this guy jump to level six warrior again after only a weekend?

Yang Chen didn't speak, but looked at the two people opposite him coldly.

Suddenly, he took out a sword.

Shocking Evil Sword!

Although he has stepped into the sixth-level martial artist now, the other two have obviously been promoted for a long time. If they don't use the Evil Shocking Sword, Yang Chen may not be an opponent.

Seeing Yang Chen draw his sword, the faces of the two opposite people also became gloomy.

"Boy, since you want to die, you can't blame us!" While speaking, the man on the left pulled out the sword from his waist, which shone sharply and coldly in the sunlight.

The next moment, his whole body was shaken, and he rushed out instantly.

The sword pointed forward——


The fierce sword energy seemed to be materialized, breaking through the air, and a long trajectory was formed in the surrounding area, stabbing straight at Yang Chen's throat!


Yang Chen blocked the evil sword in his hand, and the two swords collided, sparks burst out immediately!

The man's face froze, he raised the sword in his hand, and immediately flicked Yang Chen's shocking evil sword away. Immediately afterwards, the sword he picked up slashed downwards, and a beam of sword energy immediately struck Yang Chen's face from top to bottom!

"The sword splits the mountains and rivers!"


Huge sword energy surged out from the sword, as if it was substantial, it was about to split through Yang Chen's head.

Seeing this scene, Ling Yuyao's face turned pale, and she closed her eyes in shock.

"It's useless." The other man laughed and said, "This sword splitting mountains and rivers is the strongest move of the second child, and besides, that kid is so close to the second child, he has nowhere to hide, and he is doomed to die !"

However, at this moment, only a faint voice sounded:

"Seventh Form of the Sword Manual of Shocking Evil-Shocking Ghosts!"


Accompanied by the dull impact sound, the second child flew straight up, a huge gash appeared in his chest from bottom to top, blood sprayed out continuously from inside, staining his clothes red.

This scene is too fast!

So much so that no one could react, the man just "plopped" and fell to the ground, dripping blood all over his body, looking extremely embarrassed.

Yang Chen shook his hand, and the blood on the Jingxie Sword immediately splashed away.

The sword regained its original luster again.

"Why..." The second child clutched his wound, his expression painful, and he looked at Yang Chen in disbelief.

He never thought that the sword he just made would fail? This is simply impossible! How could he be so fast as a sixth-level martial artist?

"Could it be..." The second child's pupils shrank suddenly, and he stared blankly at the sword on Yang Chen's right hand.

"It's useless, no matter how fast your sword is, it can't be as fast as the Sword of Shocking Evil." Yang Chen said lightly, raised the sword, his eyes were extremely indifferent, like a god of death, without the slightest emotion.

"Next, you can go with peace of mind."

Yang Chen raised the sword, and the blade pointed at the second child's throat, about to stab directly.

"No, don't!" The second child exclaimed, looking at the stabbing sword edge, his whole face was as pale as paper, and the fear of death permeated his heart.

"Big... Big brother! Big brother, save me!" The second child screamed for help with the last of his strength.

"Stop!" The boss roared, his body turned into an afterimage, and rushed out at the fastest speed, about to grab Yang Chen's sword!

"Bastard, if you dare to kill my brother, I will let you die!" The boss roared in grief and indignation.

However, when he was only half an inch away from Yang Chen!

Yang Chen suddenly laughed.

The sword that was about to pierce the second child's throat turned without warning, and stabbed to the right——


With a soft sound, the Evil-Shocking Sword pierced directly into the boss's belly!

This scene was so sudden that no one could react. The sword had already passed through the boss's abdomen and came out directly from his back!

Blood stained the boss's body red.

Accompanied by a cold voice, the vitality in his eyes quickly dissipated:

"Since you love your brother so much, then you can die instead of him."

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