Reborn 80,000 Years

Nine hundredth and third chapter past life (a)

Biquge, the fastest update is 80,000 years of rebirth!

Nine hundredth and third chapter past life (a)

As Yang Chen put his hand on the Sansheng Stone, the world around him changed drastically. Yang Chen only felt his mind spinning for a while, and countless memories came one after another.

One after another, strange pictures reappeared in his mind.



The red clouds in the sky are shining, a fiery red color.

Three men dressed as monks came to a forest. All three of them were carrying luggage. They were monks who came running from somewhere, looking dusty.

An old monk who looks seventy or eighty years old.

A young monk who looks to be in his twenties.

There is also a young monk who is only seven or eight years old.

"Eldest brother, I'm hungry, go find something to eat." The young monk put his luggage on the stone, rubbed his stomach, and said to the young monk beside him.

"I'm busy, I haven't transcribed the scriptures yesterday, so you can go by yourself." The young monk pretended to take out two brand new scriptures from his luggage.

These two scriptures have been in the monk's bag for several years, and the little monk has never seen him take a look at them. Only when he is begging him to do something, he will take out the scriptures, and then look at them seriously.

"Master, I'm hungry, go and help me find something to eat." The young monk looked at the old monk.

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

The old monk beside him had already closed his eyes and snored softly.

"Damn!" Seeing this scene, the little monk couldn't help but rolled his eyes, but soon he closed his mouth, clasped his hands together, and muttered to himself: "Amitabha, I have sinned, my disciple said just now Dirty words..."

After repenting for a while, the little monk curled his lips and said, "Okay, both of you are busy, you are both very busy people, can't I go find food for you as a child? But I heard that there is But there are many goblins, if anyone eats me up, then you all will cry!"

"That's just right, Junior Brother, when the goblin comes, you can test your own practice." The young monk didn't even lift his head.

"Go, the teacher will eat fast and chant Buddha for you, and pray silently." The old monk woke up at some point, and laughed.

Seeing this scene, the little monk couldn't help but rolled his eyes. He didn't want to talk nonsense with these two white-eyed wolves, so he turned around and walked into the depths of the forest.

The forest was lush and green, but it was terribly silent, especially as it was getting dark, and the cry of wild animals could be heard from time to time in the depths, which made the little monk feel a little scared.

"Amitabha, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Daluo Jinxian, Tathagata Buddha... All Buddhas, please protect your disciples!" The little monk folded his hands nervously and walked forward cautiously.

Suddenly, a withered old tree appeared in front of his eyes. The tree had lived for an unknown amount of time, and its branches were drooping to the ground, looking sluggish.

Its leaves have all fallen off, just like an old man in his seventies or eighties, the branches are bare. However, what surprised the little monk was that this withered tree actually bears dense fruit?

These fruits are all red, like small tomatoes, extremely beautiful, and there is a sweet smell in the air.

"Gululu!" Looking at these fruits, the little monk screamed from his stomach, and he couldn't hold back the greed in his heart anymore, and ran towards the tree.

"Strange, how can there be fruit on this tree?"

"Don't worry about it, let's taste it first... Well, it's really sweet! It's delicious!" The little monk tasted a fruit, and his eyes immediately showed excitement.

But when the little monk was indulging in the deliciousness of the fruit, there was a sound of suoing, and one of the trunks of the big tree suddenly moved, like an arm, gently embracing the little monk. Monk's body.

"Hehe, what a young life, and this breath of life, I haven't seen human beings for thousands of years... A long time ago, I saw some strangers, they talked, sang, Although I was not spiritually enlightened at that time, I was indeed very happy. It’s just that after a while, that group of people went nowhere, and I never saw them again.” The tree sighed, and from the trunk Shang suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the little monk quietly.

"Do you know where they went?"

"They are dead." The little monk said.

"Death? What is death?"

"Death is...the loss of everything, no consciousness, no feelings, no thoughts, just like you sleep without dreaming, and between falling asleep and waking up, nothing exists." The little monk tried his best to explain.

Hearing this, Dashu's eyes immediately showed panic: "Death? Is this death? It's terrible! I don't want to be like them, never existed!"

The little monk couldn't help laughing: "You can live for a long time, you have lived for thousands of years, you should be able to live longer!"

Dashu: "I also want to be like you, able to walk freely on the ground, talk, and meet more people. But it took me thousands of years to grow such a pair of eyes. I don't know how long it will take." Able to grow hands and legs."

Hearing this, the little monk was a little curious: "Then how did you talk to me since you didn't have a mouth?"

Dashu's tone suddenly became a little strange: "Guess what?"

"Well, let me guess..." The little monk touched his head and said, "You must have eaten a passing human, then tore off his mouth and put it back on yourself, right?"

"You are really smart!"

Dashu laughed.

Immediately afterwards, the little monk felt a sudden tremor under his feet, and countless branches suddenly wrapped around the little monk's feet, locking him tightly. Immediately afterwards, two branches stretched out toward the little monk's hands like tentacles.

"Hey, I've waited for thousands of years, and I finally found a human being! Now, I want to take your hands and feet, so that I can walk freely like you!" Dashu laughed, his tone moderate Reveal the color of madness.

However, before he had time to tear off the little monk's hands, he heard a "bang", a burst of intense golden light suddenly burst out from the little monk's body, which directly shattered the branches of the big tree into pieces.


Seeing this burst of golden light, Dashu's eyes immediately showed surprise, and he looked at the little monk with some doubts.

Such a little guy turned out to be a magician?

"Amitabha." The little monk bowed with one hand, and said calmly: "You have killed so many human beings in the past, and your crimes are serious, but the poor monk will let you go for the sake of your hard cultivation. Let's go back!"

"Hahahaha!" Hearing these words, Dashu couldn't help laughing: "A mere low-level magician, dare to speak out here? Well, I want to see how you want to kill me!"

As the big tree spoke, it waved its branches frantically and stretched out towards the little monk.

Seeing this scene, the little monk's face changed drastically, and he turned around without saying a word, and ran away with his life.



not far away.

The elder brother turned over and said sleepily: "Master, the younger brother seemed to be calling for help just now? Did something happen?"

The old monk clasped his hands together and said calmly, "How can there be any cry for help? It's because your heart hasn't calmed down!"

Eldest brother: "But, master, I seem to have really heard just now..."

"Hush!" The old monk made a silence gesture: "Don't talk, calm down, and experience the mysteries of Buddhism like a teacher!"


The elder brother quickly sat up from the ground, imitating the old monk, and put his hands together: "It's a sin, it's because my heart has not calmed down. It seems that I am still far from the master."

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