Reborn 80,000 Years

Nine hundred and ninth chapter past life (seven)

Biquge, the fastest update is 80,000 years of rebirth!

Nine hundred and ninth chapter past life (seven)

Looking at the pious old monk, Hong Chen felt a little cold in his heart suddenly, and couldn't help sneering: "Master, you are so humble to the Buddha, but does the Buddha know that you kill?"

The old monk said coldly: "What I did was naturally guided by the Buddha! The reason why you became like this today is because you have committed too many evils, which led to the Buddha's punishment!"

"But I have never killed a single person, even so, do you want to kill them all?" Hong Chen asked again, with a little helplessness in his eyes.


As soon as these words came out, someone behind the old monk burst into laughter. This person was eight feet tall, with a strong back, about forty years old, with a sword behind his back. He is an elder from a famous sect in the world. It is said that his magic tricks can be regarded as second to none in the whole world.

"I don't believe that there are monsters that don't harm people in this world. Which inch of your monster's flesh and blood is not soaked in human blood?"

"Even if you haven't killed anyone before, you will definitely kill someone in the future!"

As soon as these words came out, Hong Chen's face suddenly showed a ridiculous color.

However, what made her even more ridiculous was that as soon as the Great Elder's words fell, there were countless echoes from all around.

"That's right, a demon is a demon after all, it's too dangerous! We can't let her go out and endanger the people!"

"Everyone, let's go together and kill this big monster!"

"That's right, we can't let her run away!"

Righteous people from all walks of life spoke one after another, but just as they were speaking, some people rushed out of the crowd. The elder of the sect who spoke before suddenly made a tactic, and the sword behind him roared out immediately, and shot towards Hongchen not far away.


On the sharp sword, there is a lot of spiritual power, and it contains a lot of demon-subduing talismans. This sword is like a nightmare to many monsters!

However, seeing the flying sword, Hong Chen didn't dodge it, only to see a huge phantom of a monster suddenly appear behind her!

It was a pure white nine-tailed fox!


A roar like thunder came from the mouth of the nine-tailed fox, shaking people's minds, especially the few people who were close to the world of mortals, who were so frightened that their spiritual energy lost and they almost vomited blood to death.

bang bang bang!

And with this roar, the elder's sword burst open, shattered into several pieces in the air, and finally fell to the ground with a tinkling sound.

"Nine... nine-tailed fox?"

"My God, it turned out to be a nine-tailed fox!"

"Nine-Tails is here, and the world is in chaos! This woman is indeed a demon god who came to the world of cholera!"

Everyone's expressions changed drastically, pointing at the phantom fox behind Hongchen, they were all a little dazed, as if their throats were stuck by something, and it took a long time before they spoke.

"Nine-tailed fox monster!"

"Once the nine-tailed fox comes out, there will be a catastrophe in the world!" The old monk took a deep breath, slowly clasped his hands together, and his cloudy eyes revealed a bright light: "Everyone, no matter what, we must kill this nine-tailed fox today!" Otherwise, once Nine-Tails goes out, it will definitely bring disaster to the common people!"


As soon as the words came out, people around immediately responded.

The nine-tailed fox has always been considered a symbol of disaster in this world. If there is a nine-tailed fox in the world, at least a plague will break out in a certain area, and at worst, the country will even die, and the people will be in dire straits. In war!

And just when the old monk finished saying this, the old monk took a step forward, patted Hongchen with his right hand, and spit out a word:



After uttering one word, countless golden lights suddenly burst out from the old monk's body. He is a Buddhist believer, and under this golden light, he looks even more sacred, as if the real Buddha had manifested himself.

Immediately afterwards, the old monk spat out a few words again:


"Woolen cloth!"




A total of six incomparably mysterious sounds were spit out from the old monk's mouth. He stepped on the golden light, like a real Buddha who came to the world. Six large golden characters swirled around his body continuously, and the last six characters merged into one, turning into a huge golden palm.

The old monk snorted coldly, and the palm immediately flew towards the opposite Hong Chen.

"Six-character Great Ming Mantra!"

"It turned out to be the top magic spell in Buddhism... I never thought that in this life, I would be able to see the real six-character mantra!"

"It is rumored that the six-syllable mantra can suppress all evil in the world. In the face of Mahayana Buddhism, even if this nine-tailed fox is as good as the sky, he can't escape with wings, right?"

Everyone said one after another.

But then, something happened that surprised everyone. They saw that the six-character mantra that was originally rushing towards Hong Chen suddenly disappeared completely just when it was about to hit Hong Chen.


Seeing this scene, everyone took a breath of air, their eyes filled with disbelief.

"what happened?"

"The Great Ming Curse disappeared?"

Not to mention them, even the old monk felt a little unbelievable. The six-character mantra, which was usually used to suppress demons and was omnipotent, disappeared in this instant?

"Nine-tailed fox, what did you do?" the old monk shouted angrily.

Hong Chen said indifferently: "The six-syllable mantra is only effective against demons, but I have never harmed the world, let alone killed a single human being. Naturally, the six-syllable mantra will not touch me."



As soon as these words came out, the old monk seemed to be trampled on the tail of a fox, and immediately yelled with a pale face: "You monster, don't deceive people with your lies here! You are still talking sweet words here when you are dying!"

"This old man will let you see what Mahayana Buddhism is!"

After the old monk finished speaking, he suddenly waved his sleeves and took off his cassock. The moment the cassock was taken off, golden light suddenly burst out from the cassock, like countless golden arrows, shooting towards the red dust in the crowd.


Before these golden arrows touched the world of mortals, they were directly annihilated, turned into ashes, and disappeared completely!

"How is it possible? Even the Buddha's light is useless?" The old monk frowned, and his face became more gloomy. Then he raised his hand again and hit Hong Chen.

"Arhat Overturning Heaven Seal!"

"Buddha illuminates the world!"

"Buddha's light shines everywhere!"


The attacks again and again were exactly the same as before, without even touching Hong Chen's body, they just dissipated instantly.

"How is it possible? Impossible!" The old monk was so anxious that he was sweating profusely, his face turned pale, and he muttered to himself like he was insane: "Impossible, impossible! How can Mahayana Buddhism be useless to demons? Buddhism is not Is it used to kill monsters? How could it be useless?"

"It's useless...why it's shouldn't be useless, it shouldn't be!" The old monk kept talking to himself, and his eyes were a little red.

No one noticed that the old monk, who used to be kind and kind, looked a little scary at this moment.

It was as if the person in front of him suddenly changed.

Some people here want to kill demons, but some people become demons before the demons.

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