Reborn 80,000 Years

Nine hundred and eleventh chapter past life (9)

Biquge, the fastest update is 80,000 years of rebirth!

Nine hundred and eleventh chapter past life (nine)

"You monsters, you don't have any good things!" The little monk said with a livid face, although his immature face was covered with frost at the moment, and said in an extremely cold tone.


Hearing this, Hongchen was slightly taken aback, his eyes immediately showed anxiety, and said: "Little monk, I have never hurt human beings, you have to believe me!"

As Hong Chen said, he stretched out his hand and touched the little monk, as if he wanted to grab his palm.

The little monk waved his hand and threw something.

Ding dong!

Accompanied by the crisp sound, this thing is a beautiful pebble.

"I'll give you back what's yours!" The little monk's eyes showed a look of incomparable disgust.

"Little monk, you don't believe me?" Hong Chen frowned and said, "I really haven't hurt anyone. If I really wanted to hurt you, I could have done it right then!"

Hearing this, the little monk's face didn't change much, he saluted with one hand, and said: "That's because you are looking for the right time to strike, if the time is right, I'm afraid even I will suffer from you It's a poisonous hand!"

"Elder Xu of Guangling Pavilion is a respected senior in the world. If I hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid you would have killed him long ago?" The little monk said this, and the frost in his eyes became more intense.

Seeing the other party's cold face, Hong Chen gave a wry smile.

A deep sense of despair suddenly welled up in my heart.


Hong Chen sneered and said, "Little monk, are you here today to execute me like they did?"


Under Hong Chen's increasingly desperate eyes, the little monk nodded slowly.


Just as the little monk nodded, there was an urgent cry from behind, only to hear the old Xu from the Guangling Pavilion yelling coldly: "Little master, that nine-tailed fox is a once-in-a-thousand-year monster. Don't get close to her! Otherwise, she will definitely take your life!"

"No problem." The little monk waved his hand and said, "Old Xu, in fact, before I came this time, my master gave me a magic weapon. He said that as long as I have this magic weapon, I can subdue the fox demon!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

"Did the master give you a magic weapon?"

"What kind of magic weapon is it?"

Everyone was a little curious.

"Tongtianlu!" The little monk spit out three words slowly.

Hearing these three words, everyone's expressions changed again, Tongtianlu, that is the world's first-class magic weapon, and it is the most upright and yang thing of heaven and earth!

Under the Tongtian talisman, any evil spirits and monsters have to be ashamed of themselves!

"Do you have the Tongtian Talisman?" Elder Xu asked curiously.

"How is this possible?" Another righteous person exclaimed in disbelief: "Didn't Tongtianlu disappear tens of thousands of years ago? How could it still be in this world?"

"Could it be that Master, he really got the Tongtian Talisman?"

"It's not impossible. After all, the master is a world-class demon subduing master. It's not uncommon to be able to get the Tongtian talisman."

"Are you really going to let him try it? What if he doesn't have a Tongtian talisman?"

"Let him try it first. I think he is a child, so he shouldn't lie. Besides, monks don't tell lies. How can monks lie?"

"That's right, besides, with so many of us here, are you still afraid that the fox demon will escape?"

Everyone discussed in a low voice, and then they all decided to let the little monk try it.

But when everyone was expecting and excited, no one saw that Hongchen not far away was lowering her head, her long hair covered her face, making it difficult for people to see her face clearly.

The world of mortals at this moment is like an orphan abandoned by the world.

She seemed to have resigned herself to her fate.


The little monk's voice came from in front of him: "Hongchen, your sins are too serious, I hope you will repent in the next life!"

The little monk sighed, then took out a talisman paper from his pocket, and slowly pasted it towards Hongchen's head.

Seeing this scene, everyone held their breath.

five inches...

four inches...

three inches...

As the talisman paper got closer to Hong Chen, everyone's breathing became more serious, but just when the little monk was about to stick the talisman paper on Hong Chen's head.


A soft sound suddenly resounded from the crowd, and Hong Chen stretched out a hand at no time, and directly inserted it into the little monk's chest. Her sharp claws directly pierced a hole in the little monk's chest, hot blood splashed out from the little monk's wound like a fountain.

A beating heart was directly pulled out of the body of the little monk by Hong Chen.

The red blood spilled all over the ground, and a soaring stench immediately filled the air. Drenched in this blood, Hong Chen's beautiful and sexy face looked a little eerie.


The little monk's eyes widened, and blood gushed out of his throat uncontrollably, flowing down his neck.

"Huh? Why are your human hearts red?" Hong Chen looked at the heart in his hand, and slowly frowned, his black eyes revealing curiosity.

It was as if she was so curious when she first met the little monk.

It's a pity that when the two meet again this time, they can't be as warm as before.

At this moment, the world of mortals has indifference in his eyes.

"Naughty animal!"

The little monk spit out two words, the anger in his eyes became weaker and weaker: "How dare you kill people... Who taught you this..."

The little monk gritted his teeth, grabbed the talisman paper, and slowly pasted it on Hong Chen's head.


Accompanied by a light sound, a bright light slowly gushed out from the talisman paper. The light became more and more intense, and finally enveloped the entire forest impressively. The dazzling white light made people unable to open their eyes, as if a white sun suddenly fell in the forest.

But after the light flashed, everyone realized it.

"What kind of talisman is this?"

"Is the talisman of Tongtianlu like this?"

"Teleportation talisman! This is a teleportation talisman!"

Everyone screamed in surprise, and some of them reacted and even rushed towards the center of the light. But it was too late, at the moment when the light enveloped the world of mortals, the space behind the opponent suddenly twisted violently.


The little monk's voice slowly echoed in the light.

"The Buddha said to put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately. Hongchen, although you are a monster, you have kind thoughts in your heart. Today you killed me, I don't blame you, I hope you will do more good deeds in the future, go."

Hong Chen stared wide-eyed, staring blankly at this scene, without reacting for a long time.

"This is a teleportation talisman? Isn't it the Tongtian talisman? Little monk, you lied to me!" Tears gushed out of Hong Chen's eyes uncontrollably.

The little monk wanted to save her, but she killed him!

A deep regret welled up from Hong Chen's bones.

"You lied to me! Why did you lie to me?"

"Doing good deeds is not cheating." The little monk smiled lightly.

"I'm a demon, what kind of good deeds is this?"

"But didn't you say that you never hurt anyone? A monster who hasn't hurt anyone is considered a good monster." The little monk tried his best to widen his eyes, but his eyes were already dark.

Hearing this, Hong Chen couldn't hold back anymore, hugged the little monk's body and began to wail, Dou Da's tears slipped from Hong Chen's face, dripping into the little monk's blood.

"Hongchen, don't cry, you are a beautiful girl. Don't stay alone in the forest anymore. One day, you will meet a better friend than me." After the little monk said this, his heart suddenly Some melancholy.

He wanted to conquer the demon all his life, but he never thought that he would become good friends with the demon when he met the demon for the first time?

Buddha, is this also a test?

The little monk closed his eyes slowly, but when he was dying, a warm force suddenly poured into the little monk's body. That kind of energy constantly nourished the little monk's internal organs, and actually reconnected his life that should have been cut off.

"Little monk, I will definitely save you!"

Hong Chen gritted her teeth, and after saying this, she hugged the little monk's body and disappeared into the space.

Two people were teleported without a trace at the same time.

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