Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 917: Fate

Biquge, the fastest update is 80,000 years of rebirth!

Chapter 917 Fate

After Yang Chen entered the arena, he was a little dumbfounded. The entire arena for fifth-class boxers was less than 20 square meters, and there wasn't even a decent arena.

Yang Chen glanced around, not to mention that there were no spectators in the competition venue, and even the staff members were sitting on chairs, drowsy.

There wasn't even a light in the room, and it was pitch black. Those who didn't know thought that this ghost market boxing arena was going to close down.

Seeing this scene, Yang Chen couldn't help but smiled wryly: "Nimma, isn't this fifth-class arena too shabby? Is this still a boxing venue?"

But Yang Chen didn't think much about it. After shaking his head, he walked up to the staff, threw his bronze medal on the table, and said, "Hi, I'm here to participate in the competition."

It seemed to be startled by Yang Chen, the staff almost jumped up, and it took a long time to recover, looked at Yang Chen firmly, and said, "Who are you? What's the matter?"

"I'm here to participate in the competition." Yang Chen said.

"Participate in the competition?"

The man was stunned for a moment, and then he was a little unbelievable. He asked again with uncertainty: "Are you sure you are here to participate in the competition?"


Hearing Yang Chen's words, the man looked a little embarrassed, coughed lightly, and said, "Understood, since that's the case, please sit here and rest for a while!"

Yang Chen was stunned, and said, "Why, didn't I come to participate in the competition? Why did you let me rest?"

"That's right, but usually no one signs up for these fifth-class competitions. In the past half a month, you are the first one to sign up for the fifth-class competition!" Speaking of this, the man's face was also a little uncomfortable Naturally, I felt a little contemptuous in my heart. There are still people participating in the fifth-class competition these days?

Hearing this person's words, Yang Chen's face darkened immediately.

No one participated in the fifth-class competition for half a month...

"That means, if no one signs up, I will never be able to compete?" Yang Chen asked a little speechlessly.

"Well, that's what it means." The man nodded.


Hearing this, Yang Chen almost slammed his head on the table to death. Isn't this fifth-class competition too unpopular? Didn't sign up for half a month? What kind of state is this weak chicken to have such a weird situation?

But just when Yang Chen wanted to cry but had no tears...

"Excuse me, is this the venue for the fifth-class competition?" A crisp voice suddenly sounded.

Yang Chen was slightly taken aback, turned his head to look, and saw a figure standing at the door, looking at the two people in the room with a smile. And the moment she saw Yang Chen, there was a hint of astonishment on that beautiful face.

"Eh? It's you?" the girl said in surprise.

"It's you again?" Yang Chen smiled wryly.

This girl is one of the two girls, the ponytail girl.

"Wow!" The girl ran over bouncingly as if she had discovered a new continent, and said curiously: "We are so destined, aren't we? We can meet each other wherever we go? You won't be secretly in love with me, and then Follow me secretly?"

Speaking of this, a blush suddenly appeared on the girl's face, and she said shyly: "Although... you are not bad looking, but I am not a casual ghost, was that too fast? ? After all, we have only known each other for a day..."

Yang Chen rolled his eyes, quickly interrupted her wild thoughts, and said, "Girl, are you also here to participate in the fifth-class competition?"

What he is most concerned about now is whether this girl is here to participate in the competition. He doesn't want to spend half a month here.


The girl nodded and said, "Are you also here to participate in the fifth-class competition?"

"That's right." Yang Chen smiled wryly, and when he breathed a sigh of relief, he also felt a little emotional: "Girl, it seems that we are really destined. Not only did we meet several times in a day, but we also became rivals."

"Don't call me girl girl, you call me Xiaorou!" The girl patted Yang Chen's shoulder and said, "But since you are my opponent, let the horse come over, I won't show mercy !"

As Xiao Rou said, she gestured to Yang Chen and said fiercely. It's just that her fierce appearance, coupled with her cute face, can't make people scared, but has a cute feeling.

"Okay, since that's the case, Miss Xiaorou, what an offense!" Yang Chen clasped his fists.

The voice just fell!

Xiaorou rushed over like wow, her slender legs swept towards Yang Chen, bringing a gust of fragrant wind whizzing past, and kicked Yang Chen directly in the head.

Yang Chen tilted his head slightly to avoid the blow.

After the blow failed, Xiaorou's expression changed slightly, she withdrew her leg whip, then raised her fist and slammed it directly at Yang Chen's face.

"Hey, give me a punch!" Xiaorou said with a smile.

Yang Chen raised his hand, grabbed her fist with ease, and pulled her back. Xiaorou's center of gravity was unstable, Yang Chen brought her whole body over, her body leaned forward, almost fell to the ground.


Seeing that she was about to fall, Xiaorou's face turned pale with fright.

Yang Chen quickly supported her, and said with a wry smile: "Miss Xiaorou, are you alright?"

"Oh, stop fighting! You are too powerful, I can't beat you!" Xiaorou quickly waved her hands, and said with a pale face. It seems that the fight just now really scared her, little girl His chest heaved violently.

Yang Chen smiled wryly, feeling a little helpless.

He doesn't even use his spiritual power, Xiaorou has already surrendered, this girl is too weak, right?

"I lost!" Xiaorou sighed, and said sadly: "It seems that my sister is right, I am still too weak now, and the boxing ring in Ghost City is not suitable for me at all!"

Yang Chen smiled, but didn't speak.

At this time, the staff member came over and asked Yang Chen for the bronze medal. After recording the value, he said, "Sir, congratulations on your victory. Next, you only need to win one hundred and forty-nine more games. You can be promoted to a fourth-class boxer!"

"It's too slow."

Yang Chen shook his head and said, "I want to directly challenge the first-class boxer!"


As soon as these words came out, Xiao Rou's staff in the room took a deep breath, and their expressions changed several times.

"Yang Chen, are you crazy?" Xiaorou said in surprise: "Do you know how powerful a first-class boxer is? You, a fifth-class boxer, challenge a first-class boxer, you are courting death!"

Of course Xiaorou knows how powerful a first-class boxer is. Her sister is a first-class boxer in the boxing ring. Xiaorou is quite aware of her sister's strength. Even among the younger generation in the ghost city, she can't find anything There is something that can rival it.

And her elder sister, among the first-class fighters, can only be regarded as a mid-level fighter.

"Sir, are you sure you want to challenge the first-class boxer?" The staff also kindly reminded: "Sir, if you think the current level is too easy, I suggest you start from the third-class competition, after all, the first-class competition... It's still too dangerous!"

"No, just apply for the first-class competition!"

Yang Chen smiled slightly, extremely confident.

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