Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 930 Breakthrough

Biquge, the fastest update is 80,000 years of rebirth!

Chapter 930 Breakthrough

"I want Boss Li's head in Guishi Boxing Arena, can you give it to me?" Tuoba Yao put down the hammer in his hand, looked at Yang Chen, and said suddenly. Although he said it with a smile, Yang Chen clearly felt a trace of seriousness from his tone.

This guy……

Do you really want Boss Li's life?

Yang Chen frowned, and said, "Mr. Tuoba, I have no grievances or enmity with Boss Li, and he also provided me with a place to live. Isn't it kind of you to make such a request? This is not to let me break my promise and do something Is it a villain?"

Hearing Yang Chen's words, Tuoba Yao said calmly: "Since you can't satisfy my request, please go back."

As Tuoba Yao said, he continued to forge the refined iron in front of him, without even looking at Yang Chen, and directly gave Yang Chen an order to evict him. Hearing Tuoba Yao's words, Yang Chen smiled, but he was not angry. He said directly:

"Brother Tuoba, although I can't give you Boss Li's head, I can give you other things." Speaking of this, Yang Chen suddenly took out a small flag from his arms, and said with a smile: "You How does it look?"

"This is……"

Looking at the flag, Tuoba Yao squinted his eyes, and then his expression became a little excited, and he said in a hurried tone: "This is... the soul sacrificial flag? Where did you get it?"

Of course Tuoba Yao had heard of the Soul Sacrifice Banner. This thing could absorb and store ghosts, and it had an unimaginable suppression effect on ghosts and ghosts! Tuoba Yao now desperately needs ghosts to break through, so naturally he wants to get something like the Soul Sacrifice Banner in his dreams!

Looking at the excitement and excitement in Tuoba Yao's eyes, Yang Chen smiled. He knew that he had made the right bet. Tuoba Yao really needed the Soul Sacrifice Flag. However, Yang Chen did not give the soul sacrificial flag to the other party, but put away the soul sacrificial flag and said:

"Brother Tuoba, if you can help me make a sword, I will give you the soul sacrificial flag! This is my sincerity, as for whether you agree or not, it is up to you!"

Hearing these words, Tuoba Yao became silent, as if he was thinking about Yang Chen's words. After a while, Tuoba Yao nodded and said, "Okay, I promise you! However, in exchange, do you have to pay a deposit first? Only in this way can it be more convincing?"


Yang Chen nodded, didn't say much, just waved the soul sacrificial flag in his hand, and then several transparent spirit bodies flew out of the soul sacrificial flag. These spirit bodies are all in the appearance of human beings, but each spirit body has lost consciousness and looks dazed, it is the ghost in the sacrificial soul banner.

Tuoba opened his mouth, and directly sucked these ghosts into his stomach.

"make a deal!"

After absorbing these ghosts, Tuoba Yao's eyes immediately showed a bright light, and the aura in his body also changed, as if his cultivation base had been improved a lot.

"After three days, come to me to get the weapon!" Tuoba Yao said.

Hearing this, Yang Chen nodded, didn't stay any longer, just turned around and left Tuoba Yao's room.

He believed that a person like Tuoba Yao would not lie or break his promise, and that a craftsman, like an alchemist, had his own dignity. Since Tuoba Yao promised himself, then he will definitely do it!

Yang Chen also left very relieved.



After returning to his residence, Yang Chen entered into cultivation. The Underworld is a special place, different from Yangjian. The spiritual power in this place is very abundant, even much more abundant than Yangjian.

But the only difference is...

The spiritual power of the underworld is too cold, and it even contains a lot of negative energy. These spiritual powers are a great tonic for the ghosts and residents of the ghost city, but for Yang Chen, a living creature in the world, it is very difficult. It is a hundred disadvantages and no benefit!


This is not a problem for Yang Chen. Now that he has the Ancient Immortal Physique in his hand, Yang Chen does not need to do it deliberately. The energy of the Ancient Immortal Physique can automatically temper these spiritual powers and transform them into Energy that can be used by oneself.


After exhaling a long breath, a burst of emerald green light gushed out from Yang Chen's body. These lights seemed to have some kind of suction, devouring the surrounding spiritual power greedily.

And these spiritual powers containing negative emotions and coldness were immediately diluted after being absorbed by the green light, reduced to the purest spiritual power, and directly sucked into the body by Yang Chen.

Yang Chen spent the whole day in cultivation.

He sat quietly in the room, motionless, as if an old monk had settled down, and the surrounding emerald green light shrouded Yang Chen's body like a thin film.

A trace of spiritual power, like a trickle, rushed towards Yang Chen's body.

Under these spiritual powers, Yang Chen's body seemed to be a lot taller, and his complexion became more rosy. A sharp breath radiated from Yang Chen's body from the inside out.


Yang Chen didn't wake up, he was still devouring the surrounding spiritual power greedily, and his absorbing power was even stronger, like a whale swallowing.

If Yang Chen was outside at this moment, he would be surprised to find that there was a gust of wind blowing up the entire Li Mansion at this moment. Countless spiritual powers rushed towards Yang Chen's residence like a materialized river.



Wherever the spiritual power passes, sand and stones fly away!

At this moment, the spiritual power of the entire Li Mansion seemed to be emptied.

At this moment, all the people in Li's residence were attracted by this weird scene, and they all looked at Yang Chen's residence.

"What's going on? Spirit power...why has it been drained?"

"Me too, I feel that I can't absorb a single bit of spiritual power, as if... the spiritual power was forcibly absorbed by someone!"

"Is it this guy? Who the hell is he? He can absorb so much spiritual power at once?"

"Yang Chen..."

Boss Li stood quietly in front of Yang Chen's residence, with his hands behind his back, his handsome face showed a thoughtful expression, and he said to himself: "The breath of the Martial Saint Realm, no wonder I thought you were very angry before." Familiar, it seems that you really are from the Yang plane..."

And just as Boss Li finished speaking...


Suddenly there was a loud noise from Yang Chen's residence, as if the entire Li Mansion shook, the door of the room burst open, and billows of smoke billowed like dark clouds.

Huge spiritual power shot out like a beam of light. Yang Chen stepped on the beam of light and walked out slowly, like a fairy descending from the mortal world, making people stand upright.

"Fourth Heaven of Martial Saint Realm... finally broke through!"

The corner of his mouth raised slightly, and Yang Chen smiled in his heart.

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