Two sharp machetes were wielded by Elvis and Cedric.

Amid the constant roars, three more blindly attacking hyenas were chopped in the vitals.

They lay on the ground, breathing out more than breathing in, and were almost dying.

And the remaining hyenas also had more or less knife wounds on their bodies.

But Elvis and Cedric were not having a good time either.

Not only did they each have a lot of scratches, but Elvis's calf was also bitten off by the hyena leader's sneak attack, and a large piece of meat was bitten off, bleeding.

But Felix had not finished bandaging at this time, and he could not return to the car now.

Elvis could only swing the machete regardless of anything, madly chopping and killing hyenas one by one, hoping to kill them all as soon as possible.


Cedric suddenly shouted in a low voice, and used all his strength to swing the machete in his hand towards the lower left.

In that direction, the hyena leader, who thought he was well hidden, was preparing to implement a sneak attack plan while the two of them were not paying attention.

Although Cedric had not deliberately looked at it.

But he had always stared at it from the corner of his eyes, just waiting for this moment to take revenge!


The hyena leader found that his plan was seen through, and he quickly withdrew.

The risky things should naturally be done by the younger brothers. With his status and position, he only needed to enjoy the delicacies captured by the younger brothers and occasionally sneak attack.

But he didn't expect that the two-legged beast in front of him was so unethical that he actually sneak attacked him.


Although the hyena leader retreated quickly, Cedric's long-prepared attack was not so easy to dodge.

He just barely dodged the vital part of his neck, and one of his front legs was directly chopped off by the sharp machete.


The hyena leader howled miserably, rolled back, and shed drops of blood along the way.

However, Cedric, who succeeded in the attack, did not end well.

Because he had used all his strength in the previous attack, his middle door was opened, and he was bitten by another fierce hyena, tearing off a large piece of flesh and blood.

"Evil beast!"

Cedric punched it out with all his strength, and then swung the machete in his hand and accurately chopped its neck.

The ferocious hyena immediately drooped its head to the side, and it looked like it was going to die.

"Felix, are you done?"

"Cedric and I are almost unable to hold on."

Alvis also killed a hyena with one blow, but because he was too strong in the previous blow, the injury on his calf was aggravated, and the blood flowed out faster.

"Okay, I'll come over now."

Felix cut the gauze after hearing the urging, and with the help of the black guide, he wrapped it around his wound randomly, then pushed open the door and got off the SUV.

"Dude, you two don't look good."

When Felix saw the injuries of his two companions, he frowned immediately and understood why Ivis urged him.

Looking at the messy scratches on the two people and the two bleeding wounds.

If he didn't come over, they wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

"Who of you will go to the car to bandage first?"

Felix chopped a hyena away with a knife, and then asked.

Although he knew that his companions were in a very bad situation, he couldn't stop all the hyenas alone.

So he had to leave a companion behind to continue the next defense with him.

"Alvis, go first."

"I can still hold on."

Cedric held the blade across his chest, blocked the attack of a hyena, and then panted.

"Okay, man."

"I'll be back as soon as possible."

Alvis knew that Cedric's condition was not much better. He had already lost a lot of blood from his thigh injury before, not to mention that he was bitten on the chest by a hyena.

The reason why Cedric could continue to hold on was not only because of his own strength, but also because of his strong will.


Just when Alvis was about to find an opportunity to return to the off-road vehicle to bandage his wounds.

The hyena leader who had been watching not far away suddenly let out a shrill howl.

It ordered all the hyenas to attack the two-legged beasts frantically regardless of their lives to stop Alvis's behavior.

With the continuous recovery of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, not only did the animals on the African savannah become stronger physically, but also their wisdom was greatly improved.

The two-legged beasts' actions just now have been seen through by the hyena leader..

It didn't want to leave the injured biped alone, so it returned to the iron box to relieve its injuries.

"Damn it!"

Elvis chopped a hyena away with a knife, adding another wound to the opponent's big head.

But before he could get on the off-road vehicle, the hyena leader rushed over ferociously the next moment.

Elvis could only stop leaving and stood there waving his machete.

Otherwise, if he insisted on leaving, the hyena leader would probably bite off a large piece of meat from his body before he got on the vehicle.

As for Cedric and Felix on the side, they didn't have the extra energy to cover him at this time.

The desperate attack of the hyena group made the two companions, who were already injured, also fall into the point of being exhausted.

Fortunately, after the three people fought repeatedly, there were only six or seven hyenas left in the original 18-head hyena group that could launch an offensive.

As a result, the hyena leader, who had always been extremely cunning and afraid of death, had to personally engage in close combat.

Although it was more robust, one of its front legs was cut off by Cedric in the previous sneak attack.

Now it could only cooperate with a younger brother to barely launch a siege on the seriously injured Avis.


Just as the three of them were fighting fiercely with the hyenas, Cedric cursed again.

It turned out that the thigh he had bandaged before had broken open again after a series of fierce battles.

Even though he was a martial artist and tried to control the muscles at the wound, he could not stop the loss of blood.

Cedric's condition suddenly became more critical than Avis.

If he could not deal with the thigh in time, he would die of excessive blood loss in a short time.

Felix saw that the situation of his two companions was not optimistic, and knew that if it continued like this, the three of them would surely die in the mouth of the hyenas.

So, now is the time to fight for your life!


Felix shouted.

He completely gave up his own defense, then aimed at the neck of a hyena and swung it out fiercely.

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