My eighteen-year-old coming-of-age ceremony: stewed pork ribs at home, and played with the dog after gnawing the bones.

The eighteen-year-old coming-of-age ceremony of the little rich woman: the family gave a high-end restaurant to play.

Yang Shu tearfully ordered two more dishes.

While waiting for the food to be served, he asked curiously,

"How do you usually run a restaurant?" The

latter said confidently:

"Hire the store manager and manager to manage, and I will eat."

Yang Shu smiled:

"You have a restaurant, do you want to eat anything, and you still need to hide in the classroom to steal spicy noodles?"

"No, there is no such high-end goods in the cold storage of the restaurant."...... The

regret of the white kapok was written on his face, and it was obviously practiced.

After a while, the food was served one after another, and the two of them focused on the food, and the frequency of conversation decreased and translated into swallowing.

Yang Shu is a dick, not used to knives and forks, too lazy to experience Western table manners, fortunately there are spare chopsticks in the restaurant.

Bai Kapok only uses chopsticks, saying that it is easy to puncture the tongue if the knife and fork are eaten too quickly.

"It hurts so much that I can't continue to eat because my mouth is bleeding. "

You can eat it slowly. "

It doesn't taste good when it's cold.

Yang Shu bowed his head, probably understanding, just like when he ate the roasted sausage, he picked the one that was roasted and burst with juice, squeaked and splashed.

Although the mouth is hot, this state is the most fragrant.

Halfway through the meal, Yang Shu found that no matter inside or outside the store, there were often scrutiny and gazes, which made people very uncomfortable.

White Kapok didn't react much, it seemed to be Xi.

Yang Shu believes that most of these eyes are looking at the little rich woman, and the other half is novelty and someone is eating Chinese food in a Western restaurant.

Facts aside, Yang Shu made up for the fact that the urban villain jumped out to make trouble, and then was slapped in the face by Bangbang, and he felt a little refreshed.

But this is the reality, no one will provoke others for no reason, and there is no mentally handicapped villain who sets off the protagonist.

Yang Shu stopped thinking, what is the difference between going on like this and dicks?


Half an hour later, the dishes were almost finished, and more than half of them went into the mouth of the white kapok.

Yang Shu was still a little shocked, isn't this a little pixiu?

"Yang Shu, is it delicious?"

"Well, it's better than skewers." "

It can only be said that it is a high-end restaurant, and the home-cooked food can be cooked with a sense of luxury, and the key is not to lose the taste.

Bai Kapok smiled lightly:

"Where is it, it's much worse than the string." "


If this comes out of someone else's mouth, Yang Shu will think that he is too polite, if it is a little rich woman...... She really thinks the skewers are more delicious.

Bai Kapok pressed his hands on his knees, and said with a look of expectation:

"Yang Shu, where are we going next

?" "Do you still have time?" Yang Shu was a little surprised.

"I'm on leave with my family," Bai Kapok said happily, "just play casually in the afternoon and go back before dark."

Before Yang Shu could answer, the mobile phone suddenly vibrated and rang, and Liu Guoqiang's message popped up on the screen:

"Yizi, the party house has been booked, the classmates are ready to cook together, come quickly." "

After eating, I went to sing, I directly fascinated those girls!" The

corners of Yang Shu's mouth twitched, and he lied that he had something to do.

I was going to go, but ...... Moreover

, it is not easy for Bai Kapok to ask for leave, and she doesn't like crowded places, so it is better to go home to take her to a party.

"Classmate Yang Shu?" asked

Bai Kapok with his hair crooked, and the two small balls shook and swayed.

"Let's go to the underground mall," Yang Shu suggested.

In the center of the city, there is one of the most prosperous business districts, and the underground shopping mall is among them, including everything for eating, drinking and playing, which is the most popular among young people.

"Okay, I'll ask Uncle Zhang to drive to deliver it. "


After arriving at the destination, Bai Kapok pursed his lips unconsciously, and his legs couldn't move.

"Is it too lively, not Xi?" Yang Shu asked.

"It's a bit too crowded......

"Change to a quieter

park?" "Is there a skewer in the park?"

Yang Shu shook his head and denied.

Because of the need to compete for a civilized city, the city's appearance requirements are now very strict, and the park is a green leisure place, and of course there can be no roadside stalls around.

"Then here it is.

Bai Kapok took out an expression of indifference to all beings, and walked towards the underground street step by step, but the stride was much smaller, and the small leather shoes stepped on the ground and made a "da-da-da" sound.

Yang Shu was funny and curious

: "You didn't ask, are you sure there are

skewers in the underground street?" Bai Kapok snorted twice, and said confidently:

"I have checked the strategy, and the underground mall is full of skewers!"

"...... "

You really love to eat."

After entering the underground street, Bai Kapok couldn't open his legs again, this time it was not because he was afraid of many people, but because the snack bar was too dense to see at all.

"Can you still eat?"

"I'm left to eat." "

Okay, well, who can tell the difference between you and Pixiu now?"

Yang Shu took the little rich woman to go shopping in the underground street, thinking of leading her to get involved in fireworks, but unexpectedly, she took her around.

Like experiencing the Internet celebrity check-in point, I tried a number of snacks such as pot helmets, grilled cold noodles, fried skewers, and lettuce skin within 20 minutes.

Yang Shu knew why Bai Kapok's family was strictly controlled, otherwise it would have become the ...... now

"Classmate Yang Shu, I can't move," Bai Kapok said embarrassedly, "My throat is uncomfortable when I take a step."

Yang Shu was happy:


too much food, right?" Eating too much in a short period of time, the food was squeezed in his throat.

This also happened to Yang Shu when he was a child, he drank too much rice porridge, and when he lowered his head, he was dripping in his mouth, and he also carried a few millet grains.

"What should I do?" asked Bai Kapok.

"You loosen your belt and try it," Yang Shu said.

The white kapok skirt had a thumb-wide black belt, which was not conspicuous, and Yang Shu only found it when he looked at his legs.

"Oh. "

After the belt was relaxed, my stomach and throat really felt better.

Bai Kapok breathed a sigh of relief:

"You can't do this next time...... Milk tea and roasted cold noodles have to be eaten separately, which scares me to death. "

Little rich woman, are you introspecting?

It's no problem to walk, but you can't walk too fast, so Yang Shu suggested taking a tour bus to rest and eat by the way.

Bai Kapok readily agreed.

The underground mall resembles an underground town, flanked by a variety of entertainment and dining, with seats and art sculptures in the center, and two tracks on the ground for train-like tour buses.

Fifteen dollars a circle, no bargaining.

When getting into the car, Bai Kapok was like a little pregnant woman, holding her stomach with one hand and climbing the pole with the other, so that Yang Shu could hold her back before boarding the car.

"There are so many shops that I haven't been to before. Looking

at the regressive businesses around him, the white kapok neck stretched out, and his eyes were shining.

"Yang Shu, do you often come here?"

"Well, it's all with Liu Guoqiang.

"Will he also accumulate food?" Bai

Kapok asked casually, his attention still on the street merchants, as if to memorize them.

"No, only you will.

Yang Shu's tone was light, he was diligent in the underground street, there was nothing new, and his main interest was in the black silk of the little rich woman...... What brand is it?

The texture is very good, impermeable and matte black, which can be viewed from a different angle and is smooth and reflective.

Strange material, it seems to be easy to touch.

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