Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 1312: Location leading to a man's heart

These works are the relics left by her mother. When she returned to Wen's house, she found them when she organized the boxes left by her. There are many and many works in it, and each one is extremely colorful.

She has been carefully collecting all these years.

Grandpa proposed to hold a mother and her as the theme of the jewelry exhibition, and she thought of taking out her mother's design works as part of today's jewelry exhibition.

But ... she did not take all those works out, but just carefully selected five design drawings and gave them to grandpa. Grandpa personally took the drawings to the factory, and then personally participated in the cutting of the diamond, the polishing of the gem, and the jade. Rough cuts and other tasks.

The factory processed it day and night, and carefully produced it. Finally, these works were driven out, so that these works were presented to everyone in the most perfect posture.

Her idea is very simple. She doesn't want to let mother's work be dusted. She wants to make her mother's reputation so that everyone can remember it.

On stage T, there are still exhibitions of mother's unknown design works. Those who can still lead the show even after more than 20 years, even if they have experienced the grinding of time, they still bloom a unique charm and connotation. The changes that are still novel enough to lead the trend are the outstanding works that can really stand the test.

Wen Xinya looking at the sensation caused by her mother's design, she had a feeling of honor and honor in her heart.

Mo Yunyao is her mother!

Mo Yunyao is her mother!

Si Yixi slowly walked to his side. The changing spotlights of the spotlight's magnesium light, the light and shadow jumped on his cool, cold face. His face and features were as deep as ink stains, quaint, and presented under the lights. There is a nobleness that looks high above the sky.

He stood beside Warm and Ya as a guardian, and whispered, "Your mother's design is outstanding, and with a kind of time-thickness, the jewelry exhibition is quite successful because of her work. , But it's not good for you. "

Mo Yunyao's work has earned everyone's attention. Honestly, it is really amazing. Then, the jewellery design of Wen Xinya design will be overshadowed by such amazingness.

"I know! In fact, for me, as long as the jewelry exhibition today can be successfully held, I will be very happy. As for whether I can become the protagonist of the jewelry exhibition, I don't care if I can be in the Wens Group. Creating a brand is not important to me. "

Moreover, today's jewelry exhibition, she has other calculations.

Wen Ya and Si also stood side by side. At this time, he realized that today Si also wore a black suit and matching shirt. It was the gray-blue dark-bloomed shirt she had just made a few days ago. He hit her on the head. The tie is the same color as the blue gauze, and the cufflinks on the collar are all blue star diamonds. This dress is vaguely matched with the dress on her body. It is not eye-catching, but if you are careful, you can find it carefully.

Wen Ya found out that no matter what style of clothes she wears, Si Yizhen has matching clothes and accessories.

She couldn't help but be curious, did Secretary Si also prepare related collocations for herself when preparing various clothes for her?

She feels that her guess is extremely likely!

Suddenly she felt like laughing, and a man like Si Yijun actually liked to be entangled in such trivial matters. Whenever and wherever, he must declare the ownership of the interest.

Si Yixi smiled, "So, what is most important to you?"

The answer is better than anyone else. He just wants to hear her say it on such an occasion.

The Wen Xinya eyes penetrated the dimly lit auditorium and landed on the bright runway. At this time, on the runway, the representative works of my mother's life were displayed: "Design, for me, the most important thing is Design, one day, like my mother, I will become a real, connotative jewellery designer. The work I design will not be afraid of going through any tests. "

At that time, Grandpa also said that the exhibition of mom ’s unknown design works can bring great influence to the Wens Group, but in this way, it would depart from Zi ’s original intention of holding a jewelry exhibition today, but she insisted that Exhibition of mother's design works.

Grandpa had no choice but to agree.

Only she knew that she was not yet qualified to host such a grand jewelry exhibition.

The exhibition of her mother's work is also to make her clearly realize that the gap between her and her mother has always reminded her that she is Mo Yunyao's daughter. Whether now or in the future, she cannot let Mo Yunyao down.

"What about me?" Si Yizhen's gaze focused on the Wen Xinya, the changing colors of the magnesium lamp, like light and shadow, changing in his pupil, more magnificent.

The Wen Xinya "snakes" laughed, and looked at him jokingly: "This is obviously not comparable, can you not do this, regardless of the reason, regardless of the occasion, regardless of the location, be jealous! "

She was jealous of her favorite jewellery design. She really lost him. She blushed for him.

Si Yizhang looked stubbornly and warmly, and his eyes were enthusiastic: "You haven't answered my words yet!"

Si Yizhen is too clear. Wen Xinya in the jewelry design, the painstaking effort and effort, it can be said that she can shine at such a fast speed, the jewelry industry is brilliant, in addition to talent, it is inseparable from her efforts From the beginning, she has been preparing for her future jewelry design since she returned to the Wen family. She is now in a state of thick hair.

So, jewelry design is the most important thing to her. What about him?

In her heart, who is more important to him and jewelry design?

Warm and Ya could not help but "giggled" and laughed. When Si Yizhen was jealous, he was always stubborn, making people feel that he was especially naive: "You are more important than jewelry design, OK!"

Such an answer does not satisfy Si Yizhen: "Why am I more important than jewelry design?"

Warm and strong, resisting the impulse to stroke, "In my heart, life is the most valuable."

Si Yichen is a living person, how can he be compared with dead things?

But this is only for comparison.

Si Yixi laughed, this smile seemed to burst into flames in a flash: "Baby, do you guess, in my heart, how important are you?"

Wen Xinya gave him a big white eye, and then walked away from him noble and elegant. Does this kind of mentally inferior question need to be asked?

Si Yizhen looked at her proud back, and suddenly laughed, rubbing her sleeves gently with her fingers, just the second cufflink. It is said that this is the position leading to the man's heart.

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