Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 1334: This incident is not accidental

He subconsciously looked down at her feet, and it really started to swell from the ankle bone, but the swelling was not obvious, but the dull pain that began to spread on the feet suddenly penetrated into the nerve endings, giving her a face Suddenly pale.

It really hurts!

Si Yizhen naturally noticed her complexion, her heart suffocated, and even her breathing was stagnant: "Is the pain very bad? It doesn't seem to be too bad."

Si Yizhen looked at her sprained foot, swelling at the speed that was visible to her, and soon became thin and beautiful, and the skinny ankle was swollen and looked a little serious.

Usually, even if a hair is Wen Xinya, Si Yizhen will collect it and let the doctor perform a test to analyze the cause of the hair loss, whether it is pulling or nutritional imbalance. At this time, she sprained her foot and Si Yizhen How distressed it is to imagine.

"It hurts a bit, but it doesn't hurt so much. I can still stand it. Don't worry." Wen Ya wants to say that she doesn't hurt too much, but her senses are so clear that she can't say anything against her, and soon she will Dense sweat permeated his forehead.

Si also mutely said, "You bear with me, we will be at the hospital right away."

Just now the tense mood just dropped because of the scene where the crystal giant lamp fell, at this moment ... Si Yizhen's whole heart was raised again, and his ever-swollen foot was always touching his heart.

And that foot had swollen like a bun in a short period of time.

How delicate and fragile the ankle bone is Wen Xinya. He knows better than anyone. When loving, he holds her slender ankle bone more than once, watching her tremble under his body, feeling the pair Fine feet, trembling in his palms.

The car quickly arrived at the hospital, and Si Yichen had arranged for the best orthopedist to wait in the rash doctor.

Si Yizhang arrived in the rash treatment room with a Wen Xinya way.

The doctor first examined the Wen Xinya injury, and then took a film, and finally concluded: "Fortunately, no bones were injured, but the ligament was loosened and partly torn, which is a minor sprain, but due to the scope of the ligament tear Heavier, so it hurts more. "

Si Yi was relieved, but fortunately only a slight sprain, but when he saw the sweat stains overflowing from the pain due to the pain on his warm and pale face, his heart couldn't help lifting it.

Warm and comforted him: "I'm fine, this level of sprain, and do some emergency measures, it won't hurt too much in a while."

Because it is only a minor sprain, medical treatment is not required. The doctor suggested using physical therapy, and Si Yizheng naturally had no objection.

The nurse prepared ice cubes and applied ice packs for warmth and elegance. Immediately after the sprain, the ice packs were used to slow the blood circulation of the injured area, reduce the accumulation of blood in the wound, reduce the severity of the injury, constrict blood vessels, and reduce swelling and pain.

"Leave it to me!" Si Yizhen naturally took the towel wrapped in ice in the doctor's hand.

The doctor naturally had no objection, but just instructed: "Ice compresses for about 15-20 minutes, once every 3-4 hours, and hot compresses after 24 hours. The number of times is the same as that of ice compresses. After 48 hours, cold and heat can be alternated. For five minutes of water and one minute of cold water, massage can be performed within 24 hours. The massage intensity can be appropriately increased during 48 hours. Do not stick plasters within 48 hours. After 48 hours, apply some drugs such as bruises. "

Si Yizhang wrote down what the doctor explained, put her warm feet on her legs, and then carefully applied her feet with ice cubes.

The irritation when the ice cube just touched the skin made the warm and subconscious consciousness shrink his feet and slowly adapt.

About three or four minutes, her skin was paralyzed by cold, and her senses began to paralyze. The sprained feet were no longer spread like those dull pains just now, and her Wen Xinya complexion looked better.

Si Yizhang looked up at her. Her face was still pale, with a forbearable expression and a fragile beauty. He whispered, "Does your foot hurt?"

Wen Xinya: "It's much better."

Although my feet didn't swell much, it was no longer swollen at the speed visible to the naked eye. Although not as painful as before, the feeling of cold and numbness was uncomfortable.

Seeing that her face was not so good, Si also tried to turn the topic and draw her attention: "Xin Ya, this time, it was not a simple accident."

Si Yizheng's voice was low and pleasant, but the confidence revealed in the words was frightening.

The Wen Xinya look suddenly freezes: "You mean ..."

Her breathing was a little messy, only she knew it. Only at the jewelry exhibition, how dangerous was the moment the crystal giant lamp fell. If it was not an accident, then the other person obviously wanted her-- Life!

Wen Xinya believes Si Yizhen, but it is somewhat unbelievable. She didn't think about "not an accident" before, because the jewelry exhibition was under the slogan and she came to the exhibition. Extraordinary, rich or expensive, no one would be so bold in such an occasion, not to mention use this method that will be implicated to take her life.

Si Yizhen knew that at this time, he was shocked in his Wen Xinya heart, and he nodded: "According to my brief observation before and after, the crystal lamp is no matter when it falls, how it falls, or even its orientation. The person standing under the crystal lamp is almost impossible to escape. The purpose of the other party is simple and straightforward, and it is also quite rude, that is to take your life. "

If the person standing under the crystal lamp today is not Xinya, or Xinya's skills, it is slightly worse, the awareness of the crisis is slightly dull, the sensitivity is a little slower and half a beat, and the strain difference is so small, then the consequences will be Unbelievable.

and so……

Even if Xin Ya successfully escaped, he was still a little afraid.

Because this incident sounded a wake-up call for him, his protection of Xinya was far from enough, and the other party could not only choose the timing to start, but also create the opportunity to start.

The Wen Xinya face became increasingly ugly: "Is it the H-Z League of Nations?"

The people who hate her most in this world are Shu Ning Shuqian and Xia Ruya. If someone wants to take her life, except for these two people, they do n’t think about others, but Xia Ruya is too smart to be in She was attacked by everyone, even if she had the ability to pick herself up afterwards, but according to Xia Ruya's caution, she would not do so.

In the end, there was only Ning Shuqian.

Ning Shuqian dared to set off this accident on such an occasion, and didn't even care about it. After the incident, the consequences will also take her life. Naturally, she has to rely on her, Can only be at the mercy of her HZ League of Nations.

After all, she doesn't think that Ning Shuqian has the ability to arrange this.

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