Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 1359: Invitation to appointment (1)

At ten o'clock in the morning the next day, Liu Yanhua took Liu Yanhua to the invitation of Mr. Jill-De-Casteil.

Wenya takes the invitation very seriously, so she also made some careful preparations.

She wore a blue knee-high cheongsam, blue-purple iris flowers, on the smooth and delicate satin surface, quietly and calmly blooming, just like a beautiful butterfly, elegant and beautiful.

The upper body is paired with a white mink fur collar and a red cashmere shawl. The elegant Chinese red is enthusiastic but noble. The white mink fur collar is romantic and pure, neutralizing the blue with a slightly cool hue. Without showing too much publicity.

Her body is paired with shiny nourishing white jade, with a translucent color, almost comparable to that of the mink fur collar around the neck. The texture is exquisite, the luster is moist, and it looks like gel, and neutralizes the gorgeousness of her body. Elegant and soft.

The French's favorite colors are three colors of blue, white and red, and even the colors of their national flags. These three colors are also used. The three colors are warmly and boldly used to express Gill-De- Mr. Kasdeyi's respect and welcome, but wearing a small cheongsam full of the characteristics of the Z country, showing the country's dress style, and it does not look too catering, not decent, but also humble.

With Europeans, if you want the other person to feel respected, then you can basically become friends with them.

Yes, it is respect!

It is not catering, not flattering, or flattery, but a kind of respect for equal status.

Respect-is a noble virtue, an external manifestation of an individual's internal cultivation, and an expression of self-connotation. It is a quality that a person must possess. It reflects the cultural literacy and moral cultivation of an individual, as well as the cultural heritage of a nation.

Mr. Cozy and Mr. Jill-De-Castier are in a world-famous French restaurant. This restaurant only accepts reserved seats. Except for open dining on the first floor, from the second floor, each floor has a private room. The styles of the private rooms vary, but they are all exquisite and luxurious.

The seat booked by Mr. Jill-De-Castell is on the ninth floor of this restaurant.

Wen Xinya was welcomed into the restaurant by Miss Yingbin.

Another standard French beauty service lady came forward politely and said in English warmly and smilingly: "I have an appointment with Jill-De-Castier."

"It turned out to be Miss Wen." The waiter quickly turned to the side and made a gesture of please: "Mr. Jill-De-Casteil arrived five minutes ago, and is waiting for Miss Wen. Miss Wen, please follow me Come."

Whether it is talking about life or posture, it is impeccable perfection.

Warm yuppies.

Regardless of the last life or this life, Warm and Ya loved Chinese food more than Western food, and she had a large amount of food. Western food did not satisfy her appetite, so she did n’t have many opportunities to eat Western food. This was her first. Visited this restaurant.

Take the special elevator directly to the ninth floor, and the service lady came to the private room with warmth and elegance: "Miss Wen, please come in!"

Entering the private room, Wen Xinya, the private room is about 100 square meters, which is equivalent to a house. The decoration style inside is typical Italian style. It is beautiful, harmonious, seductive and dazzling, giving people a bright feeling. .

Gil de Castell is wearing a cream-grey suit and is sitting on a beige sofa by the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the magazine with his legs crossed. Although he is 45 years old, Western men are not too old. And he has a good temperament and looks like a mature man in his thirties. He mixes his body with the nobility and gentleness of aristocracy, which is very good.

At this time, seeing the Wen Xinya coming in, he put down the magazine in his hand, stood up from the sofa, greeted him warmly, and embraced the Wen Xinya.

"Miss Wen, nice to meet you, oh! What a beautiful and noble woman."

He uses Chinese, and he speaks Chinese very standard, without any inflection.

"Mr. Kasdeyi, I'm glad to meet you too. You are also a gentle and graceful gentleman."

After Gil-De-Castelly kept his courteous hug, he let go of the Wen Xinya: "Beautiful lady, I'm glad you were invited to meet me today, please sit down!"

When Gil-De-Casteil knew that the person he wanted to meet was Wen Xinya, he naturally had a deep understanding of Wen Xinya, knowing that this young girl had a high status in the circle of Beijing's high society, and She is also a very talented woman. Country Z inherits the oldest and mysterious culture.

Her grandfather, Mo Gong, is also a French writer who highly respects big writers.

And he himself greatly appreciates her talent for jewelry design.

A warm and smiling seat: "I am honored to receive your invitation from Mr. Kasdeyi."

On such occasions, the ups and downs are naturally indispensable, which represents the French people's enthusiasm and cheerfulness, and the Wen Xinya always keeps the honor of Jill-De-Casdeilly and calls on his teacher, Mr. Descast, this is a kind of right His professional respect, while avoiding the first meeting between the two sides, seemed rusty. .

Gill-De-Castroi naturally heard it, and appreciated the beautiful woman in front of her more and more: "Wen, like your mother, you are a very charming woman. You don't need to be so kind. Please call my name directly-Jill! "

Jill feels good about Wen Xinya. No matter it is only the two sides say hello to each other or her dress, it gives him a respectful, but not exaggerated performance. Expressed in the idiom of country Z, that is generous and decent, not humble.

In the eyes of the French, the women of country Z are mysteriously restrained, subtle and elegant, generous and decent, and gentle and reserved. Today, he has seen all these beautiful terms on the young lady of the Wen family.

Wen Xinya call: "Mr. Jill."

At this point, Wen Ya has already known that this Mr. Jill-De-Casteil said that he truly recognized her.

Jill seemed very happy, the gentleman asked, "It's ten in the morning, and two hours before lunch. Why don't we order some delicate refreshments and talk as we eat?"

The French value dinner, and generally important invitations are in the evening.

The reason why Jill picks the morning is to go to the countryside to follow the custom. People in Z country always pay attention to the morning, visit relatives and friends, meet guests and friends, and other important invitations. Generally, it is in the morning.

A Wen Xinya smile: "The guest is at his discretion, and I have no opinion on your arrangements, Mr. Gil."

This Mr. Jill is more cordial than expected, and Wen Xinya appreciates him very much.

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