Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 1361: Legend of the Phoenix Nirvana

On this trip to the Z country, Gil took the initiative to ask him. He came with full sincerity and 12 points of confidence, so Gil never thought that Wen Xinya would reject the request of the Paris Fashion International Jewelry Association because Paris Fashion International The Jewelry Association's request is a supreme honor for all jewelry companies and jewelry designers.

Jill's face dimmed, blue eyes, and he looked warmly and earnestly, "Wen, I have to admit that you are a very good negotiator. Your words gave me a lot of touch. I almost You have been convinced. "

Just almost, he still hopes to complete this mission.

The Wen Xinya hands hold the white-lacquered gold teapot, and the peony national color painted on the teapot is not as beautiful as her hand: "Mr. Gil, from the standpoint of being a child, I believe my mother Yunyao also does not want it to be put on the shelf forever. The beautiful blessings of life, love, happiness, and expectation need to be passed down from generation to generation to reflect the significance of its existence. "

"But if you agree to our request, it will complete your mother's peak achievement in the jewelry design industry. Your mother is a master of jewelry design. This achievement is the dream of all the world's jewelry design masters. As a child, you have the qualifications and even the obligation to achieve such a dream for your mother. "

Gil has lived in Country Z for several years, and naturally knows that the people in Country Z attach great importance to the meaning of inheritance. It is this inheritance that gives this nation an extremely strong heritage. He respects the culture of this country and also respects the new year that we know today. Little friend, but all this does not become an understanding to convince him.

It must be said that across the oceans, different beliefs and different national cultures make it difficult for him to feel the same.

Wen Xinya tea for Jill, fresh green tea soup, misty mist, tea fragrance is quiet and far-reaching: "Mr. Jill, our country Z is a country that values ​​inheritance, the inheritance of life, the inheritance of blood, and the continuation of incense. Life is endless. I wonder if you have heard of the legend about the Nirvana of the Phoenix? "

Jill froze: "I know that Phoenix is ​​called an undead bird in your country Z. It is a beautiful noble and magical creature."

Wen Xinya, holding up a tea cup for a slow drink, and looking under the mist of mist, it is leisurely: "The legendary Phoenix is ​​a messenger of happiness in the world. Every five hundred years, it bears all the negative pain accumulated in the world. Self-immolation in the blazing fire, the end of life and beauty in exchange for the peace and happiness of the world, they can also be born a better body after experiencing great pain and reincarnation. "

Jill suddenly felt a shocking feeling: "It turns out that this is the true spiritual belief of your country Z. You are reborn in pain and despair. From then on, life regenerates, love continues, happiness spreads, and expectations look forward."

He understood that Mo Yunyao's original intention in designing the baby phoenix, and also understood Mo Yunyao's strong and warm love for Phoenix Nirvana. This is a mother who ends her life and beauty in exchange for her daughter's life inheritance and happiness. In the future, this is the inheritance of life and the continuation of blood.

Inheritance and continuation is the meaning of life being reborn.

He suddenly felt shocked, but it was just a set of cold jewelry, but Mo Yunyao gave it so many beautiful souls. Mo Yunyao's jewelry design level has already reached the peak of the world!

However, the world interpreted her works with their shallowest understanding, and did not really understand the souls contained in the works she designed.

This is also true of the International Jewellery Association, including the fashion that thinks it is the pinnacle of the world.

This is probably why Wenya really rejected them.

Even the real soul of Feng Ju's jewellery set doesn't understand. Why would you cherish this set of jewellery?

This set of works displayed in the museum is just a set of cold soulless jewelry.

Mo Yunyao doesn't need the so-called vanity name, just as she abandoned the championship at first, followed the pride of her heart, and showed her proud soaring soul to the world.

Jill, frustrated for the first time, he felt Wen Xinya today's words, let him open a new door in the interpretation and understanding of jewelry.

She knows that she has persuaded Jill with emotions, but it ’s not enough: "Mr. Jill, presumably you are very clear. At the jewelry exhibition of the Wens Group, I was in front of all the guests who participated in the exhibition, and even the whole Everyone in the world has said it. "

She paused, with a solemn look: "My mother's five sets of works by Ms. Mo Yunyao will be used as a sales strategy for the next generation of collections, to find them truly cherish their owners. I am Miss Wen Jia, At the same time, he is also the heir to the Wen family in the future. We Wen family is just a businessman.

Everyone knows that warm and yabby, it is not a good thing for Wen's Group to be too late, too much fame. Unless Wen Group is a world-leading existence like Patek Philippe, sooner or later, one day, you will suffer too Back fame brought by his reputation.

In other words, most of the heads are worn by most hats.

Only good jewellery design works are the basis of inheritance and continuity. The benefits obtained by external means are only external.

Jill has been thoroughly convinced, he was convinced by the Wen Xinya understanding of inheriting life: "Wen, you convinced me with an understanding of ethnic cultural heritage and the most beautiful spiritual faith story, although I still Don't understand too much, your spiritual beliefs, but I choose to respect it. "

He has to admit that Wen Xinya is a very attractive woman, her body is full of mysterious oriental colors, as dazzling and gorgeous as a phoenix.

Wen Ya is very happy: "Mr. Jill, I'm glad you can understand my difficulties. When I heard that on New Year's Day, the Fashion International Jewellery Association will host a world jewelry exhibition, and I will take Feng Chu to board for France. The plane in Paris puts it personally on a stand at the jewelry fair hosted by the Fashion International Jewellery Association. "

Although she persuaded Jill, she did not have the heart to let the other party come in vain. Jill was a very nice person. She was willing to make good friends with him.

Jill is so happy and excited, he stands up and embraces Wen Xinya: "Wen, you and I have met, the most empathetic, the most intelligent and intelligent woman, oh, I have a good friend like you And proud. "

Although he could not win the permanent exhibition right, the result now is a worthwhile trip for him.

Warm and sincerely felt Jill's enthusiasm and excitement: "I don't know if Mr. Jill is free tomorrow, I would like to invite you to visit the Wen's Group to see that set of Phoenix chicks."

Jill was happy: "Oh, of course I'm free, I'm looking forward to it!"

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