Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 1366: This is young phoenix

At this time, Liu Yanhua brought the security of the Grand Hotel, warm and Gil-De-Casdeil, under the cover of the security, finally broke through the siege of reporters, at this time a rental car on the roadside The car drove to their side.

Both Wenya and Gill-De-Casteil quickly got on the car. The car slipped a dozen meters away in an instant, leaving only a tube of exhaust gas. There was still a lot of chasing after, but they could only watch the car go away. A bunch of journalists.

"Miss Wen, where are we going?" The uncle driver asked.

Only then found that Uncle Driver was the one who had brought her here before. It seemed that the uncle had been waiting by the side of the road after she had just brought her here.

I am very grateful to you, I want to get the first time in this time period, it is really not easy, if there is no such uncle's convenience, I am afraid they are not so easy to get rid of reporters.

"Uncle, please send us to the Wen's Group." Since Mr. Fang Caier has been interviewed publicly, it is not necessary to cancel the original plan because he does not mind the exposure of the whereabouts.

"Okay!" Uncle driver answered quickly.

"Mr. Jill, this time your whereabouts are leaked. It is a mistake in Wen's confidential work. I'm sorry." Warm and sincerely apologized to Jill's old reasons. Although he had already expressed his apology in front of the reporter, She still wanted to apologize to him in person.

"It's not all your Wen family's mistakes. As a public figure, I must always be aware of being disturbed by reporters. Moreover, although my trip to Beijing this time was deliberately low-key, it was not completely secretive." Jill didn't mind this very much, and naturally he would not deliberately deliberately speculate on the Wen family through the fashion international jewelry association and his reputation.

In his opinion, his identity would provoke the media for granted.

Mr. Jill's forgiveness and understanding of this matter made Wen Xinya grateful.

Soon, the car went downstairs to Wen's Group.

Not surprisingly, Wen's Group gathered a large group of reporters. When the car came over, the scene suddenly boiled. If it was not Wen Xinya, he called Grandpa in the taxi and told him that his planned itinerary was not. Change, Grandpa made arrangements early, I'm afraid they will face the dilemma of containment again.

Both Wen Ya and Jill-De-Casteil were covered by a group of security guards and entered the Wen's Group building. Mad reporters were blocked by the security guards from their sturdy bodies and did not cause them any trouble.

"Mr. Jill, welcome to Wen's Group." Wen Xinya expressed her warm welcome to Ms. Jill.

"Oh, this is my honor. I'm looking forward to seeing Ms. Mo Yunyao's set of young phoenixes." Gil's expression was very happy, and he was also looking forward.

The arrival of Mr. Jill-De-Kasdui has also caused a sensation within the Wen Group. Everyone is welcoming and looking forward to the arrival of Mr. For the group, it is a great glory.

However, Jill-De-Casteil only came in private, so the inside of the Wen's Group did not show a grand solemnity.

Wen Xinya wearing a light blue Chanel uniform. The shoulder of the uniform is embroidered with blue and white embroidery on the shoulders, and a white stand-up collar lace shirt is elegant and fresh.

The matching of her jewelry is also a low-key and elegant, with a hint of noble luxury, a full set of blue and white agate jewelry, not as bright as diamonds, not as dazzling as gems, and not as quaint as jade, but a kind of The dynamic brilliance flows, as if the purity and elegance of the plum blossoms have been washed away.

An elegant and capable image, leading Gil de Castell to the Wen Group, attracted everyone's praise.

Everyone knows that Gil de Castell is a noble who truly has the nobility's culture and heritage. Noble elegance is inherent, and others are standing with Gil de Castil He took away the glory.

But Miss Wen and Mr. Jill-De-Casteil were standing together. She was graceful and elegant, yet elegant and beautiful, but she did not lose her talents.

To be able to stand up to the aristocracy, Miss Wen was truly extraordinary.

The elevator goes directly to the top floor. This is the Jewelry Showroom of the Wens Group. It displays all the works listed by the Wens Group over the years. This is the important place of the Wens Group. It has the world's top security system. Only Grandpa has the talent permission.

When she knew she was warm and inviting Jill-De-Casteil to come to Wen's Group to visit the young phoenix, Grandpa had given her permission.

Wen Xinya opened a showroom where all the mother's works were displayed, including the young phoenix: "Mr. Jill, please come in."

Jill-De-Castell and Wenyi Yayi entered the showroom, and his breath was taken away by one of the dazzling jewellery in the room. He couldn't help but exaggerate: "Oh my gosh ... it's unbelievable I believe this is really shocking. "

He has seen all the works of Mo Yunyao's birth, but this is the first time to intuitively take all her works into account.

Wen Xinya laughed: "In this world, you can see all my mother's design works, except for me and grandpa, you are the first."

Even Wen Haowen has never seen it before,

Jill was excited: "It's a great honor for me."

Every piece of Mo Yunyao's work has its own unique style and connotation. Gil tried to visit and interpret these works in a Wen Xinya way that is emotional and colorful, and sure enough ... he felt himself I have some new knowledge about these works.

In the end, his gaze was on the young phoenix, and he could no longer move.

"This is Feng Chu." Wen Ya emphasized.

Jill has completely lost his speech, watching the young phoenix up close, the powerful vitality of the vitality is impacting the soul, he can feel the blood of life is rushing in his veins.

"Wen, I started to regret my previous decision, Chu Feng ... there is a breathtaking beauty that we are suffocating, and at the same time an impulse that I desire to own."

"Winner Group's plan for the next generation of collections will start soon, and I will leave you a set for Mr. Gil."

Jill was very happy, and then sighed slightly: "It's a pity that Paris Fashion International cannot win its exhibition rights."

"Maybe Mr. Gill can look forward to it, and I will give permission in the future to make up for this regret." It was obviously a joke, but the Wen Xinya expression was extremely serious.

Jill suddenly laughed: "Wen, I will definitely look forward to that day, you must not let me down!"

He didn't doubt this girl, because she had a dazzling trait on her body, which was only possessed by jewelry.

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