Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 1372: Warm and elegant fate

Then Gu Junlin's death in the last life must be related to the H-Z League of Nations.

As far as she knows, although the H-Z League of Nations is deeply entrenched in the capital and has penetrated into some powerful families, but Beijing is the center of the rights of the country Z. The H-Z League of Nations will naturally take extra care when acting.

Therefore, they need a clean and prestigious platform on the surface, and use this platform as a cover so that they can run their forces unbridled and various illegal activities.

This platform is the Wen Group.

In the last life, she was jointly pitted by Ning Shuqian and Xia Ruya. Eventually, she walked step by step towards the fallen abyss. The mud foot was deeply trapped, but Wen Haowen was full of spirit. His indifferent temperament was not exposed, and his grandpa was not disappointed Throughout the end, the Wen Group was controlled by Wen Haowen step by step. The HZ International Alliance controlled Wen Haowen by controlling Ning Shuqian, so at that time, the Wen Group had been controlled by the HZ International Alliance.

With the cover of the Wen Group, the H-Z League of Nations will act more unscrupulously.

To grow your power, two things are essential: one is wealth, and the other is power.

The Wen family has the wealth, and the Zhou family is the right.

Therefore, they will strengthen their control over the Zhou family.

She can guess that Zhou Tianyu was unwilling to be at the mercy of H-Z League of Nations because of her feelings for Gu Junlin, and finally H-Z League of Nations arranged Gu Junlin's death.

In this life, she was born again. With a strong attitude, she tore Ning Shuqian and Xia Ruya, disrupted all calculations of the H-Z League of Nations, so Gu Junlin survived well.

Complicated in the Wen Xinya heart.

It turned out that there was a fixed number in the meditation, and the irrelevant people of the previous life had already been closely related to their fate.

"I can't believe why the Zhou family ..." Because of the relationship with Zhou Tianyu, she is very familiar with the Zhou family. She can't imagine her broad and wise grandfather Zhou, the gentle and uncle Zhou, The gentle and beautiful Mrs. Zhou would be willing to be at the mercy of the HZ League of Nations and use her power to do all kinds of illegal acts.

"Xin Ya, in this case, the Zhou family is also a victim. The HZ League of Nations is all-pervasive. You may have fallen into the trap of the other party when you did not know it, and then fell into the mud and could n’t dial it out, just like Gu family. It was like that. "

That being said, Xinya's heart will probably feel better!

Xinya's environment from her childhood has led her to be more affectionate than the average person. As long as others are good to her, she will treat each other with heart and soul.

At this point, the Wen Xinya heart had already set off a stormy sea: "Gu Family? You mean Black Sunday?"

At that time, the Gu family and Black Sunday were very close. Yang Chongguang was instructed by Ning Shuqian to hype the scandal between her and Xu Chenyu. In order to get out of Ning Shuqian, with the help of Gu Junlin, he set up a gambling game on Yang Sunday to calculate Yang Chongguang. .

"Yes, it is Black Sunday. Six years ago, the HZ League of Nations had already extended the Devil's Claw to Gu's family. Black Sunday was used as a medium to infect Gu's family and penetrate Gu's family. However, due to your interference, Black Sunday was cleaned. The Gu family was sheltered by the Jiayuan Club and eventually escaped. "

The Gu family is also fortunate, otherwise the Gu family would have fallen into mud.

The Wen Xinya mind was a little stunned.

Si Yizheng's words, like a wake-up call, struck hard in her atrium, and she thought of something that she had never thought of before.

Warm and ya took a deep breath, and the sharpness in her eyes was like the fact that the needles burst out: "Mom's death, my disappearance, Ning Shuqian's superiority, Xia Ruya became a child of the Wen family, I even suspect that Xia Ruya's identity was exposed I was taken back to the Wen family, which also included the writings of the HZ International Alliance. The purpose was to use it. Ning Shuqian, Xia Ruya, and I mixed up the Wen family's trip, and they took advantage of the fishermen. "

In this way, many doubts in her mind could be explained.

Her disappearance made Grandpa and Grandma so heartbroken that she did not have the energy to control Wen Haowen. Ning Shuqian had the opportunity to marry into the Wen family smoothly. At the same time, she cut off the only connection between the Mo family and the Wen family. No matter what happened to the Wen family in the future, the Mo family would not show up.

Ning Shuqian's upper position is just a chess they buried in the Wen family.

Xia Ruya is the second chess piece. She had previously doubted that there would be such a coincidence in this world. Rose-shaped birthmarks were originally extremely rare. How could there be a second with exactly the same position in the same position? What about your birthmark?

Now all this has been explained.

Although the Wen family entrusted Wen Haowen to take care of it, the real authority has always been in the hands of Grandpa.

The H-Z League of Nations must break this balance in order to gain control of the Wen family.

Therefore, she returned smoothly to the Wen family.

At this time, the contradictions of the Wen family will erupt completely. She and Ning Shuqianxia Ruya are full of contradictions. Grandpa's energy is dispersed and the H-Z League of Nations organization takes advantage of it.

It wasn't until this moment that Warm and Ya really found out that her last life was so sad that her destiny had always been manipulated.

Si Yizhen once again saw the emotion of despair and sadness in her face, and she felt a slight pain in her heart, and clenched her hand: "Relax Xinya, those who dare to manipulate your life, I will not let them go. "

From the first day he knew Xinya, he knew that Xinya had an almost paranoid desire for power, and she was eager to master her own destiny.

Where does this paranoid obsession come from?

This does not fit. A young girl who has been living abroad for fifteen years, once returned to the Wen family and enjoyed a state of wealth and prosperity.

There must be hidden feelings.

However, for so many years, he has not found any clues.

Warm and sad mood, little bit of calm, soft voice, with a hint of sadness: "Well, is it possible for the Zhou family to get rid of the control of the H-Z League of Nations and return to the right path?"

She and Si Yizhen worked out a series of measures to deal with the HZ League of Nations organization. If she wanted to completely eradicate the power of this organization in Beijing, then the Zhou family could not survive. She was in a difficult position and did n’t know what to do. .

She didn't want to hurt Zhou family because she was dealing with the H-Z League of Nations. She didn't want to cast a shadow on her friendship with Zhou Tianyu because of this, so that this friendship was no longer pure.

Si Yizhen naturally understood her thoughts and whispered: "I guess the fact that the Zhou family knows that they are at the mercy of the criminal organization will never exceed five years. Although the power of the HZ League of Nations has penetrated the Zhou family, The control of the family is not strong. With the sudden accident in the old family of the Zhou family three years ago, his legs were bad and he retreated from politics. Zhou Tianyu's father was deliberately marginalized in the past two years. Home control becomes weaker. "

Wen Xinya eyes brightened: "You mean ..."

Si Yizhen leaned down and kissed her lips, and gently pointed her messy hair between her foreheads behind her ears: "Xin Ya, as long as it is what you want, I will do it for you."

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