Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 1381: Si Yifan Fanwaijiu (End)

Xia Ruya and Xiao Jingnan will not know until they die. Why will there be such a flaw in the seamless arrangement of tomorrow, and why the Wen Xinya death will be photographed and broadcast in public at their wedding scene.

In fact, this is very simple, they all forgot a sentence: If people don't know, unless they have no choice.

All this is attributed to Wen's maid Wang Wang.

After seeing the video of Granddaughter, Grandpa Wen fainted in anger and anger. As an old servant who served Grandpa Wen, after returning to the hospital, she went home to clean up the daily necessities used by Grandpa Wen. After seeing this scene, she remembered the feelings of the late wife Mo Yunyao in her mind, and quietly took this scene with her mobile phone, which eventually became a strong evidence against Xia Ruya.

Si Yijun cleverly used Xia Ruya's and Xiao Jingnan's wedding, arranged an S plan for the HZ League of Nations, and also participated in the event, as well as the military, and Grandpa Wen also provided convenience in this operation. The Zhou family also became a major contributor to the success of this event.

The H-Z League of Nations organization ’s influence in Beijing has been stirred up by roots, including the H-Z League of Nations ’organization in other provinces and cities, and the number of people involved in the case has shocked the world.

Si Yizhen came to Huaishan Cemetery again, set foot on the stairs leading to heaven, and came to the Wen Xinya tomb.

This is the first time he has come to her grave after her death.

The girl above the tombstone is probably what she looked like when she just returned to the Wen family. She has not been destroyed by drugs, she has a youthful vigor, and she is born with pride and embarrassment. A pair of beautiful Phoenix eyes flash. With a bright and dazzling look, a sweet smile was raised on the corners of the lips, but there was an unruly smile between them.

This is the first Wen Xinya, clean like Qionghua he put in front of the tomb in his own hands, rotten and jade.

Si Yichen's heart was in pain. Thinking of many years ago, he returned to Beijing. He happened to hear that Mo Gong had found his real granddaughter. He was going to see her. The other day, he was in the Pearl Mall. Hung glanced at her thin back, but was assassinated and hurried away because of her whereabouts.

Since then, it has been years, and meeting each other has been beyond recognition.

He regrets that the future will be in the best years of each other.

It's also a pity that I missed the best time I had with each other.

Is it God's will, or does it make a difference?

Two people who are obviously irrelevant, but because of Mo Gong, because of the H-Z League of Nations, eventually intertwined their destiny.

Si Yiming half-knelt in front of the tomb. His long fingers like jade bamboo, gently stroked the face on the tombstone, and said quietly: "Maybe you will never think that when you do n’t know, someone has quietly It's stationed in your life, paying attention to everything, even intertwined with your destiny for various reasons, but ... we are all strangers in each other's world, strangers who don't know each other. "

He tasted the bitter fruit of a single thought.

If, that day at the Jiayuan Club, his heart was not caught in too many important things, but he just stretched her gently, and maybe the result would be different.

However, this world will never be if.

Si also said: "This is the first time we have met officially."

Yes, for the first time!

For so many years, because of Mo Gong, he took a look at the Wen Xinya photos, but he did not pay much attention to her, because the more he knew about her, the more disappointed his heart was, and he was disappointed with Mo Gong. People who admired him had such a grandson daughter who disgraced his reputation.

At that time, he did not know that the dark clouds of the H-Z League of Nations had covered Wen's family, and her fate had been manipulated.

Mo Gong is the most admired person in his life, such as a teacher and friend, and a respected person like his relatives. Therefore, he has also worked **** Wen Xinya. He secretly helped her go to the jewelry design department of Qingyuan University. Asked her mentor to take care of her and gave her the opportunity to study in France. He sent the world's top detoxification expert, who paved the way for her, but she did not fight for it, and missed the opportunity again and again. . She was so depraved and so discouraged that it really made him very angry.

In the end, he was reluctant to bother with her, she was not worthy of being Mo Gong's granddaughter.

He is willing to shelter her, to take care of her, and to protect her life, but that's all.

Si Yizheng's voice was slightly hoarse: "Hello, Wen Xinya, I'm Si Yizheng. Although he and Mo Gong do not have the name of masters and apprentices, but they have the truth of masters and apprentices, you can call me Brother Si!"

How long has Si Yizheng not been mentioned by him?

Si Yizhen's memory is a little vague. It seems to be 23 years old. Since the death of his mother and father at the age of seven, no one has called it. It represents the name of the sun and the mother's expectations of her. , The name 恍惚 was generally sealed by dust, Zo is in the box deep in his memory.

Everyone calls him Xia Sijiu, Rex or Lucifer!

It ’s just that no one in the world knows that this is just a code name, not his real name.

Because no one is qualified to know that this bears the best name of his life.

"Xia Ruya is suspected of murder by HZ League of Nations for organizing various criminal activities and will be executed with a three-year suspension. Ning Shuqian is suspected of organizing various criminal activities by participating in murder and planning various criminal acts. , Execution will be punished and suspended for two years. Wen Yuya was involved in the murder and participated in various criminal acts. He was sentenced to seven years in prison. Xiao Jingnan was suspected of murder and was suspected of organizing various criminal activities by the HZ League of Nations. One year. "

"Mrs. Wen can't bear the blow, her mental disorder has already gone to the mental hospital, Wen Haowen has become a vegetative in a car accident, and Mr. Wen donated the only property left by the Wen family to your charity in your name. Emotionally, I have only left my life. "

Not only that, even if Xia Ruya, Ning Shuqian, and Xiao Jingnan are about to face death, they will not make them better in their later lives. To live ... often it is worse to die than to die.

Si Yizhen suddenly asked in a low voice, "Are you satisfied with this result?"

The young girl in the photo looked at him so quietly, his eyes were bright and focused, and his smile was pure and sweet, as if the Qionghua Yujie was full of life. In these days, he was like a demon, and he often remembered that day in Jia The scene of the meeting in the Garden Club was a bit fuzzy, and her appearance at that time was also a bit faded, but the hoarse and charming voice always sang in her ears when she dreamed back at midnight.

Si Yi slowly stood up and looked at her with a high look: "Although I haven't fulfilled my promise of sheltering you, now I can be considered revenge for you. You can rest under the nine springs."

Si Yizhen turned and step by step left the tombstone that caused ripples in his life and planted a throbbing girl in his soul.

At this time, Si Yizhang had not realized that this throbbing, he would spend his whole life to remember, to pay tribute, to reflect on ...

This is destiny!

Belongs to his fate already established, unable to break free.

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