The sun shined into the room from the floor-to-ceiling glass window, and fell on the two people hugging and sleeping on the big bed. Gu Junlin's eyelids sank, and the dazzling light stimulated the sensitive eyelids, leaving his confused brain. Gradually awake, he tried to open his eyes, and the sun suddenly shot into his eyes, irritating his eyes dry and painful.

"Huh!" He groaned, trying to reach out and rub his swollen temples.

With his arm sinking a little, he tilted his head subconsciously, and saw Zhou Tianyu holding his arm, curling around him, sleeping peacefully, and Gu Junlin's whole body fell asleep.

The chaotic brain exploded like a bomb, blasting him almost to the ground.

The memory belonging to last night drowned him like a tide.

Yesterday, he learned that Zhou Tianyu was going abroad, and he was distressed, so he drank a few more glasses. He didn't know how to call the Wen Xinya phone. Later, he didn't remember what happened.

However, he clearly remembered that he seemed to have a long dream.

In the dream, Zhou Tianyu confided his love words to him. He was excited when he wanted her, because the dream was so beautiful, so he remembered every detail in it.

Is it all true, not a dream at all.

When he was drunk, he asked Zhou Tianyu.

Realizing this, Gu Junlin suddenly panicked, and his mind was full of blank emotions. For a while, he didn't know what to do.

At this moment, Zhou Tianyu woke up, opened her eyes, and looked into a pair of panic eyes. Those memories of indulgence and passion that belonged to last night suddenly surged up. For a time, Zhou Tianyu was in flames. She was so ashamed that her whole body was hot, so how dare you visit Gu Junlin.

Her dodge made Gu Junlin's heart sink to the bottom of the valley instantly. He panicked and explained: "Heaven ... Tianyu, sorry, I drank too much last night. I ... I ... are all my fault."

Gu Junlin didn't know how to explain it. He hurt Zhou Tianyu. This is an indisputable fact. No amount of explanation is futile. As a responsible and responsible man, he couldn't say those sophistry words. He couldn't do anything. It never happened.

His heart was more fearful. Zhou Tianyu never accepted him. She had been avoiding, always dodging, and even decided to go abroad in order to hide from him. Now he did this to Zhou Tianyu after drinking. How could Zhou Tianyu forgive him.

Zhou Tianyu heard the panic implied in his voice, and the inexplicable embarrassment and distress in his heart: "Gu Junlin, I ..."

Gu Junlin hugged Zhou Tianyu in excitement, letting go of him as a man, and whispered in a low voice: "Tian Yu, I was wrong, I shouldn't have done something so inferior to you as drunk and chaotic, this is it, I have nothing to say, but I beg you not to leave me and give me another chance. I will love you for a while. Would you not go abroad? "

Gu Junlin couldn't care less about self-esteem. The wrong person was him. I'm sorry Zhou Tianyu. He just wanted to forgive her. I hope she can give him another chance. Don't stay away from him because of this. .

Zhou Tianyu hugged Gu Junlin and sighed: "Do you think you did this to me because of the disorder after drinking?"

Zhou Tianyu only felt sad, how proud Gu Junlin was, and what a spirited person, but in the face of her, he was always so cautious.

She shouldn't do this to Gu Junlin.

How innocent he is. He doesn't know about the Zhou family at all, but he has to bear it. Her ambiguous dodging and cold rejection are how cruel to Gu Junlin.

Gu Junlin dared not go to see Zhou Tianyu. He almost desperately said, "If you must insist on going abroad, then ... Is it OK to live with you abroad?"

He has loved Zhou Tianyu for more than ten years, and loving her has become a habit, a paranoia, and even a part of his life. He never thought of giving up, maybe because he was unwilling, maybe because he was too loving, he was willing Do everything for Zhou Tianyu.

"Fool, I am willing." Zhou Tianyu's eyes were wet all at once. Gu Junlin was not the kind of man who would chase girls. He even looked a little timid in his emotions. You feel his sincerity and can make you cry.

Gu Junlin froze, and Mumu stared at Zhou Tianyu like this: "You ... what are you talking about?"

Did he hear it wrong?

Or did he hallucinate?

Zhou Tianyu looked at his dumb appearance and broke his tears with a smile: "I said that last night I was willing, Gu Junlin I love you, I want to be with you, I can't let you go."

She didn't want to hurt Gu Junlin anymore. Gu Junlin couldn't let go of her and insisted on leaving. For Gu Junlin, it was more hurt. And she couldn't do without Gu Junlin. Without Gu Junlin, she wouldn't have any meaning if she was alive. Why did she escape?

No matter what happens, she has to face Gu Junlin together.

Gu Junlin was completely stunned. He felt as if he was dreaming: "You ... you are telling the truth? You didn't lie to me, am I dreaming?"

Zhou Tianyu actually said that he loved him, that he wanted to be with him, and that he couldn't let go of him. He thought he must be dreaming, all this was not true, but ... even if he was dreaming, he was ecstatic and wished for this. Never dream to wake up.

Zhou Tianyu couldn't help but "giggled" and laughed. For the first time, she found that Gu Junlin was so cute, and she twisted Gu Junlin's arm fiercely.

"Ah-" Gu Junlin grunted with cracked teeth.

"Can't it hurt?" Zhou Tianyu's eyes flashed with tears of joy, and she asked while laughing.

Gu Junlin quickly said: "No pain, no pain at all!"

Even if it hurts, he won't say he hurts.

Zhou Tianyu twisted him fiercely again: "Does it hurt?"

He shouted so loudly that he didn't hurt.

Gu Junlin couldn't help but exclaim with a loud voice: "Ahhhhh ... it hurts, tap it, tap it ..."

Everyone said that the most poisonous woman's heart was not wrong at all, but he didn't know what was wrong. He just felt so terrified that Zhou Tianyu was twisted and mixed, so relieved that he almost suspected that he was actually abused.

Is he really an M?

Zhou Tianyu asked with tears: "Do you feel real now? Do you still think you are dreaming?"

Gu Junlin froze completely.

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