The ring designed by Shen Siwen is a beautiful, smooth, lifeline tiger head goldfish on the ring, a small and cute white goldfish, and the beautiful and beautiful lifestar ruby ​​on the top is polished. The most amazing thing is, that life The shape is full of fashion sense.

The bracelet is also the same goldfish series, but it is a narrow and long koi, a whole fish body, which is connected end to end. The fish body is topped with polished ruby-inlaid scales, which are very beautiful.

The brooch cat, lion and tiger head goldfish, the head of the tiger on top of it is a gorgeous peony flower-like graceful appearance, small and delicate fish tail, looks very cute.

These three kinds of design works can not be called bold or novel. The creative inspirations and design concepts are straightforward, the content is not enough, and the soul value is a little bit worse, but it is different. Ingenious, delicate and lovely.

Whether it is the old-fashioned design technique or the exquisite design style, many viewers appreciate it. More importantly, the design works are full of commercial sense, which caters to the preferences of many industry watchers, and many of them easily get high scores.

It must be said that most of the audience are visual animals, and naturally cannot appreciate the connotation and soul value of a work.

Wen Xinya can not help but admire, Shen Siwen is indeed worthy of operating in the jewelry design industry for a long time, not only has strength, but also know how to cater to the tastes of many people.

It seems that her biggest competitor today is still contemplative.

Shen Siwen said: "My design inspiration comes from the fish tank in the hotel room I live in."

Shen Siwen's looks are sweet and her voice is sweet with softness. This sounds naive and childish, but even so, she looks tender and no one feels any disagreement. Instead, she feels a little bit against her. Feel good.

Shen Siwen continued: "After discovering the rules of the finals, the organizers of the competition broke my communication with the outside world. Even going out was subject to various restrictions. At that time, I saw the carefreeness in the fish tank. When I went to the little goldfish, I suddenly envied the fish's freedom, so I was inspired to design these three works. "

Compared to the Wen Xinya interpretation of her works with Greek myths, with profound knowledge and rich language, it gives people a sense of unconventionality, while the contemplative introduction and interpretation of her works are simple and straightforward. Seemingly uncharacteristic, but she gave a kind of innocent innocence, combined with her exquisite and cute design, even more highlight her special.

I have a special feeling, which makes it easier to stand out.

But straightforward also has the beauty of straightforwardness. When played properly, it is extremely easy to counterattack and succeed.

The host laughed: "Next, please ask the judges to rate.

Mr. Jill praised Shen Siwen's design works, pointed out the shortcomings, and finally gave her a high score of 90.

Other review teachers also scored.

The highest is 98 points and the lowest is 89.

Shen Siwen's review scores are not Wen Xinya.

The expression on Shen Siwen's face was a little cracked, but she soon covered it up, and no one noticed it, but she couldn't help but glance at the warm and sophisticated look.

Soon the audience ’s ratings came out, and it really did n’t surprise the audience. The average rating of the audience was as high as 96 points, which was 4 points higher than the audience.

Shen Siwen's face finally showed a smile. These 4 points were her Wen Xinya capital to counterattack.

The moderator said: "Do you want to know, Wen Xinya with high scores with bold and novel styles, and different styles, and contemplative style with lovely ingenuity and super high commercial value, who is better than them? ? "

"Think!" The atmosphere was once again alive.

The host chanted: "Next, let's look at the total average score,"

The audience's total average score and the judge's total average score constitute the final score.

Everyone is holding their breath.

Shen Siwen was also extremely nervous, staring at the big screen with his eyes wide, clenching his hands into fists, and praying in his heart: Must exceed 95 points, must be better than Wen Xinya, and must win the championship!

The rapid beating of the screen several times made Deng Siwen almost dazzled, and her heart followed the messy beating numbers, while her beating was frantic, chaotic and irregular. Her forehead and tip of her nose were filled with dense sweat. .

In just thirty seconds, it seemed as long as a century, and it seemed like only a brief moment.

Soon, on the big screen, Shen Siwen finally averaged out.

93 points!

2 points less than Wen Xinya.

The smile on Shen Siwen's face could hardly be hung up, but she has participated in many jewelry design competitions and experienced failures, so the expression on her face has been maintained.

Su Wenya suddenly understood why Shen Siwen would lose to her.

In fact, Shen Siwen's design is quite good.

Shen Siwen will lose to her, or because the review score is not as high as hers.

You know, in the jewelry design competition, the percentage of judges' scores is the highest.

The judges look at a design work and the audience and business people are different. The judges have a very high evaluation perspective. They pay more attention to the connotation and soul of the work, as well as the talent and talent of the designer. As well as accumulation and strength.

The Milan World Expo International Jewelry Design Contest is a purely jewellery design competition platform. Although it has a commercial atmosphere, it mainly reflects the strength of the author itself, and the requirements for the reflection of commercial value are second only.

Shen Siwen has participated in too many jewellery design competitions. Most of the jewellery design competitions are held to reflect commercial value, so she forgot that the Milan International Expo International Jewelry Design Competition is an international competition.

"It's a pity that Miss Shen's total average score is 2 points worse than Miss Wen. So far, Miss Wen's score is still the highest. There are still two participants in the field who have not scored yet. Can the participating designers succeed in counterattacks and get higher scores in the next competition? Let's wait and see! "

Shen Siwen's face paled uncontrollably, looking at the Wen Xinya eyes, with a bit of grievance and unwillingness, as if Wen Xinya had snatched what should belong to her.

The Wen Xinya feeling is very keen, she felt her eyes, clear eyes, like polished black agate, sharp and restrained, but the brilliance was faint, flowing noble and mysterious charm.

Shen Siwen looked coldly into such a pair of implicit restraints, as if condensing a powerful force, so that anyone could not resist, her heart suddenly shrank, and a guilty mood made her panic.

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