Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 1536: I believe you are the best

National Capital Z, Sheshan Manor!

Si Yizheng is watching the live broadcast of the Milan World Expo International Jewelry Design Contest. On the large screen display, she is warmly and elegantly wearing a light blue printed plaid high waist Confucian skirt and a pleated skirt. The top sagged down, and she was graceful and elegant, with a light blue **** her chest, tied with a beautiful bow, and the ribbon of the bow hangs down to the skirt. The knotted strap, fluttering and flowing, made her graceful.

The Wen Xinya at this time is undoubtedly self-confident and powerful, like a dazzling pearl, left behind and independent. The intense light of the magnesium lamp was plated on her body, like a sacred silver light, which filled her with bright and dazzling light.

Seeing her designing the Athena Guardian made him think many times. She snuggled in his arms. He held the Greek "Athena Biography" and asked her to refer to one of the twelve main gods of Greece. Story of Athena.

Following the Qibaozhen necklace, she combined religious culture with fashion trends to express the rich connotation and soul value of the work. She also gave a huge surprise, combining the mysterious and splendid Greek myths as the background, combining alternative fashion trends. She has a deeper level of expression in the connotation expression of her work, and has a much stronger understanding and expression of the connotation. The most rare thing is that the value of the guarded soul has been excellently demonstrated.

She finally won the first place in the design drawing ranking, which was also his expectation.

As for the physical display contest, Si also revealed a meaningful smile, and he was looking forward to her next performance.

At this time, Si Yizhen's cell phone rang.

When he saw the caller ID on the phone, a clear smile appeared on his lips: "Xin Ya!"

Si Yi's soft voice shouted her voice, making the Wen Xinya heart tremble a moment: "It's me, the ranking of the final design drawings has ended, and all the restrictions of all participants have been lifted, so I am now Can communicate with the outside world. "

Li Lang had given her the mobile phone she had with her, as well as electronic devices such as laptops, and she called Si Yizheng as soon as possible. Until this moment, she did not know how much she missed her.

At this moment, when she heard his voice, she was so nervous and a little overwhelmed.

When Si Yizhen heard her slightly nervous voice, she could guess her inner joy at this moment: "How is the game?"

Although he watched the live broadcast, he wanted to listen to her personally tell him about the game and share this exciting joy with her.

Speaking of the competition, Wen Xinya is obviously very happy. He shared with him a lot of interest about the competition, including the design inspiration of Athena Guardian, as well as some details of the competition, and even talked to him. Works of opinion.

In the end, she could not help expressing her emotions: "I did not expect that the manifestation of commercial value is also crucial in this high-spec international jewelry design competition."

She still participated in too few jewellery design competitions, and the value of jewellery design competitions was still lacking. She also thought of the dolphin set designed by the contestant from France, combining the connotation of the work with the embodiment of commercial value. And scored high.

If it weren't for the contestant's own strength, she would not be able to win the first place in the ranking competition with design drawings.

Si also said quietly: "Jewelry itself is for people to wear, no matter how pure and how high-specification jewellery design competition, the embodiment of commercial value is part of the final score of the competition."

Xinya is very good at grasping the combination of the commercial value and the soul connotation. Looking at all her design works, each work can have a good response, which is her advantage.

Wen Xinya laughed: "You are right, if the work you design has no commercial value, even if you design the best work, I am afraid that it will not be recognized, the eyes of the masses are clear, everyone said yes, It ’s really good. Although jewelry design pursues bold innovation, it doesn't mean that the sword is offensive. "

Wen Xinya just said that, and did not really feel that the jewelry design contest, the commercial value of the body is wrong, but like the contemplative embodiment of the pursuit of commercial value, she totally disagrees.

The Athena Guardian she designed, in order to pursue a breakthrough in the "Ruby" design theme competition, so the design style is biased to be bold and novel, very different and unique, in order to give people a visual impact and dilute the reflection of commercial value , But this does not mean that the works she designs have no commercial value.

Si Yiming listened to her cheerful voice, her heart was soft: "I look forward to your next performance!"

Wen Ya held the mobile phone and rolled it on the bed, with a soft smile on her face: "Do you have such confidence in me?"

The dolphin designed by the French contestant, she couldn't help but admire, the commercial value and the connotation of the work will be particularly obvious in the real thing. At that time, she will receive 1 point because of the strong connotation strength and the reflection of the soul value Your advantage over that participant will become less obvious.

As long as the French contestant puts more effort on the real thing, it is too easy to counterattack her.

Many people think so.

Si Yiyun used a weak tone, but his tone was with unwavering trust: "I believe that you are the best."

The connotation reflects that many jewelry designers can reach such a level through learning, accumulation, and experience.

The expression of soul value can only be achieved by many truly well-known jewelry design masters. Xinya is only 21 years old this year. She has reached such a level, which is enough to laugh at the Milan World Expo International Jewelry Design Competition.

Not to mention, Xinya also has a killer.

Wen Xinya "giggle" smiled, and suddenly whispered: "Si Yizhen, I miss you!"

In normal times, Si Yizhen is always by her side, and he loves her well and takes good care of everything. In addition to Si Yezhen's strong and overbearing in bed, he is always unable to fight, can not help but get angry, She has been cared for almost in every aspect of her life.

But now there is no Si Yixuan beside her, everything must be done by herself. This strong contrast makes her more and more aware that Si Yixuan is good to her.

Si Ye held the hand of his mobile phone, and suddenly felt tight, and suddenly felt dry lips and itchy throat: "I miss you too."

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