Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 1685: The days of the Wens Group are about to change

The Jingcheng Finance Channel on TV is live broadcasting at this time. Wen Xinya came out of the court and was interviewed by reporters. The reporters' shots always aimed at Wen Xinya.

She wore a light gray coat, a white fox fur shawl collar tightly wrapped around her neck, and even lined her small face, as if it were the size of a slap, elegant and beautiful, small and exquisite, and a heavy coat was worn on her, not at all She was bloated, but she was even thinner, her back was slender, and she had a graceful elegance, noble elegance.

In the face of the media, she was calm, calm and elegant, and the aggressiveness of the media set off her impeccable status.

Chu Jingnan shook the red wine in his hand, his complexion turned away, making it impossible to spy.

"Mrs. Wen's, she really deserves it."

Xia Ruya followed his eyes and fell on the TV, as Wen Xinya as the stars and moons, and the wet emotions in her eyes began to brew, and she got a pair of eyes, and she became darker and darker, as if she had no bottom. Abyss of hell.

Chu Jingnan drew his eyes lightly: "It seems that the scandal between the Wen family and the couple's bite and the drama of the media's public opinion are almost finished."

Surprisingly, this storm against the Wen family and the Wen's group was full of excitement, but it ended in this way, and it was quite a bit of a bullshit.

"Did you see clearly?" Xia Ruya suddenly turned sideways, half of her body rested on Chu Jingnan's chest, gently raised his tie with one hand, and played with charm: "The storm in Wen's family is basically It's Wen Xinya. "

At this time, Xia Ruya's mood was not so good.

Ning Shuqian does have a mental disorder, but as far as she knows, most of her illnesses are pretended, which is not serious in itself, and it is difficult for the psychiatrist to find out the illness.

At the beginning, Ning Shuqian's false pregnancy was dismantled. Wen Haowen insisted on divorce. In order to keep her identity of Mrs. Wen, Ning Shuqian directed the incident of Wen Haowen [derailment gate], and deliberately used her mental runaway to show, not only eluting The suspicion on the body made Wen Haowen dismiss the idea of ​​divorce.

For a few years in the nursing home, Mr. Z invited the world's most famous psychiatrist to treat Ning Shuqian's mental disorder, because her condition is mild and it is extremely easy to cure.

However, what Xia Ruya never expected was that Ning Shuqian's condition had relapsed, and she was still so fierce.

Chu Jingnan sat in confusion, slowly put the red wine in his hand on the glass coffee table: "Oh? How can you see?"

He had previously speculated that the matter of the Wen family had contributed warmly and elegantly.

However, it is clear that this one beside him did not contribute less.

He stood by and did not stop Xia Ruya.

"The Wen family husband and wife climbed and bite each other. She did not come forward to resolve it and let the situation develop. The Wen Group suffered a heavy blow, and she stood by, because she knew that the scandal would not damage the foundation of the Wen Group. To begin the trial, when Ning Shuqian sued Wen Haowen's case, she stepped forward, and the timing was not bad. It can be seen that she had already grasped Ning Shuqian's condition information. "

Xia Ruya's voice was soft and sweet, like a sound of nature, but at this moment her heart was in a state of hatred.

She challenged Ning Shuqian, intending to promote the development of the Wen family, and thoroughly mixed the water of the Wen family. On the one hand, it could damage Wen family. On the other hand, it could cause the Wen group to suffer heavy losses and damage its foundation. It can help Mr. Z to take control of the project of the casino in his hands.

However, all her calculations were in the hands of Ning Shuqian.

Really, success is better than Shuqian, and defeat is better than Shuqian.

Chu Jingnan thought deeply: "It seems that the days of the Wen Group will soon change."

This Wen Xinya move is intended for the Wen Group!

Wen Haowen was solved without fighting, not only did he not show his father and daughter against each other, but he also took the limelight in front of the media, and stood up at the time of the Wen Group's crisis, and won the Wen Group. The hearts of the people.

This is a plan to kill three birds with one stone!

The Wen Xinya methods are as sharp as before, but they are much older.

Xia Ruya laughed sneerly: "Yeah! Wen Xinya is really a good plan, before she unknowingly laid down a terrible situation, deceived everyone, counted everyone, including you and me."

Wen Haowen and Ning Shuqian climbed and bite at each other and poured dirty water, which caused Wen Group's heavy losses. Wen Group was full of dissatisfaction and condemnation against Wen Haowen.

At the time of the incident, as a party to the incident, Wen Haowen, the president and major shareholder of the Wen Group, not only did not take the responsibility to resolve the matter, but also allowed the situation to continue to expand, offending many of the board of directors and the shareholders' meeting. People, caused many shareholders to withdraw their shares, and Wen Haowen became a sinner of the Wen Group at this time.

On the other hand, at the critical moment of the Wens Group, the Wen Xinya appearance came out in sharp contrast with Wen Haowen.

Suddenly Chu Jingnan asked, "Do you think the news that Father Wen was hospitalized due to illness?"

The court turmoil subsided, and the next focus of the media will be on the elderly Wen Wen, who was hospitalized due to illness, and even he could not help speculating about the truth of the matter.

"Bacheng is true. Although she is very powerful, she is self-assured and scornful of lying and deceiving. I guess Father Wen is not only sick, but also very sick. Otherwise, according to Father Wen Temperament, when Wen Haowen was in a scandal, he couldn't be tolerated. The dismissal of Wen Haowen's president is still light. How could he be so Wen Xinya to play such a set? "

The person who knows you best will always be your enemy.

Xia Ruya was the daughter of Wen family for twelve years, and the three-year adopted daughter. It can be said that she was raised and raised by Mr. Wen.

In this world, no one knows Father Wen better than she does.

Chu Jingnan smiled rather than smiled: "Then ..."

He has no doubts about Xia Ruya's inference.

Xia Ruya's lips are delicate, and her delicate lips are like delicate white roses: "Cozy and elegant is a set of playfulness, and as far as possible, conceal the illness of Father Wen, we might as well play with her. ? "

Said far away, she took the red wine in Chu Jingnan's hand, took a sip slowly, put her lips to Chu Jingnan's lips, and fed the wine into his mouth.

Chu Jingnan's generous acceptance clearly showed such ambiguous and intimate behavior, but he did have a general sense of restraint. The mellow liquor permeated his lips, and he fainted away: "It is really wonderful!"

I don't know if it's the taste of wine!

Still lips soft.

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