Wen Xinya dropping the gang of health care brand guilds and leaving alone was simply arrogant and arrogant. It immediately caused public anger, and there was a lot of dissatisfaction in the conference room.

"What, it's crazy!"

"Yeah, it's too arrogant!"

"Who does she think she is! For a week, she really changed."

"A week, why did she make us believe her!"

"Young man, there is no one in his eyes. It is always bad to be arrogant."

"I think she's afraid of being fired by us as the acting chairman, so she deliberately postponed it. I don't know what tricks she will play after a week?"

"The T-K Group is in the limelight. Even our old guys can't help it. She is a milky little girl who can't do anything. She can't say anything."

"She said let us give her a week, okay ... let's give her a week and see what she can say after a week."


Regardless of the wave of dissatisfaction with Warm and Ya in the conference room at this time, Warm and Ya did not care.

The gang of health care brand guilds originally accepted Luo Desen's recommendation because at that time the entire country Z health care brand market, only Lanxin Company was not only not trapped in the acquisition battle of TK Group, but also firmly with TK Group. Compete and perform consistently well.

To put it plainly, due to the general trend, there is no choice in the choice.

In fact, they did not recognize Lanxin Company in their hearts. It must be that Lanxin Company was not qualified for this task either in terms of seniority or her own age.

Therefore, it is not necessary for Wen Xinya to deal with them and see how their faces behave.

Wen Xinya out of the health brand guild, they saw that college students, as well as people with a strong sense of national honor, organized demonstration groups are blocking the entrance of the health brand guild.

They pulled the banner and were angry.

"Boy foreign acquisitions!"

"Protect national brands!"

"The health brand guild is useless, allowing foreign investment to eat into the country's health brand market."

"Lanxin Company is eager to open its hearts to T-K Group and let T-K Group deceive our national brand."

"Bella, the acting president of the health brand guild, colludes with T-K Group and sells national brands!"


The Wen Xinya footsteps paused, and the whole body exudes a strong momentum.

At this time, it was more than ten in the morning, and the car at the entrance of the health care brand guild was passing by, and the flow of people was endless.

Even the reporters rushed to the scene and rushed to the scene to slap the protesters.

For a while, the lights kept on, people gathered more and more, and it seemed to be magnificent and spectacular.

"Bella is out ..."

There was a surge of people.

"Pop-" An egg smashed head-on, just hitting the Wen Xinya hair, the egg white, the egg yolk suddenly overflowed.

Zheng Yi was frightened, and quickly put Wen Xinya behind him: "Miss, are you okay!"

He had no idea that the emotions of these people were so angry that they even smashed eggs in public.

"It's okay, I just hit my hair, and I didn't hurt." Warm and Ya felt a sticky hair on her hair, and the eggs went down the forehead, slowly flowing into the mask.

The smell of rotten eggs is disgusting.

This taste is very unpleasant.

"Miss, we might be in trouble!" Zheng Yifan looked dignified.

The boycott of acquisitions and the reporters are coming together. This battle may not be easy to resolve.

"Yan Shaoqing, he will be here soon." Under the mask, no one could see the Wen Xinya expression at this time, but her condensed voice still revealed her discomfort.

Yan Shaoqing received the news before. Someone was troubled at the entrance of the health brand guild, and knew that Wen Xinya was in trouble, so they had come to answer them.

Zheng Yifan said slightly: "These people have accused Lanxin Company of eagerness and let you sell national brands. I am afraid that this is the method used by T-K Group."

The T-K Group was still a little bit upright, but after the battle for the decisive battle started, it was completely reduced to the bottom third.

I'm afraid it's related to Xia Ruya.

That woman is an unscrupulous master for the purpose.

"Not necessarily. A large number of people are provoked and provoked by the T-K Group, and some are indeed arranged with the T-K Group."

The Wen Xinya voice is indifferent. This drama, like a farce, is dominated by Xia Ruya. In this vicious way, she intends to give her a fatal blow.


There were more and more people, and more and more journalists. At this time, the reporters found her Wen Xinya, and immediately blocked her up.

Cozy and embarrassed, the masses and journalists who resisted the acquisition were unable to escape for a while.

"Miss Bella, please give us an interview."

"Excuse me, the health care brand guild. What is the content of this mobilization meeting? Does the guild respond to the T-K Group's cannibalization of the country's health care brand market and formulate a corresponding counterattack strategy?"

"Since the battle between Lanxin Company and T-K Group has begun, it has been in a passive beating situation. How do you deal with T-K Group's fierce pursuit of Lanxin Company?"

"Ms. Bella, the weakness of Lanxin Company also represents that Lanxin Company's defeat has been set and it is no longer able to compete with T-K Group?"

"There are rumors that since you acted as the agent of the health guild, you have been questioned by the members of the guild, and you have been in a tense relationship with other members of the guild. Is this true?"

"It is reported that the health brand guild has been very dissatisfied with you, and even intends to fire your acting chairman. Is this true?"

"It is rumored that the T-K Group bought you a lot of money, and you are interested in selling your national brand. What's your explanation?"

Questions from reporters are sharper than one and more difficult than one.

Wen Xinya was surrounded by reporters, wearing a mask, and couldn't see the expression at this time, but the dignified majesty on his body still made people a little bit timid.

"I have only three points to explain about your question."

Warm Arden paused, his eyes were slightly condensed.

"First, the health brand guild and Lanxin Company will fight against foreign acquisitions to the end. Before the last minute, I hope that everyone will not have any negative speculations on us. Otherwise, it will hit the TK Group's arms and hurt the loved ones. fast!"

"Second: Neither Lanxin Company nor I will do it. It is the act of liking and selling national brands. This is the intention of TK Group to stir up our conspiracy. I hope everyone will calm down and not be affected by anyone. Incitement and provocation. "

"Third: Lanxin Company is deeply passive, but it has not been defeated. I hope everyone has some confidence in us. We cannot give up our support for national brands until the last minute."

To sum up the three Wen Xinya points, there is actually a lot of content that can be tapped.

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