Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 1730: Lanxin company sues T-K Group

PS. Offer today's update, and by the way, get a ticket for the 515 Fan Festival of "Beginning", everyone has 8 votes, and you will get the starting currency for voting. I beg you for your support and appreciation!

The T-K Group never thought of it.

After publicizing the crisis of violations, as a legal person in charge of Lanxin Company, Warm & amp; Co. filed a lawsuit against T-K Group with the International Court of Justice, copying the formula of plagiarizing Lanxin Company's traditional Chinese medicine and health products.

After the court obtained the evidence, it had accepted Lanxin's complaint.

The court issued a subpoena to T-K Group.

Lanxin's series of counterattacks against T-K Group shocked everyone even more.

No one had expected that Lan Xin Company, which had been passively beaten since the battle between TK Group and Lan Xin Company, had been almost passively defeated. It had even been determined that it had lost interest and even sold national brands. The big hat actually caused such a fierce heart attack on TK Group.

Everyone keenly smelled the terrible gun smoke war between Lanxin Company and T-K Group.

Those who resisted the acquisition, were emotionally outraged, and instigated by the T-K Group. After a series of actions by Lan Xin Company, they couldn't help feeling ashamed of their previous actions, and respected Lan Xin Company and Bella.

Lanxin didn't do anything, it was not doing nothing, but the time was not up.

They all misunderstood Lanxin and Bella.

For a while, the National People's Congress united and resisted the frenzy of acquisitions even more than before.

Warm and gentle slowly walked out of the court.

At the gate of the court, there are many people who are concerned about this acquisition war, as well as a team of college students who resisted the acquisition and cheered for the Wen Xinya cheers. The reporters mingled among them and dug out more valuable news.

See Wen Xinya.

Everyone was emotional, the scene burst into warm cheers, and intense applause.

Everyone held a bright red banner with the words "Boying Foreign Acquisitions and Protecting National Brands" and "Lanxin Company's Righteousness, Bella's Good", especially striking.

Furthermore, a female college student rushed out of the crowd and stood in front of the Wen Xinya: "Miss Bella, please accept my apology. Previously, we did not know the truth, and were instigated and provoked by the conspiracy of the TK Group, misunderstood. you."

Then more and more apologies sounded.

"Ms. Bella, you are a true national righteousness. In the face of great pressure from TK Group, you always lead the guild of country Z health brands, and take Lanxin company to stand in the forefront of resisting acquisitions and protecting national brands. In the face of everyone's misunderstanding, public opinion, condemnation, and attack, you still do not change your mind, and you deserve respect from all of us. "

"Miss Bella, you are my idol from today, please take my knees!"

"Lan Xin is good, Miss Bella is good!"

There was a fierce boiling at the scene.

Reporters flocked.

"Miss Bella, why do you accuse T-K Group of copying the formula of TCM health care products from Lanxin Company? Do you have the exact evidence in your hands?"

Wenya Ya replied: "I believe that everyone is very clear. Previously, TK Group successfully countered a nuclear researcher of Lanxin Company. This researcher did not receive preferential treatment after entering TK Group. He discovered that TK Group's TCM product data and Lanxin's formula is surprisingly similar. After Lanxin's investigation, it was confirmed that the TK group's shameless behavior. At present, the evidence I have in hand has been submitted to the court. "

Naturally, she had enough confirmation to make such a move.

A reporter asked: "The health brand formula was leaked and used by the T-K Group for counterfeiting. Is it because of a series of data related to the product quality of Lanxin Company?"

Before this incident was full of enthusiasm, Lanxin Company also completely defeated the T-K Group and won the product war with the T-K Group because of the open and transparent product quality.

A Wen Xinya nodded: "The data is generally difficult for ordinary people to use counterfeiting, but the masters of the Chinese medicine industry can still see some clues, coupled with the world's top research and development team, cracking the formula is not difficult."

This is the kind of plan that was buried by T-K Group before the Wen Xinya.

She knew that after T-K Group and H-Z International Alliance were involved, she knew that Xia Ruya would definitely participate in T-K Group's acquisition plan, and guessed that Xia Ruya would recommend T-K Group to be a TCM health care product.

The release of relevant data of TCM health products is to throw fishing lures and attract T-K Group.

The reporter said: "It is understood that the T-K group is responsible for the research and development of traditional Chinese medicine health care masters, is the well-known Chinese physician Basil."

This matter is not a secret in the media.

People may not know much about Basil, but only know that he has a high status in Chinese medicine.

However, the reporter will more or less be exposed to some news about him, knowing that there are some problems with this person's character, but there is no precise evidence, and the media has not really reported it.

The Wen Xinya voice said painfully: "Most of the masters of traditional Chinese medicine have high prestige and self-respect, and almost no one will do counterfeiting and plagiarism, so I did not expect that one day, the TK Group would actually take Lanxin's formula To crack down on Lanxin Company. "

Traditional Chinese medicine health care products are so well developed. Even if there is a formula for basil, it will be more difficult to successfully develop.

The T-K Group will not invest more energy and time to research. If so, when their products are developed, the day-lily of the acquisition battle will be cold.

Reality also forced them to speed up the process of research and development.

If they want to develop first-class health products in terms of quality and effect in a short time, their only way out is to copy the formula of Lanxin Company.

Otherwise, if the developed product has defects in quality or effect, it is self-destructive.

"Miss Bella, do you have anything to say about T-K Group copying the formula of Lanxin's health brand?"

Wen Xinya groaned and said, "TK Group is a world-renowned big company, with the world's top R & D team, and has been standing at the forefront of world health brands, but I had no idea that they would do such despicable things. It's really losing the demeanor of a world-renowned large company. At the same time, it's also the most basic quality and moral cultivation that an enterprise should have. "

The reporter was uproar.

Wen Xinya said coldly: "About the TK Group's counterfeiting and plagiarizing the formula of Lanxin Company's health products, Lanxin Company will use the weapons of French lawyers to pursue accountability to the end. Here I would like to advise TK Group, please cherish the feathers, cherish yourself The reputation that is easy to manage, and cherish the good corporate image and brand influence you have built, don't do anything to destroy yourself. "

The words are Wen Xinya, and the words are as sharp as a knife.

[515 is coming soon, I hope to continue to hit the 515 red envelope list, and on May 15th, the red envelope rain will give back to readers and publicity works. One piece is also love, it must be better! 】

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