Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 1735: Lan Xin and T-K's lawsuit

The T-K Group and Lanxin Company became hot because of the lawsuit, and the media focused on it, which also aroused the enthusiasm of the masses.

The team of lawyers that Si also used is a well-known lawyer in commercial torts, both in professional quality and in his own ability.

The court is about to begin, and Si Yizheng is holding a final video conference with them: "I have studied the defense plan that you handed to me, and it is well done, but it is not perfect."

On the desk in front of Si Yizheng was the defense plan.

Someone on the lawyer team was not convinced: "I would like to ask Mr. Siji, where are we dissatisfied with our plan?"

This defense plan is the most perfect defense plan after their careful study.

They are confident and have this defense plan, they will definitely defeat the T-K Group's lawyer team.

Several other people also said, "I also ask Mr. Si for advice!"

This man might be strong, making them very scared, but they are very confident, and no one can subdue them in terms of law.

Si Yizheng didn't care about their slightly provocative tone: "Your defense plan is based on the evidence currently available to Lan Xin Company. It is very convincing, but I have two questions."

He paused.

The team of lawyers over the video are waiting for him to speak.

Si Yi's narrow and long eyes, picking gently, with a sharp sharp edge.

"First, how much do you know about each other's defense lawyers?"

"Second, do you know how much of a decisive factor defense lawyers have in lawsuits?"

Two questions, straight to the core of the question, made everyone in the room froze.

Si Yiming gently rubbed the engagement ring in his hand and said lightly, "Very well, it seems that you have realized what you have neglected."

Mr. Si Yizheng's words have shocked the team of proud and arrogant lawyers.

"As far as I know, the defense lawyers of the other party are dedicated teams of lawyers who have served the TK Group for many years. They may not be as good as you, but they have a decisive factor: their knowledge of the TK Group. "

"They can almost effortlessly play against you and play against you on the edge tactics. This is their longest-used method. Throughout the years of the TK Group, all issues involving law have been almost this method. Many world-renowned lawyers are also helpless in the face of such tactics. "

Si Yizhen tapped the keyboard of the notebook and passed the relevant information to them.

After reading a few lawyers, they were completely shocked: "It really is a difficult opponent."

Several people gathered and talked.

With this episode, the next meeting process was quite smooth.

"I made a copy of the information on the other party's lawyers. You can take a look and make a reference." Si Yizheng sent them the information.

His analysis is not cumbersome and can even be regarded as concise, but the sentences are straightforward and the point is straightforward, so that all lawyers can admire them.

"Combining your defense program, we can adjust and add defense details."

Then, he briefly explained some of his defense advice, which convinced the lawyers.

This is a master of law!

He is even more adept at drilling camps. The legal loopholes that they can use, and the other lawyers, and the holes that can be drilled by him, have been pointed out by him, and he has even prepared a perfect response.

Some of them, even professionals who have been in the law for many years, have not found it.

So, international law can still be played like this! Became the thought of everyone present.

This person's meticulous thoughts even made everyone stare.


Cozy and elegant looking at the man in a light gray shirt, calm and elegant, sitting in the boss chair, leaning gently against the back of the chair, the mixture exudes a laziness, but the carelessness of the overall situation is grasping.

Even though he was sitting opposite a group of lawyers with strong professional knowledge, he still talked succinctly and inadvertently grasped the overall situation, so that a group of lawyers with an unprecedentedly strong logical thinking were affected by his thinking.

Wen Xinya can not help thinking of a thing many years ago.

One of the principals of the Jiayuan Club had some troubles. At that time, Si also took a book from the bookshelf casually and smashed it into his head: "Page 211 of International Law, 24 , Read it to me. "

The main agent, holding the international law in trembling, the picture when turning the page, Wen Xinya still remember.

Later, she learned that Si Yizheng taught her Ph.D. in international law by himself, and he was incredibly thick in international law.

Not only does he understand international law, but people with a slight identity under his hands can defy international law.

For example, Xu Xianghu.

She couldn't help laughing, if it wasn't for the master of law, like his identity, how could she easily be in the gray area between black and white and be at ease?

Si Yizheng and the lawyers talked in professional language, Wen Xinya, and a little dizzy, quietly spoke to Si Yizheng: "You talk first, I'll go out first."

Si Yizheng made an "OK" gesture to her.

Wen Xinya went to make a cup of tea for Si Yizhen, prepared fruits, and brought them to the study.

Si Yizhang leaned on the back of the chair, staring at her with deep eyes, a smile on the corner of her lips.

For no reason, his gaze disturbed the beat, and Warm and Ya quickly turned to leave the room.


In the idle future, Mrs. Si saw the clothes that Mr. Si had just changed in the toilet changing basket, and conscience found that she and Mr. Si had known each other for almost ten years, and she had never washed Mr. Si.

There are maids in the house, and their clothes are usually washed after they are changed.

Wen Xinya squatting in the bathroom, carefully rubbing Si Yizheng's shirt.

This shirt happened to be sewn by herself, and the material was also selected by her. The soft cloth was held in the palm of her hand, and her heart was soft.

With a click, the bathroom door was pushed open, and Si Yizhen stood at the door of the bathroom and looked at her.

Subconsciously, she asked, "The meeting with the lawyers is over?"

Mr. Si also said: "We have enough evidence. As long as there is no problem with the lawyer, it is not difficult to quickly and directly grasp the three-inch throat of T-K Group in the court."

He and the lawyers have already discussed the best defense solution, which has almost eliminated all legal loopholes that the opposing lawyer can drill. The possibility that the T-K Group wants to win the lawsuit is equal to zero!

Since he shot, he will not give T-K Group any chance to fight back.

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