Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 1737: The acquisition war is completely over

This acquisition battle is the second exciting national brand defense battle following the defeat of foreign power acquisitions in the country ’s electricity industry. Of course, it is not to say that no other company has defeated foreign investment before this time, but this time Lanxin The company is fighting against a world-renowned large company, and it is also a health care brand industry that has just emerged in China. It is even more shocking.

Warm Arden stepped down and groaned a bit: "Although Lanxin Company won the lawsuit, won the acquisition war, and won the TK Group, this is a very exciting thing, but I am not happy about it. And excitement, all I have in my heart is heavy. "

She paused.

The scene was quiet for a moment, and everyone looked in her direction.

Her voice seemed to have an enchanting magic that made people sad and happy.

"This acquisition battle has been going on for more than two years, for more than 800 days and nearly 900 days. I do n’t know if you still remember. In the beginning, in order to resist the acquisition, and the goodness of TK Group ’s breaking the net, it was declared closed. Mingyuan, and the NBJ with heavy losses? "

The warm and soothing voice was amplified under the reporters' microphones, with a slightly hoarse voice, which further showed her reluctant emotion at this time.

There was a silence at the scene.

Everyone obviously did not forget all this.

The time of two years is not long or short, but some meaningful people and things are always remembered.

Nuan Ya reached out her finger, and gently pressed under the mask, her wet eyes, and continued, "The health care brand industry in Country Z, which has just started, has been destroyed in this acquisition battle, and it is awkward. , We won the battle for acquisition, but we were defeated, and the price was painful. "

This is indeed the most authentic portrayal of the Wen Xinya heart, and this acquisition battle has been too fierce.

Even the company Lanxin has suffered heavy losses and is already on the verge of extreme damage.

After the batch of dowries stored in the bank, she had accumulated almost half of her assets for many years, and only barely maintained Lanxin Company.

The word “victory” highlighted her sadness at this time.

It also brought sadness to everyone present.

"Because of this war of acquisition, how many people were displaced, how many people were unemployed at home, how many people were worried about their livelihood, how many people were driven to silence and depression, and I always think that they are like a knife-cutting heart. They are innocent but have to bear The most brutal injury of the acquisition war. "

It was also the experience of being a fifteen-year-old outside, which allowed Warm and Ya to particularly appreciate the suffering of ordinary people in those strata.

This statement almost infected many people present and in front of the TV.

"Because of this, I bet everything, and I also need to win the acquisition war, giving the T-K Group a hard blow and let them know that the national dignity of the Z people cannot be provoked!"

And she did it!

The scene was shaken, domineering and trembling, affecting everyone present.


After leaving the court, the Wen Xinya mood is still difficult to calm down.

Si Yizhen asked in a low voice: "You have defeated the T-K group, which is generally the world's largest monster, are you happy?"

This battle of foreign capital invading the health care brand market in country Z was a Wen Xinya defeat of the T-K Group, which was as strong as a tiger. She did not rely on anyone, and even the original NBJ provided little help.

With one person's strength, defeating one of the world's top 100 powerful enterprises, such a scheming means, not ordinary people can do it.

Wenwen Ya shook her head and said, "I ca n’t talk about high or unhappiness, but I feel emotion. After two years of acquisition war, the health care brand market in country Z has been messed up. Major health care brands have suffered a lot. I do n’t know how long. Will restore vitality. "

This battle is really tragic.

Every time she thought about the whole process, she wondered how she survived the past two years.

She looked at the bright, beautiful, and bright Chinese rose outside the window, and it seemed as if her heart was blossoming wildly, and she finally won the acquisition battle.

Suddenly she developed a sense of pride, and exclaimed, "Ask the vast earth, who is up and down?"

This sentence comes from the founding leader's "Qinyuanchun · Changsha".

She couldn't help but ask, the fate and future of the country's health care brand, such a mouth-watering and vast market, who is the real master of its fate?

Si Yizhen reached out and took off the mask on her face: "In the future, the health care brand market in Country Z, Lanxin Company will be in charge."

She still doesn't know how glorious she has been for herself in the mall. In the future, the health care brand in the country Z, Lanxin Company is the only company in the world, and there is no competition.

Wen Xinya frowned, but didn't say a word.

Si also said quietly: "After the end of the acquisition war, the health of the Z-health brand market was greatly damaged, and Lanxin's position as the leader of the Z-health brand was unshakable, and its reputation was unattainable."

Mingyuan, Meishan, and the company that once had the ability to compete with Lanxin Company ceased to exist. NBJ suffered heavy losses. Within three or five years, it was still difficult to restore vitality.

Lanxin Company excels in the health brand market.

"Lanxin's national justice, fight against foreign investment, a good image will be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the public will push Lanxin to the top of the world-renowned companies in the shortest time, don't underestimate the power of the masses."

After the acquisition war, Lanxin Company will quickly occupy the market of the country's health care brand, and even after going public, it will be able to quickly occupy part of the international market. This is an unchangeable fact.

"The huge health care brand market in Country Z has laid the foundation for Lanxin's position on the world stage of competition.

Country Z is the world ’s most populous country, and its influence is a deterrent to the world ’s major powers, so that those countries, despite being provocative, will never dare to commit crimes.

It is conceivable how powerful the Lanxin company has so many people.

At that time, the electricity industry in the Z country was so popular in the world.

"Under the branding of Lanxin Company, the health care brand market in country Z will quickly recover its vitality. Don't underestimate the creativity of people in country Z, and their spirit of small strength. It is understood that the creativity of people in country Z far exceeds the world Any country. "

Because they suffer and work hard.

Others work eight hours and they can work twelve hours.

Others take two days off a week, and they take two days off a month.

Others work one shift a day, and they work three shifts.

They dare to make their business hostile to all parts of the country.

Wen Xinya rubbed his forehead and said, "After the lawsuit is won, my mind is blank. It seems that I should really think about the future development of Lanxin Company."

None of this occurred to her.

Not not thinking, but not having the chance to think.

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