Wenhua Ya resigned as the acting president of the health brand guild, and rejected the health products guild. The president's recommendation and success retired. This news is like a blockbuster that exploded in the media, the Internet, and the public.

It can be said that after Lanxin Company's defeat of T-K Group, another big news.

Many people do not understand this. They believe that only the Lanxin company led by Bella is able to preside over the overall situation in the country Z health care brand market, and they have expressed support for Bella as the chairman of the health care products association.

Some people think that Ms. Bella's actions are magnanimous. Throughout history, those dynasties who have changed dynasties, made great contributions, and eventually retired. Which one is not famous forever?

Some people think that Bella will take the initiative to resign as acting chairman because of the health brand guild, unloading and killing donkeys, and crossing bridges to tear down bridges.

Earlier media reports said that the health brand guild wanted to dismiss Bella's acting chairman, and no one turned it out. The public's controversy over the health brand guild was extremely enthusiastic.

If it wasn't for the Wen Xinya statement to the media, explain the reasons, I'm afraid the people would pull the banner to the health brand guild to protest.

Looking at the news, Chu Jingnan looked at the report of Lanxin Company, and his face was slightly dimmed: "Lanxin Company won the acquisition battle, and its reputation was unmatched. It also received a huge compensation from TK Group. Xin Company stands on the world's competitive stage in the shortest time. "

In contrast, T-K Group has become an ordinary second-tier enterprise, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to recover its peak.

Life is really unpredictable.

At first, the T-K Group, which was like a tiger, fell to this place in just two years.

"The company Lan Lan is fierce enough and the means are poisonous. It dug a trap and waited for me to jump in. This insidious, but invincible trick is not like the hand of Bella, but more like a Wen Xinya Handwriting. "

Xia Ruya's voice was cold and cold, her eyes were poisonous and slippery. The face of the large-scale plastic surgery was still delicate and beautiful, but faint with a stiff twist.

She didn't expect that she was in the middle of it at the beginning, and she was played with Wen Xinya in the palm of her hands. When they celebrated the brilliant achievements of the TK Group and were proud, they were laughing coldly at their stupidity. And ignorance.

Whenever thinking about this, Xia Ruya was anxious to tear her warm Yaya face.

Chu Jingnan said slightly, "If this is the case, then the Wen Xinya relationship between Lanxin and Lanxin will be even more intriguing."

In fact, he faintly agreed with Xia Ruya's speculation.

Can control the entire Lanxin company, even Bella, under such a big situation, what is her relationship with Lanxin company?

Xia Ruya obviously also thought of this, and her face was a bit ugly: "I will let people check Bella's background and the relationship between Warm and Ya and Lanxin Company."

Wen Xinya is no longer cunning, nor can it escape Mr. Z's eyes.

Speaking of Mr. Z, Xia Ruya's mood became more gloomy.

Chu Jingnan nodded: "I'll wait for your news."

After working together for so long, he feels that Xia Ruya is more mysterious and has a huge background, far exceeding her identity of Miss Li Family of Hong Kong City.

This is why he is willing to abandon Wall Street in country M and work hard for his connections and choose to return home.

Xia Ruya went to the wine cabinet and poured wine, and asked, "Do you really want to return to country M this time?"

Disturbing Wen Jiafeng, controlling the entertainment city project failed, and now the acquisition plan of TK Group has been defeated again. Mr. Z is very dissatisfied with her. If she ca n’t prove her ability and use value, her future will not end Better than Ning Shuqian.

Right now, Chu Jingnan is an excellent opportunity.

She didn't want to let go.

Chu Jingnan's legs crossed, leaning on the back of the sofa, looking at her eyes, with a subtle inquiry: "I want to stay in the country for development, and you know very well that I still have some domestic grievances that have not ended."

Xia Ruya suddenly asked this. Was she interested or unintentional?

Xia Ruya, holding two glasses of red wine, sat on the sofa and handed a glass of red wine to Chu Jingnan: "Resentment? Is it the blood relationship with your Xiao family that is constantly being cut and chaotic?"

She gently shook the red wine in her hand, her eyes were playful and meaningful.

Chu Jingnan was born to the Xiao family ’s illegitimate son. At the beginning, he was turbulent in the high society. Although the media has not been confirmed, but who is not a smart person in the circle. all.

In order to maintain his reputation, the Xiao family chose to give up Chu Jingnan, forcing Chu Jingnan to drop out of Jingcheng University, leaving country M, and drifted overseas alone.

Chu Jingnan, who is so proud and proud, how can he let go of the Xiao family?

Chu Jingnan but smiled.

Xia Ruya gently reached Chu Jingnan's ears, blowing in an ambiguous voice, whispering and seducing quietly: "Anan, I really feel sorry for you. As for the Xiao family, the status of treatment is very different. Xiao Chengyu can enjoy it and easily get everything from the Xiao family, but you ... but a sad and poor illegitimate child ... "

In the past few years, under the pressure of the Wens Group, the Xiaos Group has not been as strong as before, and has never been able to return to its original peak.

Xiao Zhiyuan took control of the Xiao Group and became the chairman of the Xiao Group. Xiao Chengyu has already participated in the operation and management of the Xiao Group and is now serving as the president.

Xiao Chengyu's ability is good, but the means is a bit lacking, and his heart is not cruel enough.

Chu Jingnan looked as usual, only holding the hand of the wine glass, but unnaturally tightened: "This is probably what people often say, let's be different!"

The seemingly calm words imply surging ambitions.

Because, whenever he dreams back at midnight, he often asks himself this way.

The unwilling ambition in my heart kept inflating for countless nights, like a balloon. The bigger the blow, the more intense and dark the airflow inside, which may explode at any time.

"I don't think so. Whether it is ability or means, Xiao Chengyu is not as good as you. Why can he inherit everything from the Xiao family, but you can only be the one to be abandoned?" He pretended to be too good, if not Xia Ruya leaned close to him and noticed the clue from his slightly stiff body. She was almost deceived by her. She sneered: "Fame and fortune have always been able to live."

Her intention was obvious, she would pull Chu Jingnan into her camp and increase her own weight.

Chu Jingnan gently raised Xia Ruya's chin, and rubbed his fingers ambiguously: "A good person can live there."

Ambiguous words, as if without a head.

But as a wise man, Xia Ruya had already learned the meaning of his words, and her smile on her lips deepened.

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