Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 1741: Lanxin company listed banquet

The 30-minute interview was very successful and caused a enthusiastic response from the audience. In addition, there was a 10-minute audience interaction session. Five audiences were selected at the scene and Bella could ask questions on the spot.

Warmly and patiently treating each audience with a smile, and answering any questions they asked earnestly.

At this time, a short-haired female college student was selected at the event site. She stood up from her seat: "Miss Bella, you are my idol. May I make a small request to you, of course I don't It ’s going to be difficult for you, and you can do it. "

When she spoke, she spoke quickly, was nervous, and looked a little excited, as if she was afraid of being rejected.

Wen Xinya groaned slightly: "Please!"

She was not worried that the other party would make excessive demands.

Female college student said excitedly: "Can I take a photo with you as a souvenir?"

Her eyes looked at Bella with such noble elegance on the stage with so much anticipation, with a look of admiration.

Warm and deliberate make a thoughtful expression.

The mood of female college students has gone through a whole cycle from nervous expectations to eager waiting to disappointment and sadness.

When she was desperate, a warm, husky but emotional voice sounded: "Aren't you taking a photo? How do we take a photo when you stand in the auditorium?"

After that, she blinked playfully.

This action made the presence even more uproarous, everyone immediately understood that Miss Bella just made it out to tease her.

Noble and cold, the idol of Queen Fan, instantly became approachable and full of affinity.

Another viewer asked her on the spot: "Miss Bella, everyone is very curious about your appearance. Why do you keep showing your mask?"

Indeed, Bella has always appeared in the media and the masses in a mysterious identity.

Reporters have pinpointed her identity. Many people have speculated about the true appearance under her mask. Some people think that she looks too beautiful, some think that her appearance is defective, and some think that she deliberately pretended to be a ghost.

Various opinions differ.

But it is undeniable that everyone is curious about her true appearance.

Fortunately, he didn't make a request on the spot to see her true content.

Warm and quietly sighed with relief, on this occasion, she really did not want to refuse anyone.

However, she soon found out that this question was not easier to answer than seeing her true demands.

Warm and thoughtful, she finally gave up the answer to deceive the audience, and smiled, "I don't really know how to answer this question. Can I change it?"

Her sincere and undeceptive attitude has won the favor of many people present.


After the interactive session was over, the live broadcast of the exclusive interview program also officially ended.

Wen Ya was leaving the live studio under the **** of Liu Yanhua, and a black RV was waiting outside.

Wen Xinya explained to Liu Yanhua: "It is now 8:30 in the evening, and I will immediately rush to the Shangri-La Hotel and try to reach the banquet site before 9 o'clock."

Today Lanxin Company was officially listed. At 8 pm, a celebration feast was held at the Shangri-La Hotel. The celebrity elites from all regions of the high society were invited, which is very grand.

On such occasions, how could she, as chairman of Lanxin Company, be absent?

Liu Yanhua said: "Rest assured, I have already arranged."

While walking towards the car, Wenya asked: "Can I get my dress and jewelry ready?"

I did n’t have time to go back to Sheshan Manor to dress up, so she asked Liu Yanhua to prepare everything she needed for the banquet early in the morning. Liu Yanhua was assured of doing things, but she couldn't help confirming it.

"OK, no problem. The dresses you need, as well as the matching jewelry, shoes and bags, are arranged by Jiu Shao personally. In addition, Jiu Shao also arranged a makeup artist and stylist for you. They are waiting for you in the RV to ensure you Amazing appearance in a while. "

Nine young loved the young lady.

Whenever the needs of the young lady will be arranged in person, it is impossible to make mistakes.

Speaking of Si Yizhen, the Wen Xinya red lips were full of soft colors, and she was completely at ease.

Liu Yanhua pulled the door for her: "Miss, please get in the car!"

Wen Xinya nodded.

There is a lot of space in the RV, Wen Xinya, and the stylist and makeup artist salute her respectfully.

Wenya took off the mask on her face and smiled, "Prepare yourself, I'll change clothes first."

After that, she walked into the space where the curtain was cut off inside the RV.

Si Yizheng was sitting inside reading a book.

Wen Xinya, could not help but ask: "Are you supposed to be at the celebration party now?"

Because she was at 7.50 tonight and had a live TV interview, she could n’t arrive at the banquet hall. Although there were Shao Qing, Zheng Yifan, and Ouyang Feng at the meeting place, today ’s celebration banquet is a crowd of celebrities. , Is the top banquet specifications of high society, she was worried that a few of them could not shake their places, so let Si Yizhen help to take care of it.

Unexpectedly, Si Yizhen actually ran over to pick her up.

"Well, Gu Yuehan and Yue Ze are here, and they will take care of anything." Si Yizhen put down the book in his hand, pulled her to sit next to him, and asked, "Is the interview smooth?"

Xinya will agree to do this interview, mainly to make Lanxin company go public today.

Wen Xinya: "The interview was broadcast live, haven't you all seen it?"

After this, she went to get the dress box beside Si Yizhen and was ready to change clothes. In just half an hour, she not only had to put on makeup but also had to do modeling. The time was very fast, but she didn't have time to chat with him.

Si Yizhang looked at her with all his spare time, without any intention to avoid: "I want to hear you tell me."

The live broadcast was a live broadcast, and he paid more attention to what she thought.

Wen Xinya, lazy to ignore him, said impatiently: "Successfully! I want to change clothes, Jiu Xiao, can you avoid it?"

Although, at home, Si also watched her change clothes, and even helped her through the clothes herself, but here is the RV. There is a stylist and makeup artist outside the curtain, and she has a thick skin, Can't do it on such occasions, changing clothes in front of Si Yizhen.

Si Yixian raised an eyebrow: "There is no partition space outside, I don't like being in such a small space with people other than you." Even if there is a partition space, he has no intention of leaving, then he raises his wrist and looks Watch: "It's 8.35 now, and you have 25 minutes to prepare."

After speaking, he looked at her with a smile, with a streamer of victory in his eyes, adding: "Your time is running out."

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