The year-old banquet was very successful. Wen Xinya, in public, proposed to adopt Wen Jinyu to his mother Mo Yunyao. It was also talked about by everyone in the circle. Of course, some people think that nowadays it is no longer a feudal society. This kind of tradition thinks that Wen Xinya outbursts are favored, and there is a suspicion of taking the opportunity to speculate.

However, as soon as such accusations took the lead in the Internet circle, they were bombarded fiercely by the "Xinfan" and eventually immersed.

"Warn those sunspots, don't take the heart of a gentleman, spend the abdomen of a gentleman, the queen and Xiao Jinyu are affectionate. Everyone sees it and don't insult Queen Wen's personality."

"Agree upstairs, the young lady's piano, calligraphy, paintings and paintings are all fine. The talented girl's name has long been amazing. In these years, she has made brilliant achievements in the world jewelry design industry, joined the Wen's Group, and has the power of the Wen's Group with extraordinary abilities. Does she need to hype her fame with this upsurge? "

"Miss and Bella of the Lanxin Group were shocked to be brilliant and independent, and called the capital city double-strikes, and warned the sunspots, so be it, thousands of fans, waiting for the real human flesh."


Xia Ruya looked at the Wen Xinya forum and kept making comments, and in a short time she sent her posts about hiring sailors to besieged, and her face was distorted.

Chu Jingnan looked at Xia Ruya's weird and distorted face, but she didn't know why, she always felt a bit out of line: "Why would you be angry for this kind of thing!"

Warm and stunned, she is absolutely gorgeous. In the world jewelry design industry, she has a very high reputation, so she has a huge fan group on the Internet, which is comparable to the big stars.

After the death of Yang Ziyu, Xia Ruya planned to sacrifice warmth and elegance, but eventually failed to succeed. The warmth and elegance of this loyalty fan can be said to have contributed.

Xia Ruya wants to use the water army to pour dirty water on her Wen Xinya body, which is simply delusional.

Xia Ruya's face was gloomy to the extreme, sneer: "Warm and ya bitch, hypocrisy and ridiculous to the extreme, most will play these outrageous tricks, to draw people's hearts, to play everyone in the applause, ridiculous The thing is, those people are so stupid that they are willing to be blinded by her. "

Wen Jinyu is the only person who inherits the incense from the Wen family. The old man should be strong and strong, and it will not be a problem to live another one or two decades. By then, Wen Jinyu has completely grown up. She does not believe that with the Wen family, Wen Jiayu will pass on her family business to her.

After ten years of Wen Xinya return to the Wen family, he was careful to get the attention of Old Wen, let Ning Shuqian fall into disrepute, step on Wen Haowen's upper hand, and control the Wen group's authority. Seeing that the entire Wen family is already in the bag, how can Really let the huge Wen Jia family business let people?

Then, she whispered coldly: "Bella of the Lanxin Group, insidious and deceitful, Wen Xinya hypocrisy, they also deserve the title of Beijing Shuanglu?"

At that time, the owner of Boya Xuan and his grandmother and grandmother also called Beijing Shuangluo, which became a peerless story in Beijing, and it is still circulating in high society.

Beijing's high-class social circles, whether it is the chairman of the Zhishan Yahui Society, Tang Xiaowei, or Zhou Huiyan, who has the reputation of an elegant goddess, is not a stunning generation.

Even they have never been praised as Beijing Shuanglu.

Why are the two little bitches, Wenya and Bella, able to get this title?

But it's just exaggerating.

"This title is just a cloud of people. There are many inaccuracies, and you don't need to take it to heart."

Chu Jingnan saw Xia Ruya's jealousy and unwillingness deep in her eyes, and looked at the distorted expression on her face, as if it was ugly!

He admits that Xia Ruya is really deliberate and skillful, but it is far worse than warm Ya.

Xia Ruya then realized that she was rude, her expression on the face changed, and she recovered her delicate and elegant side in an instant: "In a few days, it will be the 80th birthday of the Xiao family. I have already arranged the event. There are good shows to watch. "

The T-K Group has fallen, and the project in the entertainment city has fallen. Mr. Z has also suffered a lot recently. She can hardly survive in Beijing.

After the Xiao Group fell to Chu Jingnan, the Wen Group would not be afraid, and she would have to look at it for a few moments.

Chu Jingnan is still hesitant: "Ning Yuya took drugs, her brain was paralyzed by drugs long ago, and it is not a good target to use. Don't you be afraid that she won't be able to do more than lose, and will ruin your calculation?

He tried Ning Yuya. This woman is not only dirty and disgusting, but also has no brain. For such a big thing, he is very doubtful that Ning Yuya can make it. In case there is any difference, I am afraid that it will be a stealing chicken and no eclipse Take the meter.

Xia Ruya sneered: "Ning Yuya is only for the dead ghost, and naturally this matter will not be really handed over to her. This year, I have served her deliciously and deliciously, and letting her spend extravagantly is worthy of her. . "

Ning Yuya has been taking drugs for many years, and she has been a dead body. It is estimated that she will not live long. Before she was dying, it was natural for her to play the last light and heat.

She used it without feeling guilty.

Chu Jingnan's pupils shrunk slightly, and a fascination glanced over her eyes: "It turned out that you had a backhand early in the morning."

Returning to Beijing this time, Chu Jingnan felt faintly that Xia Ruya would conduct a big conspiracy against the Wen family, and the forces behind her were unfathomable.

Xia Ruya looked at him with a smile: "You don't have to bother to test me. The cooperation between us will do you no harm. When you really control the Xiao family, you will naturally understand something."

Chu Jingnan is very smart.

Although they had reached a cooperation, he remained alert to himself, not at the mercy and drive of her, or even tempted many times.

However, she didn't care.

The smarter he is, the more valuable he is to use, the more sure he is against Wen, and the better he is for herself.

Chu Jingnan frowned slightly: "How can you guarantee that I will not be involved after this incident? I must be the biggest beneficiary. The Xiao family is suspicious of life and will definitely doubt me."

Now that Xia Ruya has articulated his words, he does not have to make any temptations to bend his feet, and directly asks the biggest worry in his heart.

Xia Ruya smiled: "No one except me knows about your return to China. It is easy to leave your relationship alone. Please rest assured that I have already made arrangements for this and you will know it by then. "

She did not tell Chu Jingnan about her detailed plan. At present, Chu Jingnan is not qualified to know.

Chu Jingnan frowned slightly, his face was a little ugly: "Miss Xia, we are now a grasshopper on a boat, how can you hide your head from me and tell me how to believe you?"

Xia Ruya laughed without saying a word, Chu Jingnan had already entered this muddy water, and it was too late to pull out.

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