Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 1762: Xiao Chengyu's Funeral

Sure enough, the next day Xiao Chengyu died in a car accident, and the news that Grandpa Xiao was seriously ill was hospitalized, which was reported by the media, which almost shocked the entire capital.

Who knows, yesterday was the 80th birthday of Father Xiao's family. At that time, the old Xiao Xiao's spirit was still vivid, and in a blink of an eye, the wedding turned into a funeral, and Xiao Chengyu died young.

Everyone has different senses about this.

Someone lamented that Xiao Chengyu was jealous of his talents and died young.

Some people are feeling the pain of the Xiao family's father and son giving him black hair.

Some people sighed that the Xiao family was out of luck and the Xiao family had no successors.

Of course, some people are happy.

However, the Xiao family was affected by the incident. The stock market was turbulent and the stock price fell. The board of directors at Xiao Chengyu's funeral was undecided and he proposed to have another president because the interests of the board were entangled. .

The shareholders' office has not stopped.

At first the Xiao family and the Lin family married, laying the foundation for the Xiao family's leadership in the Xiao group. Later, Xiao Zhiyuan and Lin Yuezhang divorced. Xiao Chengyu maintained the relationship between the two.

Today, the death of Xiao Chengyu has completely cut off two situations that have been in the same branch for many years.

The Xiao family fell into a situation of embarrassment.

By this time, Mr. Xiao was hospitalized in a serious illness, and Xiao Zhiyuan could not stun the board of directors, could not balance the shareholders' meeting, and had to prepare for his son's funeral.

The Shaw Group was completely chaotic.

Wen Xinya attended the funeral of Xiao Chengyu in the name of the Wen family.

She wore a black long-sleeved cheongsam with a hem straight to the calf, a black silk gauze, half-covered eyebrows, and a somber look. She stepped forward and placed a bouquet of white chrysanthemums in front of Xiao Chengyu's tomb.

Looking at the face of Xiao Chengyu and Wen Wenruyu on the tombstone, he couldn't help whispering: "A gentleman, Wen Wenruyu!"

Compared with the gentleness of Chu Jingnan in disguise.

Xiao Zhiyuan disguised Sven under the skin of pride.

Mr. Xiao is elegant and concealed in spiritual calculations.

Xiao Chengyu is the true modest gentleman.

Xiao Zhiyuan was Wen Xinya. In just a few moments, the Xiao family suffered tremendous changes. The gray hair on Xiao Zhiyuan's head turned white for a moment, showing his old age.

Wen Xinya bending down: "General Xiao, please mourn!"

She said this honestly.

Xiao Zhiyuan expresses a sorrow: "Thank you!"

The Wen family and the Xiao family had grievances, but he didn't expect to come here to attend his son's funeral.

Wen Xinya continued: "Say hello to Father Xiao for me."

Xiao Zhiyuan was shocked and realized her good intentions, and suddenly thought that the Xiao Group was now in a huge crisis, but the Wen family had not taken advantage of it.

He faintly understood the meaning of warmth and elegance.

Looking at the back of the Wen Xinya departure, Xiao Zhiyuan's heart was bitter and unspeakable: "Cheng Yu, at first Wen Haowen and Ning Shuqian climbed and bite each other, which led to the Wen family being trapped. You tried to stop me from taking advantage of the Wen family. I think now, for the Xiao family, there is a good destiny. "

At that time, Xiao Chengyu said that Wen Ning's troubles would not damage Wen Jiaji's foundation. The Xiao family entered at this time. If they could not completely suppress the Wen's Group, the Wen family would be madly hit in the future.

On the other hand, he is far worse than Cheng Yu when he is aware of the world situation and far-sighted.


After attending Xiao Chengyu's funeral, the Wen Xinya mood has been very heavy.

In recent years, although she has had very little dealing with Xiao Chengyu, she has also paid more and more attention to him. His actions in the Xiao Group have also made her quite admired. At the Lanxin Group's celebration banquet, she was also a simple talk. deep.

Si Yixi arrogantly grabbed her to her chest, raised her jaw, and kissed her lips strongly.

The thick, wet tongue, with a slightly rough tongue coating, swept freely between her lips, siege the city.

"Don't ..." Warm and Ya resisted twice, feeling his irresistibility, and stopped resisting.

Her suppleness allowed Si Yi to step into the inch and kiss more and more fiercely.

"Yeah!" Just when Warm and Ya thought he was going to suffocate under his kiss, Si Yizhen kindly let go of her, deep and dark eyes, surging secretly, staring at her sandal lips , Delicate and tender, just like the cherry of this season is generally delicious: "I shall not be in front of me in the future, think of other men!"

Although he knew very well that Wen Xinya appreciated Xiao Chengyu at most, because he felt some regret for his death, but he just didn't like it, and he was ups and downs because of other men.

Wingya sighed and glared at him: "What flying vinegar do you want to eat, who would think of another man."

She indeed felt sorry for the death of Xiao Chengyu, but she and Xiao Chengyu were not familiar with it, and he was grieved because of his death. This man was ... almost ...

Wen Xinya for a while I don't know how to describe it.

There was a faint sweetness in my heart, and I couldn't help laughing or crying for a while.

"Are you thirsty?" Si Yizhen asked suddenly.

In her black and white eyes, because she just kissed, she was stained with moist water, and her eyes were thin red, with a charming enchanting color, which made Si Yizhen a little confused for a while.

"Ah?" Wen Ya was a little dazed.

Perhaps it was only after a kiss, because the brain was itchy and her emotions had not calmed down, and she felt her brain was a bit dull.

Next, Si also bullied her, holding one hand on her neck, and her body pressed her against the back of the sofa. With the other hand, she gently drew out a palm-sized, flat bottle in the pocket and opened it with her mouth. Cork.

The taste of fresh camel milk is permeated with each other, with a sense of ambiguous sex.

"Smelly gangster, you ..." Warm Ya cursed, and next second Si also pinched her cheek with one hand, forcing her to open her mouth and pour the camel milk from the bottle into her mouth.


His actions were not gentle, and Wen Yaya burst into tears.

"From now on, you can only think of me." Si Yi looked up and poured the camel milk in the bottle into his mouth. The milky liquid flowed down the corner of his mouth, with a **** stream.

Then he separated her legs and wrapped them around his waist.

The lips were tangled fiercely again.

In the air, the ambiguous breath of camel milk became intense and hot.

His actions are a bit harsh, without too much foreplay, and Wen Xinya can not bear it, while panting, muttering: "You ... you lightly."

The tone was full of complaints.

Dissatisfaction with his slightly rough actions was extreme.

Si also chuckled: "You will accept me."

And her body has been very sensitive to him for a long time. No one knows her limit more than him.

The body of each other, from obscurity to tolerance, to integration, seems to be easier than imagined.

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