Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 1923: Feels like dreaming

At this point, Wen Ya had been fainted by the huge surprise of pregnancy, holding Si Yisi giggling, and kept saying "I am pregnant" and the like.

She caressed her abdomen gently, and a magical little life was bred here. It was the crystallization of her and Si Yizhen's love. It was their future. The constant severance of the separation. The expectation that blended into the bloodline made her Tears burst into tears.

Si Yixuan looked down at her bowed head and smiled, her head frowning, her eyes smiled, her eyes were eager, her eyes were soft and gentle. There was a kind of poison called gentleness in the world, which would invade the lungs, penetrate into the blood, and penetrate into the bone marrow. , There is no cure.

"Well, what does the doctor say, our children are healthy? I haven't been in good health recently. Will it have an impact on my baby?" After the initial surprise and excitement passed, Wenya was more worried about the baby's condition in the belly.

Her body was very difficult to get pregnant. During this time, she not only was busy with work and didn't take a good rest, but because of Si Yizhen's upset and bad mood, and because of the low probability of pregnancy, she felt bleak. She obviously felt that her body was weak. Very powerful.

Thinking of this, her heart was tense.

I can't help but blame myself for being too careless, and obviously feel unwell, why didn't I go to the hospital every morning.

Si Yizhen saw her nervousness and held her wet hands to appease: "Don't worry, the doctor said that the initial reaction is relatively large, so your body is weak, you need to take good care of it, and it won't affect your child. Too much impact. "

Actually, he didn't completely tell the truth.

Xinya's body was too weak. When she fainted before, it was not very good. The doctor said that the fetal gas was unstable, and there were some signs of miscarriage. Fortunately, she was delivered to the hospital in time to temporarily save the child. There are still some dangers that are not guaranteed.

The doctor even advised them to remove the child, because Xinya's body was too weak to be suitable for childbearing.

He has been sitting alone on the hospital promenade for a long time. He has always been decisive. Even in the face of Lucifer's life and death, he still can't change his face in the critical moment of life and death. He is in a dilemma. For the first time, he felt hesitant and hesitant for the first time, and for the first time, he experienced the difficulty of choosing.

In fact, from the perspective of Xinya's body, he was more inclined to the doctor's advice to remove the child.

However, if he did this, how should he explain to Xinya, how will Xinya suffer and despair when she knows it?

Losing this child, maybe they will never have the opportunity of a child again, then this child will become Xinya's biggest regret, and will become a knot that can never be relieved.

He can't afford to gamble.

In the end, he made a difficult decision to save the child at all costs.

The warm and tense heartstrings finally let go, and thankfully said, "It's all right!"

Si Yizhen gently stroked her back and comforted: "Don't think wildly, the doctor said to maintain a good mood and mental state, pay more attention to the body, only the mother's health, the fetus can fully absorb nutrients and grow healthy."

Although he didn't know if the baby could be born smoothly, he was willing to do his best to work with her.

There was still some worry in her Wen Xinya heart, but she said firmly, "I will take good care of my body, so that my baby can live in peace and health."

She lowered her head and caressed her abdomen, a hope called life, which took root in her heart, touched her whole life, and lurked in the deep motherhood of each woman.

Si Yizhen looked at her soft side face, and thanked herself for making the right choice: "Our baby will be good."

The Wen Xinya leaning into Si Yizhen's arms belongs to his clean and elegant atmosphere, surrounding her, let her these days, those impetuous, anxious, restless, distressed, sensitive emotions disappear instantly, making her feel more Peace of mind.

Then, Wen Xinya seemed to think of something, and asked, "Oh, you didn't lie to me. Am I really pregnant? If I had previously given me a pulse, I said I was just yin deficiency. Gaoming, she doesn't make sense of me, for no reason! "

Shortly after the Cold War, Du Ruo gave her a pulse during the party.

In recent years, Du Ruo has made great achievements in traditional Chinese medicine. She is known as Xiao Xinglin in the field of Chinese medicine. Although her research direction is more focused on health care, health care is more difficult than curing disease. Her medical skills are not bad.

Regarding her gains and losses, and suspicious spirits, Si Yizhen thought it was funny: "Probably the month was too shallow at that time, so I didn't put it out."

There are also some pay attention to the pulse of traditional Chinese medicine. It is not only the pregnancy that produces slippery pulses. The month is too shallow, the pulse image is unknown, and it is difficult to diagnose.

However, this argument can not convince the Wen Xinya: "For the average doctor, the month is too shallow to be diagnosed, but Ruo Ruo's medical technique is derived from the true biography of Grandpa Du. It is impossible to have a unique method of pulse control No illness can be resolved. "

The feeling of excitement and joy that was originally due to pregnancy has now been replaced by suffering and loss. Wen Xinya began to conceive. Is it not a misdiagnosis, or is Si Yiming deliberately lying to her to comfort her?

Although she knew it was impossible, she couldn't help thinking about it.

Si Yizhen knew that she was upset, and reluctantly said, "Stupid girl, how can I lie to you like this? I have called Du Gong, and it is estimated that he will be here in a while. I will ask him to give you another time. Take your pulse. "

Western medicine has the convenience of western medicine, and traditional Chinese medicine has the benefits of traditional Chinese medicine. Because of the relationship between the old diseases of the body, he has a full understanding of the magic of traditional Chinese medicine, so the hospital diagnoses Xinya pregnancy, and her health is not good, so call Let Du Gong come and look at it.

Western medicine is indeed well developed and the effect is good, but in terms of nursing, it is not as good as traditional Chinese medicine.

Before Mo Yunyao had a difficult pregnancy, it was thanks to Du Gong's recuperation that kept Xinya.

Compared to the hospital, he trusted the reputation of Du Gong Xinglin more.

"I just felt like I was dreaming, and I couldn't believe it for a while."

Wen Ya also knew that Si Yizhen would not lie to her with this kind of thing, and they had not lied to her for years. Of course, similar to his low probability of pregnancy, he at most just concealed and could not be regarded as deception.

Si Yizhen gently stroked her belly and couldn't help laughing, "It's a silly girl."

Spoiled and helpless!

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