Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 1940: Tang Xiaowei is dead!

Plan S unfolded silently in country Z. The public did not know the dark tide among them. They only knew that a wave of anti-corruption and bribery was set off in the country. Many people were dismissed and many were implicated.

This incident has attracted widespread attention from the public and the media.

The news of Tang Xiaowei dying from overwork and sudden heart failure was also reported by the media along with this wave, and it occupied the headlines of most media newspapers and magazines. The Internet instantly boiled, everyone Expressing deep condolences to Tang Xiaowei's death.

Tang Xiaowei's dedication to charity and his dedication to charity touched many people.

Although this news is shocking, it has not been reported by the media for a long time, because the media's layout will soon be dominated by major news such as which giant is greedy, which senior official is double-regulated and so on.

Regarding Tang Xiaowei's death, it was like a huge rock thrown into the lake, setting off a thousand-layer spray, and eventually subsided as the huge rock sank to the bottom of the lake.

Zhishan Ya would die because of Tang Xiaowei's death. For a while, Zhou Huiyan took over all the affairs of Zhishan Ya as a vice chairman, and it was just a chairperson's name.

In order to express her condolences to Tang Xiaowei, Zhou Huiyan is preparing to hold a grand mourning banquet for Tang Xiaowei, inviting celebrities and celebrities to attend this memorial service, and in the name of Tang Xiaowei, to conduct a comprehensive fundraising for charity.

There will also be a charity column by Tang Xiaowei, listing her contributions to charity during her lifetime, and even publishing a novel of the same name that Tang Xiaowei devoted to charity, which will be distributed in major libraries across the country. All, all royalties will be used for charity.

Warm and eager can not help but sigh: "Although it made Tang Xiao die slightly, it was too cheap for her, but anyway, she also kept the reputation of Zhishan Yahui and did not involve other people. However, Aunt Zhou's method is also obvious. All of Tang Xiaowei's last values ​​are used to the fullest. "

Tang Xiaowei is a member of the H-Z League of Nations. She was supposed to be a deadly sinner, but because of the reputation of the Association of Knowing Good and Elegant, she had to end her sin in this way in this way.

Tang Xiaowei's dedication to charity is the best result for the Zhishan Yahui. The reputation of the Zhishan Yahui will also be further enhanced by Tang Xiaowei's selfless "dedication".

Under the banner of "Tang Xiaowei's Dedication to Charity", holding a mourning party and raising donations will definitely raise a huge donation for Zhishan Yahui.

It is estimated that publishing Tang Xiaowei's novels will also receive a large amount of royalties.

Mr. Si also said: "After Tang Xiaowei's death, the power of the HZ League of Nations in Country Z will be eradicated by us. After Zhou Huiyan took over the Zhishan Ya Association, she will remove the HZ League of Nations by the name of rectification. With all hands in hand, the general situation of Zhishan Yahui is set, and you should not worry about it anymore. "

Silently resolved Tang Xiaowei. This was the result of discussions with Zhou Huiyan. Next, there was Zhou Huiyan in the Zhishanya Society, and there would be no problem.

Wen Xinya nodded: "Plan S has reached this stage. It is only a matter of time to eradicate the power of the HZ League of Nations in Country Z. It is also a matter of time for Xia Ruya, and she can no longer let her continue to escape, but Wei Che still Whereabouts are unknown ... "

Speaking of Wei Che, Wen Xinya could not help frowning.

Regarding the grudge between Wei Che and Lucifer, she also heard Xu Xianghu accidentally mentioned it later, and later learned that under the chase of the Italian rebels, she replaced Si Yizhen and covered his escaped Bai Yixuan. It has always been the HZ International Alliance. The person who organized the installation in Lucifer was the death of his primary director, Si Yizhen's parents, which almost split the entire Lucifer.

Si Yizheng and him are almost incompatible.

After knowing this, Wen Ya was in a very upset mood.

He still remembers the obscure, complicated and unspeakable emotions when Si Yizhen talked to her about the past many years ago. At that time, she guessed that Bai Yixuan was a very important person in his life. At that time, she was still emotional. In the end they will become friends and foes.

I never thought that the words of emotion of the day should be five points.

They did not become friends, but became destiny opponents, and enemies who did not share the sky.

She couldn't imagine, after Si Yizhen cleared away the heavy fog, finally how she felt when she learned all the truth, but she must be able to guess that his heart was not good.

Si Yizhang looks like Fengyue is beautiful. In fact, his emotions are introverted. No matter how many emotions he has, he can hide them perfectly under the pale expression, which is impossible to spy.

"Wei Che is already in the midst of sorrow. It is impossible to escape the Tianluodi net of this capital. As for Xia Ruya ..."

Si Yiyun's eyes were stern. Since Xinya was pregnant and was not suitable to continue to deal with these matters, then Xia Ruya fell into his hands, and he would not be as soft as Xinya.

If it was not for respecting Xinya, and according to what Xia Ruya did to Xinya, he would have already shot it, and Xia Ruya would never tolerate it for so long.

Wen Xinya nodded and snuggled into Si Yi's arms.

She is currently pregnant, and childbirth protection is the number one priority at present. As for the rest, I will leave it to Si Yizhen: "It will be hard for you this time."

Hard work is sure.

Si Yizheng had a lot of burdens on his body. Thanks to his intelligence and demon, and his IQ was over 300, he could bear so many responsibilities. After she became pregnant, he not only wanted to take care of her but also helped to take care of the Lanxin Group. , Think of her distressed.

Si Yizhen gently stroked her hair: "No matter what matters now, it is not as important as raising your baby."

He bears much, naturally hard work.

But she conceived in October and suffered more than he did.

Especially recently, she has a bad health and a bad appetite, and her whole body is losing weight at a rate that is visible to the naked eye.

Warm and yelled "um" and raised her mouth slightly.

The greatest happiness in a woman's life is that the man she found is a person who knows cold and heat, and how lucky she is to be able to meet Si Yizhen.

Rebirth I, God is not mean to her.

Si also clutched her slender shoulders, and glanced across her eyes: "You need to take good care of your body. In the future, our strict father and kind mother, Han will make grandchildren, and live a long life."

This is bliss on earth.

Warm Yawen chanted: "It's so far away."

However, her eyebrows were unnaturally dyed with anticipation. Obviously, she was full of longing for the kind of future that Si Yizheng said.

This world is stable, and the years are quiet!

Qin Se is in control, never stop!

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