Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 1942: Resembles people like the wind

S plans to press like a huge net to cover all the people hidden in the shadow of the state machine, and no one wants to escape. Although Wen Xinya is raising a baby, he will still pay attention to some news in this area.

"Xin Ya, try this cheese roll, which is rich in calcium and good for your body."

During this time, Miss's appetite has improved somewhat, and her food has gradually increased. Du Gong said that this is a sign of a stable baby, which can ruin her happiness.

These days, I have been studying various nutritious foods every day.

"Thank you, Mom!"

Looking at the plate warmly and elegantly, the milky milk was cut into thin slices and sprinkled with some lettuce powder, rolled into crispy rolls, and looked extremely delicate.

She took a small mouthful of milk-cooked rolls and tasted a little bit. The mouth melted, it was slightly soft and slightly oily, but the slight coolness neutralized the greasy feeling.

Overall, it's pretty good.

She could not help but take another sip, a feeling of greasy rushed to her heart, straight into her throat, she could not help swallowing her mouth and vomiting twice.

Seeing her face pale, He asked nervously, "Xin Ya, what's wrong? Isn't it uncomfortable?"

After Xinya became pregnant, some symptoms were slightly different from others. Because the fetus was not settled and there were no symptoms of unpleasantness, so Mom was very nervous.

She shook her head warmly and drank a glass of water. The greasy taste in her chest was dissipated: "I'm fine. I probably don't like the taste of cheese and feel a little greasy."

When he saw that she was fine, she couldn't help but relax: "It doesn't matter if you don't get used to it, I'll make some other snacks for you."

He Ma went to work in the kitchen, and Wen Xinya looked at a few pages of magazines. At this moment, the door knocking sound came from the door of the ward. Wen Xinya thought it was Zhou Tianyu and they answered the door quickly.

The door was pushed open, but it was Zhong Rufeng who walked in.

He is still wearing a solid white shirt, with trousers underneath, the simplest color of black and white, but there is a Zhilan Yushu and Qingjunruyu that others cannot wear.

Nuan Ya was a little surprised: "Master Xue, why are you free to come and see me?"

The baptism of years and years of official immersion have given Zhong Rufeng an extra sense of persistence and calmness. His body is faintly glamorous, and the faint sharpness of the body is restrained and precipitated, making him more full of male charm.

His face is still clear, the years continue to pass, but he is still the Zhongrufeng who first met in the Zhong family.

Over the years, she and Zhong Rufeng have been busy with each other, and have less and less contact with each other.

At the turn of a gentleman, it is as fresh as water!

Even though they do not intersect each other closely, the indifferent friendship is endless.

"The news of your pregnancy is so deeply hidden. I only knew it when I heard Grandpa said today, so I came here to see you."

Zhong Rufeng was carrying a basket of delicate fruits, holding a bunch of tender Lagerstroemia flowers, fuchsia, blue-purple, fiery red, and silver-white Lagerstroemia flowers falling on the branches. The beautiful tenderness and beauty are extremely beautiful.

Warm and spit out his tongue, his eyes were instantly attracted by the Lagerstroemia flowers in his arms, and he couldn't help but admire: "The Lagerstroemia flowers are really beautiful."

The Wen Xinya thought of this is that June is the flowering period of Lagerstroemia indica. She really likes Lagerstroemia indica. At that time, at Laifeng College, the Lagerstroemia flower path was spent every year.

Zhong Rufeng put the flowers in her arms into her arms: "The flowers were folded from the path of Lagerstroemia in the Lanfeng College, and you know you will love them."

He has learned that pregnant women can come into contact with Lagerstroemia indica.

When she learned that she was pregnant and Zhong Rufeng was an open-minded person, she couldn't help but be a bit complicated. At first, in his life, she had blossomed a gorgeous girl with a soft posture, and completely walked out of his life. Move away from him.

Therefore, after a lapse of more than ten years, he could not help but revisit the old land, and the throbbing of that day also became unnatural.

Wen Xinya holding the flowers in her arms, and her mood brightened with the flowers' soft tenderness: "It seems that the Lagerstroemia flowers in the Lagerstroemia flower path in Lanfeng College blooms as well as in the past."

She couldn't help thinking that the stunning scene when Zhong Rufeng took her to the Lagerstroemia flower trail was probably the most beautiful scenery she had ever seen in her life.

Suddenly Zhong Rufeng said, "When there is a chance, let's go back and see!"

This is a convention.

A warm and happy smile: "Okay, I haven't visited again for many years."

Lanfeng College can also be regarded as her alma mater. Her life really started there. Although she originally had the pair of Xia Ruya and Chu Jingnan at Lanfeng College, there were dogs and men who had entangled their lives for the second life. Snow, Jiang Yuqian, at the mercy of Xia Ruya, the idiot who embarrassed her everywhere, but this did not affect her, the special emotion of Lanfeng College.

Zhong Rufeng laughed, "That's it!"

He was looking forward to the agreement between them.

Wen Xinya, raising her hand and making a high-five gesture with him, smiling: "We high-five the covenant."

A clear clap echoed in the ward.

The warm and slightly pale smile is rare and beautiful.

The two looked at each other and smiled. The kind of tacit understanding that had passed through the years and had long friendships was undoubted.

Zhong Rufeng felt lucky and regretted: "Listen to Grandpa, your health is not good after you are pregnant. What is going on now?"

Fortunately, no matter how long the years have passed, his feelings of familiarity and warmth will never change. Unfortunately, he has not been able to seize the only opportunity in life in the most beautiful years of warmth and elegance.

Wen Xinya smile: "It has been a lot better, no big deal."

Grandpa Du said that she could be discharged after staying in the hospital.

Zhong Rufeng's worried heart was completely put down. He looked at the Wen Xinya, and suddenly called out: "Xinya!"

Wen Ya looked up at him with some doubts.

With her eyes as clear as snow, pure and clear eyes, Zhong Rufeng suddenly had nothing to say. He reached over the bunch of Lagerstroemia flowers in her arms, and folded a bunch of fiery red crape myrtle flowers, slowly tilting. Gently curled into her ears.

The Wen Xinya heart trembled slightly, but she subconsciously resisted, but she still did not refuse. Zhong Rufeng's vagueness made her find no reason for refusal.

Zhong Rufeng retracted his hand: "Sorry, I'm a bit abrupt."

Su Yan Ruyu.

Red flowers are like fire.

Complement each other.

He thought for a while that the Lagerstroemia indica path at Lanfeng College, her beautiful face was set off against the gorgeous Lagerstroemia flowers, and it was full of branches.

After many years, he is still engraved in his heart. When he thinks about it, he can't help but wonder how the lavender flowers at that time bloomed brilliantly and how beautiful they were. What kind of Shaohua Shengji was then .

Now it's time to say goodbye to the past.

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