Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 1946: The organization will not let you go

Xia Ruya's "ha ha ha ha" laughed, with a look of madness: "I put the juice of oleander rhizomes in the chocolate you drank not long ago. Do you know oleander? It is a very toxic substance Flowers, arrhythmia causes shock, and convulsions die. Do you feel headache, dizziness, nausea, abdominal pain, arrhythmia, and numbness in your limbs? "

There are many scented tea in her home, and oleander is one of them.

Although oleander is poisonous, using a small amount with other flower teas to neutralize its toxicity can play an excellent calming and soothing effect.

Wei Che's pupils contracted: "No ... impossible, you also drank the chocolate just now ..."

In order to be cautious, all of his food will not be touched until Xia Ruya eats it first.

Xia Ruya sneered: "I only drank a little, and the toxicity will not have much effect on me. Besides, since I know its toxicity, I naturally know how to detoxify."

She looked at Mr. Z sarcastically. How would a man know the hidden means of a woman? It's all a bunch of self-righteous but arrogant men who think they can control all the women in the world.

"Xia Ruya, do you ... know ... what are you doing now?"

Wei Cheqiang supported the pain after the poisoning, opened his mouth weakly, and the wound on his chest was healing. At this time, he could crack again, and he could feel that blood in that place kept flowing out, turning the original black. The shirt was dyed more and more heavily.

Xia Ruya reached the muzzle above his forehead, pressing heavily, her voice cold and bitter: "Are you threatening me?" She held the pistol, fiercely slap him, and the gun aimed quickly at him. Temple, angry: "To this day, what other qualifications do you have to threaten me? I tell you, all this is what you ask for today."

She had no intention of doing anything to him.

But in front of her, he killed the black doctor, which gave her a sense of crisis. In order to survive, she had to go to risk.

His cheeks were hot and painful. Wei Che had never been so humiliated in his life, and his heart was full of anger: "Xia Ruya, you think ... kill me, you will be able to escape ... don't ... don't be delusional Now, Rex ... Oh no, you should call him Sijiu, his power is far greater than you think ... Do you know Lucifer? It is a mysterious organization that crosses the two countries of ZE, the border of more than 7,000 meters ... , He is the highest authority of the organization ...

The man had to bow his head under the eaves, at this point he was dead.

The H-Z League of Nations is the world's most feared organization. As one of the principals of the organization, he has a distinguished status no less than that of Lucifer's authority, Rex.

He could escape with the trivial fix of Rex's muzzle.

He could escape four or four times under Lucifer's mighty power.

He can avoid the pursuit hideout of the Z Army.

But he did not expect that one day he would plant a woman's hand, which was absolutely a huge insult to him.

"Shut up, even if you are under the pursuit of Si Jiu, you are seriously injured and almost killed, just like a bereavement dog. How can I believe that you can take me smoothly?"

Xia Ruya's face was flustered, listening to his weakness, telling her with intermittent voices, how powerful the organization of Lucifer was, how terrible the organization was, and she couldn't help feeling terrified.

Then she knew just how unfathomable Si Jiu was.

No wonder Wen Xinya could defeat her again and again, and let her fall into this field. It turned out that everything was because of her, there was a terrible man like Si Jiu behind her.

Unwilling, jealous, resentful, remorse, her heart attacked like a tide.

"Although Lucifer is powerful, the power in my hands is not too much to let go. As long as he can successfully escape from country Z, even if it is Sijiu, he can't help me ..."

Wei Che saw her panic and horror, took out her hole cards, and exposed the H-Z League of Nations organization to her.

Xia Ruya naturally knew how mysterious the power in his hand was, and he was shaken in his heart, but soon he was awake: "You speak nicely, can you escape? In fact, you are not too sure. And I not only poisoned you, but even pointed my gun at you, intending to harm your life. By your means, I probably wouldn't tolerate one at all, someone who had killed you. "

This man, Wei Che, was so cruel and unscrupulous that he could not be trusted.

Before today, Wei Che killed or didn't kill her, which is five to five.

But after today, Wei Che will never let her go.

Xia Ruya's biggest advantage is that she is too selfish, she must consider everything carefully, be careful, and after experiencing betrayal and abandonment, she no longer believes anyone.

Wei Che wanted to shake her killing power, and wishful thinking was wrong.

Wei Che panted, "I can swear to God ..."

Although Xia Ruya is clever and capable, but this woman is too selfish and has a cunning mind, he never intended to really stay Xia Ruya's life, and originally thought of using her to kill her.

But he did not expect that Xia Ruya actually dared to attack him.

At this point, the situation was stronger than others, and he had to make a commitment.

Xia Ruya interrupted his words with a sneer: "Sorry, I don't believe in you. Rather than handing my life into your hands and being dominated by you, I'm more used to holding my life in my own hands Here, so rest in peace! "

Xia Ruya gently buckled the board ...

Wei Che's cold warning: "Xia Ruya, if you dare to kill me, the organization will not let you go ..."

He watched Xia Ruya's slow and extreme movements, and her pupils kept shrinking.

This gun has been with him since he was seven years old, and has been with him for more than 20 years. Numerous people have died under this gun, including the 7,000-kilometer border between the two countries. Lucifer's ruler of the giant chaebol-Jiuye!

So, how terrible the lethality of this gun is, he knows better than anyone.

He never expected that he would be planted under his muzzle one day, which was a great irony to him as one of the leaders of the H-Z League of Nations organization.

This is a form of humiliation.

"Oh!" The silenced bullet burst into Wei Che's forehead, blooming a cluster of blood flowers, warm liquid, and splashed Xia Ruya's face.

Blood set off her delicate and beautiful face.

Xia Ruya looked at Mr. Z's dead body unconsciously at this moment. At this moment, her heart was not so calm on the surface. This was the first time she had murdered herself. She also felt the fear and fear, but She did not allow herself to escape, staring at Wei Che's body deadly.

She just wanted to live.

In the death of either you or me, I chose the former.

Man is not for himself, and is destroyed by nature.

Now that she has come to such an end, what about killing someone?

Women can only survive if they are fiercer than men.

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