There is no legal identity, which is Xia Ruya's biggest weakness, and because of this, she has become a person with her tail in Canada and has even fallen to this point.

If this woman reports to the police or reports, her identity and whereabouts will be revealed.

Wei Che told her that Si Jiu was more than 7,000 kilometers across the ZE border. After Lucifer was in power, she had learned about this organization through various channels and had truly realized that it would make Wei Che such a person suffer How terrible the serious injury is like a bereavement organization.

Because of the Wen Xinya relationship, he will not let her go.

And the phrase [the organization will not let you go] said before Wei Che's death, she also made her terrified. She did not understand how unpredictable the organization was, but one could penetrate the power of the country Z The organization of the center is extremely terrifying.

During this time, she has been living in anxiety.

At this point, her identity as a black household was pierced, and she could no longer remain calm.

Mom Sang raised her lips: "Is it a joke, you know very well, I am not boasting about Canada and the ground, except that my bar can accept you as a black house, I am afraid that no one wants you, you are a woman alone Outside, no money, no job, what do you think you can do? "

Canada is by no means so harmonious and peaceful on the surface.

On the contrary, it is precisely because of the comfortable living environment that many people are more likely to breed some evil minds after being warmed up. Therefore, the dirt on the ground here is horrible.

Now Xia Ruya's face changed completely: "What do you mean?"

She guessed that no one would know that she was a black household. If this old woman dared to threaten her, she would kill her.

Wei Che's gun, she has been wearing her body to defend herself.

Because she had killed a lot of people in her hand and killed herself, she crossed the bottom line of morality in her heart. It was not difficult for her to kill.

She just wants to live.

If you want to live, you have to pay.

However, less than a last resort, she did not want to do anything.

She's had enough of a fugitive life, and now she's finally settled down. If she kills again, it means she will live a fugitive life again.

This time, it will be more difficult than before.

Because she has no money in her hands.

Even if she barely escapes, how far can she escape without money, and where can she escape?

Mom Sang laughed, and the coldness on her face suddenly collapsed: "There is no other meaning, but I just want to show you a clear way. Mr. Wang can be a bit able and networked in this movie. If you can really cheer him up Then you can do your identity. "

In a few words, speaking soft and hard, and envying one another, she completely controlled Xia Ruya, making her unable to resist at all.

Xia Ruya is very thoughtful and capable.

However, compared with the savvy and savvy person like Mom Sang, the difference is not a little bit, but a life experience that cannot be crossed.

"You ..." Xia Ruya couldn't help feeling a little angry and pale.

Even if Xia Ruya was stupid, she knew that when this woman accepted her, she had the idea to let her come out. She was a black household and she was still fleeing. She could easily be manipulated by her, waiting for the right opportunity. Drive her to this no return.

And she didn't even have room to resist.

Mom Sang watched her look change, but she never became attacked, and became more satisfied with her: "White roses, on the land of Canada, like you, without identity, status, beautiful, and alone, If you can't find a support, you don't need to say anything ... "

If it had been a combination of strengths and weaknesses before, then now she is a complete threat.

According to her power, how to get a black house is not easy, I hope she can recognize the reality.

Xia Ruya's complexion was blue and white, her eyes covered with slippery hate, and she said hard, "OK, I promise you."

Legal identity is indeed an irresistible temptation for Xia Ruya, but at this time, Xia Ruya only felt sad. How could she have fallen into such a rubbish?

But what can she do if she is alone in a foreign land and alone?

People under the eaves had to bow their heads.

Xia Ruya's greatest ability is to know current affairs!

Mom Sang laughed, and saw Xia Ruya's eyes softened: "You people in Country Z have a saying that you are a knowledgeable person and you are a smart woman."

White Rose's acquaintance made her very satisfied.

"About my identity, Mr. Wang can he really help me?"

Xia Ruya was a little dubious. According to her understanding, Mr. Wang did have some skill, but she always felt that this matter was not so simple.

But even so, the temptation of her legal identity to her far outweighed everything.

Because she firmly believes that as long as she has a legal identity, her life will not be so miserable, and she can step on everyone's feet step by step with her own efforts.

Mom Sang laughed with sincerity: "I won't lie to you about this, but whether you can ask Mr. Wang for help depends on your ability."

On one point, she didn't need to lie.

However, if she could get it, she said otherwise.

Xia Ruya lowered her head and thanked softly: "Thank you mom for pointing me."

At this time, she had already hated this old woman in her heart. She could not wait for her thousands of swords, but the situation forced her, but she had to be wronged and even thank the people who persecuted her.

She had made up her mind. After getting the 300,000, she must find a chance to leave the hotel and continue to stay, but she just tried to hide with the tiger and deepen herself.

However, this woman was so shrewd that she did not dare to show half a point.

"Call me a mom for your sake, and naturally I'm here to help."

The woman who was lost in her bar was not just a white rose. Although she couldn't guess the idea of ​​the white rose, she could guess it, but since she entered the door of the bar, she had to think of it all. Go out.

Mr. Wang is indeed rare and magnificent, but his money is not easy to get. Few girls in the bar are willing to take Mr. Wang's money.

This Mr. Wang has a [sexual] abuse tendency, and is very serious. She once killed someone, but she helped cover it up. Xia Ruya was new to this and didn't know the inside story.

And she picked this Mr. Wang. In addition to his magnificent shots, she also wanted to use Mr. Wang's hand to sharpen the innocence of this white rose, so that she could fully understand the reality, woman, no training Do not suffer, always disobedient.

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