"Book of Rites" said: "Wedding, the essence of etiquette."

Among the Zhou-Han marriages, the wedding was understood as the realization and completion of world order such as heaven, earth, yin and yang, Qiankun, and human nature, and was given the meaning of faith.

At that time, the wedding was also called fainting ceremony, taking the "righteousness of evening ceremony".

There is no extravagant pomp, no noisy feast, and the commendation is the righteousness of the couple and the grace of the hair. I don't think it is a noisy thing.

On the main hall, there is a thick carpet of flowers, surrounded by exquisite and beautiful screens. In front of the hall, there are several Chinese cases of "down scroll". The cases are gold bottles, lacquer plates, earrings, wine barons, simple and exquisite. It's a rare collection.

The most rare thing is a round white jade, which is crystal clear and white, and the jade is shining with auspicious clouds and beasts carved on it. Although white jade is precious, it is not rare, but it is like a white jade with a diameter of half a meter. It is rare in the world.

Those who attended the wedding were not rich and powerful, and had a wide range of knowledge, but when they saw that Fang Han Bai Meiyu, they were all amazed. This is something that only the emperor sacrifice to genius.

Meiyu is in the case, and Yu Yi is well connected.

"Well, it's a big deal ..."

"It is said that Si Jiu's wife is as fateful as it seems, so it seems to be true! It is not that rich people can prepare such a solemn and magnificent Han marriage."

"I thought that Han marriage was not as sacred and romantic as Western-style wedding, but now it seems that Han marriage is solemn and solemn, showing the heaven and earth, human culture, and national culture. Isn't it more meaningful than Western-style wedding?"

"Cut, what do you know, Zhou Li's marriage system advocates elegance and solemnity, solemn and solemn, has strong sacred and symbolic significance, and the faint color follows the" Xuanzhang system ", which is the most noble color between heaven and earth. Together, the husband and wife are married. From then on, life and death depend on each other, and the family continues ... "

"I did not expect Sijiu to hold a Han marriage, which has such a metaphor."

"Before the wedding, I started to look forward to the picture of the hero and heroine of the wedding."

Everyone talked, and the theme was nothing more than this grand and solemn wedding, and the hero and heroine of the wedding were Wen Xinya.

Of course, it was more marveled that Si Jiu had a good intention for this wedding.

Seeing this, Mr. Wen couldn't help feeling a little bit: "In a blink of an eye, Xinya is about to marry a man and a woman. It feels like time has passed and we are all old."

He still remembers what happened when Xinya was first returned to the Wen family.

At that time, Xinya was wearing a suit that was not suitable, and stood under the Qionghua tree planted by Yunyao in the yard. Qionghua was luxuriant and clean, but not as beautiful as the pure smile on her face.

That day, she promised him: "I will be the Miss Wen Jia who makes you proud, and will not let you lose face!"

At that time, he just listened.

Unexpectedly, she not only did it, but also exceeded his expectations.

Grandpa Mo's face calmed and became gentle: "After 15 years in the end, I always feel that there is a kind of regret in my heart that cannot be filled."

They all missed the most important growth process in Xinya's life.

Although now, Xinya's life is complete, but she still can't let go of the suffering she once suffered. Everything Xinya has got through several times more efforts than others, which is not worth them as elders. proud.

Mr. Wen's face became a little ugly: "Take it into the bottom, these are all evils made by the Wen family."

Had it not been for his negligence in teaching Wen Haowen, Wen Haowen would not have been derailed during Yun Yao's pregnancy, causing Yun Yao to prematurely.

If he hadn't killed the Bai family at the beginning, the Bai family would not have killed Yun Yao when Yun Yao was premature in order to avenge Wen's family, leaving Xinya missing and living in the country for fifteen years.

If it wasn't for his cautiousness, let Xia Ruya dove take over Nestle to replace Xinya and raise a wolf-eyed wolf. Xinya would not have been so difficult for many years after returning to Wen's family.

"Everything has passed, there is no need to mention it again." Father Mo's face faded. He could relieve the Wen family, but it would never be rebuilt with the Wen family.

After Xinya returned to Wen's house, Mr. Wen changed a lot.

He is not as profitable as before.

How clever Father Wen was, he sighed slightly: "I just regret that if Yun Yao is still alive, how happy he would be to see this situation today!"

If it wasn't for Yun Yao's last breath and gave birth to Xinya, then under the calculation of the H-Z League of Nations, Yun Yao would be afraid of two lives.

Grandpa Mo said lightly: "Although Yunyao was dead, Xinya has always blessed Xinya. Now Xinya's life is complete, and Yunyao knows that she will be relieved."

This is the first time in decades after Yun Yao's death, Grandpa Wen started Yun Yao in her presence.

He was worried about Yun Yao's death, but was not relieved about the Wen family.

Father Wen was so guilty that Yun Yao died, and he didn't dare to face him.

Now that Yun Yao is mentioned in person, it's time to let go!

That's fine, it's all old things, so why bother with it.

Mr. Wen's face was somewhat fortunate and somewhat sorry.

Fortunately, everyone died of Yun Yao's death. Regrettably, the Wen family and the Mo family were finally weak, and they could never return to the past.

Thinking about it, he turned sharply: "This wedding is well planned, and in such a short time, it is possible to plan such a perfect wedding. It seems that Sijiu did not spend much effort."

Before, he was worried that the wedding time was a little urgent, and he was afraid that Si Jiu's wedding planning would be perfunctory, but now it seems that Si Yizhen is really sincere to Xin Ya.

For men and women's weddings, the more grand and elaborate the preparation of the man is, the more it can be revealed. The man's respect for the woman's side, and the woman's marriage will be valued by the husband's family.

Mr. Mo said lightly: "Si Jiu respects Xin Ya and is perfect in everything, which shows his intention."

Si Jiu was always attentive to Xin Ya. This was even more vivid after Xin Ya was pregnant. Although he was dissatisfied with Si Jiu before, playing with power and calculating people's minds, his strategy was never used. To Xinya.

Mr. Wen nodded again and again and agreed with his words: "It's already dusk, why hasn't the wedding ceremony been over? Why don't you miss the wedding time?"

Because you are pregnant, it is not appropriate to toss, so the ceremonial greetings will go around the entire estate and then come to the main hall.

But even so, the area of ​​the manor is not small, so it takes a lot of time to get around.

Father Mo said, "It's almost time to come!"

As soon as his voice fell, there was a burst of music from the outside.

Suddenly, the wedding scene quietly and solemnly, everyone's eyes looked towards the ceremony of honour not far away.

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