Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 1989: I need time to think

At this time, the Wen Xinya heart was beating [噗通 噗通] because of the sudden news. If she saw the invitation letter, she still thought that she might have read it wrong, but when she heard Mr. Gil's personal invitation When she said that, she was shocked.

Fashion ceremony!

That is the pinnacle achievement of every fashion worker in his life.

If the Paris Fashion World Jewelry Design Competition is the only way to reach the peak of jewelry design, then the fashion ceremony is the medal representing the achievement of the peak.

She knows that the fashion ceremony will be this year.

However, she never thought that she would be eligible to participate in such an event.

She has her own ambitions, looking forward to looking at the Paris Fashion International Jewelry Design Competition two years later, and then standing at the pinnacle of the jewelry design industry, waiting for the fashion ceremony eight years later, and personally taking off the medal that belongs to the peak achievement.

However, the unexpected invitation of Teacher Jill disrupted all her plans.

At this moment, she looked at the invitation letter in front of her with some hesitation.

Teacher Jill looked at her quietly: "Wen, this is a rare opportunity for you. After you miss it, you have to wait for the next ten years. I wonder what you think?"

Her calmness was somewhat unexpected, but it seemed to be expected.

For anyone else, the opportunity to participate in the fashion ceremony may not be easily let go, or even ecstatic.

But she won't.

Three years ago, she was able to give up resolutely, the Fashion International Jewelry Design Contest, and even refused the invitation of the Paris Fashion International Jewelry Design Association. With the uproar of the world, she could see that she was a calm and smart woman.

As a result, after only two years of accumulation and sedimentation, she reached a height beyond the reach of others.

Now, naturally, she will not be fascinated by this sudden splendor, firm her own heart and position, this is the warmth and elegance he most appreciates.

This may be the real reason why she can succeed step by step.

There is no shortage of genius in the design industry, but there are very few who really reach the end and reach the top.

Wen Xinya came back and looked at Gill, sorry: "I'm sorry Teacher Gill, I hope you can understand, I can't answer you right away, I hope you can give me three days to think about it."

Reason tells her that it is not a rational act for her to participate in the fashion ceremony at this time, because she has just entered another level of jewelry design and still needs to settle herself and polish herself. At this time, she is not suitable to participate in such a grand event.

However, her heart inexplicably raised an impulse to tell her that you have given up a Paris Fashion World Jewelry Design Competition. Do you want to give up such an opportunity to truly stand at the top of the world and wait for the next decade?

Jill's face smiled: "There is no problem with this."


Si Yizhang returned to Mo's house and saw that only He's mother was picking up in the living room, and Meifeng moved slightly. In the past, at this time every day, the little girl would hug her pillow and sit on the sofa to watch TV. Today she was absent.

He Ma frowned slightly: "Little lady went out for a while this morning, and after returning, she was in a heavy state of mind. She has stayed in the room and hasn't come out yet, has anything happened?"

Before, she was worried about Xinya's uncomfortable body. Later, Xinya repeatedly promised that she would be fine, and she did not follow up, but she kept paying attention to the situation of the young lady secretly.

Si also said quietly: "I see."

The little girl was pregnant. He looked like an eyeball. Even if she couldn't accompany her all the time, he secretly arranged a lot of people around her. He knew everything about her whereabouts.

He knew who she went out with today and what was called.

It seems that today's incident has not been a small shock to her.

Si Yizhen walked into the courtyard, and the little girl loved the wild roses of the rose rose, and made the Mo family's good Qingwu bamboo house elegant, and also caused a beautiful scenery.

From September to September, it is the last flowering period of the rose flower. The wild flowers are blooming wildly, and the flowers surrounded by branches are gorgeous, as if they are going to make the last glamorous bloom, echoing the vigorous and vigorous rose, echoing the beauty.

Si also pushed in the door, Wen Xinya sitting on the sofa in a daze.

He couldn't help but smile and walked lightly: "What are you thinking about?"

After pregnancy, the little girl's mind was a little bit heavy.

Warm and ya suddenly looked up, and when she saw Si Yiji, she couldn't help pouting, and complained, "Why don't you walk silently, it scared me."

He hadn't blame her, and he hadn't noticed even when he came back, but she complained first.

Si Yizhen sat next to her, took her into her arms, looked at her heart-like appearance, and asked quietly, "For the sake of fashion?"

He already knew about the fashion international jewelry association's recommendation of Wen Xinya participation in the fashion ceremony.

She never told Xinya, just wanted to let it go.

Warmly subconsciously asked: "How do you know?"

After asking, her little mouth turned away, and she felt that she had asked a very idiot question. As long as it was about her, Si Yezhen didn't know.

Thinking about it, she couldn't help but apologize, "Why didn't you tell me earlier, that I almost lost my face in the face of Mr. Jill today."

Mr. Gil's invitation was so sudden that she didn't give her a little bit of preparation, so she was still a little shocked.

In fact, she complained a few words, not really complaining about him.

By all means, she is very big. Before receiving the invitation, the variables are too large, which will inevitably affect her mood.

Si Yizhen didn't explain to her, but just asked with a smile: "The fashion ceremony is a ceremony that everyone in the fashion industry dreams of. You can receive invitations, even I am a little unexpected, but you seem to be Not so happy! "

The source of Xinya's indecision is nothing more than skepticism of her own strength. She feels that she has not yet participated in the fashion ceremony, and she does not have the full confidence to win the crown.

This is the first time Xinya has doubted her strength since she set foot on jewelry design.

The expression on Warm and Ya's face faded gradually: "This invitation is too sudden. I don't think I'm ready to participate in such a world festival."

She has not even participated in the Fashion International Jewelry Design Contest. Her strength has not been proven. She does not know where her potential and limits are, as if she does not know how much she weighs. Panic.

Si Yi asked faintly: "So, you intend to give up the opportunity once again, and wait for the next ten years?"


Happy Valentine's Day to you all. . . This is Xiaosi's second Valentine's Day with you, I hope there will be a third, fourth ... Thank you for your support!

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