Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 815: Continue to abuse Xia Ruya

The distribution of Aishang's products over Wen's Group went smoothly, and Xia Ruya's side escaped smoothly.

The small handbag on her had already been stolen by the red-haired man, almost as a penny, and then there were 200 yuan in the pocket of the black T-shirt man, plus some scattered For change, she couldn't help but feel grateful.

She spent thirty yuan to hit the western district. She still remembered that when she stood by the road and waved at the passing taxi, a taxi drove past her but did not stop. In the picture, she knows ... her current image is terrible, her hair is messy like a beggar on the roadside, and her worn out coat is messy. Who would believe that such a person can afford a taxi?

Later, a kind taxi driver stopped in front of her, just looking at her with the strange expression and sympathetic eyes made her intolerable.

Then she spent 50 yuan to buy a set of clothes that could cover her body in the stall, and rented a hotel for 80 yuan in a nearby densely populated place.

After entering the room, Xia Ruya trivialized the door of the room.

The whole person collapsed and sat down along the door, sitting on the ground with his arms around his knees, burying his face deeply between his arms and crying in a low voice.

Seven days! Like a nightmare!

Beaten, abused, abused, teased, insignificant, strong. Violent!

All of this is so terrible to her, she didn't even think about it.

But she always remembered that all of her encounters were caused by the Xia family. The Xia family's greedy calculations and insidious methods caused her to fall to this end.

She will not miss Xia's!

One day, they will definitely be paid thousands of times.

Xia Ruya's chaotic brain was deeply trapped in self-pity, self-pity, and self-pity. The whole person was crying miserably, and even his throat was crying at best, and his emotions were calmed down. A pair of sunken eyes were already red and swollen, like fisheyes, and there were tears on her face, which lined her somewhat red and swollen face.

Xia Ruya seemed to think of something, and rushed into the bathroom like crazy.

There was a pungent smell in the bathroom, and she didn't care. She stood under the shower nozzle, turned on the nozzle, and started to wash her body.

Her body was numb, and she could not even feel the temperature of the cold water.

Just muran took off his clothes, light. bare. Standing under the shower, her white and tender water body has long lost her youthful beauty, and has been completely tortured by various tortures in recent days.

There are bruises on his body, traces after brutal beatings, and ... playful evidence left by men.

Xia Ruyago raised her head under the shower, and the cold water ran down her head, dripping onto her body, and she labored to scrub her body, which was a feeling as if her body was dirty and dirty It seems that it doesn't seem to wash cleanly.

She was strong. Outrageous!

Then there was a substantive idea in her mind. The body is still in pain, the result of the man being brutally treated several times in a row, reminding her constantly, everything that happened before, the body seems to be able to feel the heartbreaking pain, she There was an urge to scream and cry.

Xia Ruya let the tears mixed with the shower and washed her cheeks, only feeling cold into the bone marrow, as if falling into an ice cellar.

She didn't know how long she had washed, until she was so cold that her body was trembling, and she could n’t bear the temperature of the water anymore. Then she stood in front of the mirror and watched the terrible wounds on her body suddenly come to mind, even if she did After strenuous cleaning, I still can't remove my body traces and dirt.

Yeah dirty!

From being strong. From the moment of violence, she was already dirty and dirty!

Xia Ruya put on the cheap clothes she had sold before, and she wrapped her whole body up and down with a set of casual clothes. There was no comfort in wearing cheap clothes. The rough cloth was scratching the skin, making her very uncomfortable Adapting, as if ... it was unbearable to touch the body with that man's hand, and she looked at herself in the mirror with a ridicule, she did not expect that she would fall to this one day.

After taking care of herself, she gently stroked her face, which was no longer so beautiful and soft as before, but looked a bit skinny, her eyes were sunken, her cheeks were raised, and she was slightly melancholic.

She smiled in the mirror.

Suddenly thought of the black T-shirt man, she broke her head with a wine bottle, and smashed a mix with a chair is blood! I wonder if he is already dead?

Thinking of this, she suddenly took a nap.


She killed!

For a moment of panic and fear, after panic fear, she felt a strange excitement in her heart!

The man abused her, insulted her, played with her, insulted her, and strong. She was violent, and took videos of her to threaten her, **** it!

Such a scum scum is not qualified to live in this world, she just kills the people for the skywalk.

She did nothing wrong!


Moreover ... he did so much to herself, how could she keep him alive and have the opportunity to threaten her life? Be strong yourself. The violent incident must never let the second person know that only the dead ... can keep the secret, so ... he **** it!

Xia Ruya's heart was deeply trapped in a weird and fierce emotion, and she could not help herself.

The blank eyes stared at the wall calendar hanging on the wall. A bright red bar under the number made her pupils shrink suddenly.

Today is the day when the Wens Group Aishang products are released.

She suddenly turned on the TV and changed the Jingcheng Commercial Economy Channel. Sure enough ... there were reports from the press conference.

What did she see?

She kept shrinking her pupils!

Wen Xinya!

While warmly and elegantly warming the clothes of Mr. Wen, she was suffering from being strong. The fate of the storm. When Grandpa Wen announced high-profilely the establishment of a foundation in the name of Wen Xinya, she was still suffering. Fate of violence. Under the Wen Xinya sight of thousands of people, she was still suffering a terrible fate when she was as beautiful as a queen above.

In the picture, the Wen Xinya noble and unparalleled picture deeply stabbed her eyes, such bright and bright clothes, which set off her dirty and unclean.

"Wen Xinya!" Xia Ruya swept the house contents to the ground.

After venting, she sat weakly on the ground, holding her face in her hands and crying.

Because of the contrast in her life, she will be even more miserable.

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