Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 819: Michelle Yeoh is pregnant?

At this time, a thrilling scene was happening in the lobby of Wen's Group.

A woman was wearing white pajamas, her long curly hair was undressed, so she was cluttered behind her chest, covering most of her face. A sharp fruit knife in her hand was in contact with the security guard in the lobby. Facing each other.

This woman is Yang Ziyu.

Wen Haowen was derailed because of Yang Ziyu's deliberate calculations. Since the incident broke, Yang Ziyu has been directly crowned with many titles, such as: Shameless Xiaosan, seduces a man's fox. kinky. Shameless **** ...

Because of this, Yang Ziyu was never fired by Wen's Group, and Wen's Group also directly posted Yang Ziyu's blacklist in the industry, and Yang Ziyu was considered a real loser.

"Where is Wen Haowen, I want to see Wen Haowen, you quickly find Wen Haowen." Yang Ziyu pointed at the security guard in front of him with a fruit knife, his voice was sharp and crazy.

When did the Captain of Security see such a battle, he suddenly sweated out on his face: "Miss Yang, calm down. Let's put the knife down first, OK? This knife looks very sharp and accidentally hurts it for a while It ’s not good anymore. "

Today is the Wens Group Aishang Product Launch Conference. The security side has strengthened its manpower and management. I did not expect that something unexpected happened. If this incident affects Aishang's product release, then their group People, he probably has to eat and walk around.

He already knew the security guard in front of the gate. This Yang Ziyu came with the invitation. The security at the door had not recognized her before. Although it looked weird, they only accepted the invitation. Where did they recognize the person? what!

Yang Ziyu excitedly waved the fruit knife in her hand twice and said sternly: "I told you to come to Wen Haowen. You hear it. If you don't see Wen Haowen, I won't put down the knife in my hand."

The captain of the security wiped the sweat from his forehead and carefully tried to approach Yang Ziyu: "Miss Yang, don't be excited first, let's have something to say, put down the knife first, let's have something to say ..."

Yang Ziyu suddenly pointed towards the Captain with a fruit knife: "Don't come over, come over again ... I'll ... I'll ..." She drove the knife suddenly to her neck.

The captain of the security body frightened back and raised his arms and said, "Okay ... I won't go, don't go, we have something to say, don't get excited, calm down, calm down ... don't hurt yourself!"

Yang Ziyu hissed: "Come on and ask Wen Haowen to come out to see me. I have to ask him ... it's up to you to go to bed. Why can he put all the responsibilities on me and make me lose my job? , And also carried the reputation of Shaoxing Xiaosha's shameless fox spirit, and he ... became a victim, so he can be infinitely beautiful! Why, why? "

During this time, she went to the street and was pointed and pointed at her. Some even threw eggs, rotten vegetables, insulted her, and even let some relatives and friends see her. What kind of scenery can Wen Haowen still have?

Captain Security's breathing was not smooth. Looking at the sharp edge of the fruit knife, she had scratched the flesh around her neck, and she was helpless: "Miss Yang, do you want to see the president, right? I ... I have been called to find the president Come here, you put the knife down first ... "

Yang Ziyu clenched the fruit knife in her hand: "It's already called, why hasn't he come to see me yet, is he unwilling to come to see me? You ... tell him that I'm pregnant with his child, if he never comes to see me , I took his children to hell. "

As soon as this remark was made, the captain of the security team frightened and shuddered!

Oh my **** What's all this!

When Wen Haowen and Secretary He arrived, they happened to hear what Yang Ziyu said, and they suddenly stepped forward, some incredible: "What did you say?"

Yang Ziyu was thrilled to see Wen Haowen: "Hao ... Haowen, you finally came to see me."

Wen Haowen sternly said, "You said you were pregnant with my flesh. Is this true?"

He remembered drinking a bit high that night and did not take any measures. Did he win the night?

Suddenly, a kind of contradictory emotions developed in his heart. On the one hand, because Yang Ziyu was pregnant with his child, he naturally wanted this child. It must be the flesh he had hoped for more than ten years. His child is actually Yang Ziyu, this is a stain he can't wash away in his life, so how should he set her up? Want her to kill her?

Yang Ziyu nodded desperately: "Hao Wen ... I was pregnant with your child, and I came to you just to tell you the good news, but when I walked to the lobby, they recognized me and refused to let me in, so I ... ... "

She shook the fruit knife in her hand.

Wen Haowen tangled and appeased, "I know this, you put your knife down first, we have something to talk about."

Who knew that Yang Ziyu heard his words, and was instantly excited and crazy: "You lied to me ... you lied to me at all, did you want to force me to kill the child? I tell you ... don't think about it, I won't be fooled . "

At this time, I don't know where the lights flickered, and then a large group of reporters swarmed in from the doorway, making a sudden shot against Wen Haowen and Yang Ziyu.

The security personnel reacted and hurried up to stop: "Don't shoot any more ... No more shooting!"

Wen Haowen didn't expect that he would startle the reporter, and he immediately looked ashamed and impatient: "What do you want?"

Yang Ziyu said sharply: "I want you to divorce Ning Shuqian, and promise to marry me in front of all the reporters present."

Wen Haowen said without a second thought: "I think you are crazy!"

Not to mention whether he can divorce Ning Shuqian now. Even if he divorces, he will not marry a woman like Yang Ziyu. This woman is a stain that she can't wash away in her life, which means that she had almost ruined him.

"No, then I will take our children to hell. Guess what everyone will say about you, they will say ... It is you who killed your own bones." Yang Ziyu re-entered the knife in his hand. After a few minutes on the neck, the sharp blade cut through the skin between the neck, a blood line overflowed from the skin instantly, and stained the blade, leaving a shocking bright red on the white blade.

Wen Haowen was startled, softened his voice and said, "Don't be excited, you can rest assured ... I won't let you kill the child ... we have something to say!"

With so many reporters present, it was impossible for Yang Ziyu to kill the child.

The reporters throbbed for a while, pushing the security guard constantly, and the flashing lights kept clicking, which was just Century News.

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