Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 821: Miss Wen is really unusual

Wen Xinya handed the fruit knife in his hand to Secretary Cao, and looked at Yang Ziyu sublimely: "Yang Ziyu, what you are doing today is just to destroy the release of Wenshang Group Aishang products. I do n’t care if you I feel resentment at home, or because I have been at the mercy of some little bit. I hope that you are just fine. The Wen family is not to be manipulated, and I will not let you do anything because of ... "

The Wen Xinya words paused, took a step forward, squatted in front of Yang Ziyu, stretched out a finger to provoke Yang Ziyu's embarrassed face because of crying, his face kept approaching Yang Ziyu, with a sharp look, with Pressing sharpness: "Wen's authority-don't challenge!"

She would never believe Yang Ziyu was an accident!

With Yang Ziyu's invitation from Wen's Group still not available, of course, as soon as Yang Ziyu came to Wen Group's troubles, so many reporters got the wind. This is also a coincidence. In addition, the ridiculous reason for pregnancy is not What Yang Ziyu can think of is that only those who want to take the opportunity to attack the Wen family will use the fake pregnancy as an excuse. Who made the Wen family have a fake pregnancy incident?

Wen Xinya, chewing with an unquestionable sentence, and everyone in the scene changed his face, then his eyes grew deeper and deeper, his thoughts turned again and again, and she carefully tasted her words. The knowledge in these words is great. This not only shows that there is another hidden affair in Yang Ziyu's case, arouses reporters ’enthusiasm for excavating news, puts the Wen family on the stand of the victim, and expresses Wen ’s strong attitude, but also indirectly warns journalists not to write indiscriminately. In one breath.

When Secretary Cao spoke this sentence, her eyes changed completely. She used what the grandfather Cai Fang said at the opening of the conference, but ... she explained her own sentence with action. Understanding of words.

Only Yang Ziyu was lost, looking at her face high, with suffocating beauty and majesty, like a queen above, holding a weak female slave, her heart beating and panicking at a loss.

It turns out ... all her actions are in the other party's insight!

The girl had control of everything long before she knew it.

He gently and gently retracted his hand, took a silky white handkerchief from the small handbag and handed it to her: "Wipe the tears on the face! The image of a woman is not intended to spoil."

In terms of appearance, Yang Ziyu did not lose Xia Ruya. Because of this, she was so confident in herself, and she was born in such a state that she wanted to attach to wealth. At this time ... Yang Ziyu was too embarrassed to see the beautiful description. .

Michelle Yeoh is almost an instruction and an action.

Wen Xinya, slowly stood up and whispered, "That's all for today."

She glanced lightly at Yang Ziyu, Secretary Cao, security personnel, and finally settled on a group of reporters, with careless deep meaning.

Which one of the reporters is not human, wouldn't she understand what she meant? It was a vague warning just now, and now it is a bold statement.

In just a few minutes, she showed a magnificent style of wealth and wealth to the enterprise heirs. The seemingly inadvertent words and actions carried the profound meaning that cannot be ignored. This is the strong ...

It will make you feel that you do n’t think you want to hone her meaning.

Wen Xinya told Secretary Cao: "Ms. Yang was injured and scared a lot. Send her to the hospital."

"Okay, Miss!" Secretary Cao could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. He was very convinced of Wen Xinya at this time, and naturally had no objection.

The Wen Xinya eyes turned to the security guards in the lobby, watching them silently.

The security personnel present were a little stunned. The young lady was going to hold them accountable. Thinking of the way the young lady handled things before, they were filled with anxiety.

The security captain took a step forward, and his forehead was sweating coldly: "Miss, this incident is an oversight of our security department, which almost caused unpredictable losses and consequences for the Wen Group."

The security captain dropped his head and wanted to reach out and wipe the sweat from his forehead, but he didn't have that courage. The young lady was too strong! The name of the queen is worthy of the name!

Wen Xinya nodded, his face was cold: "You are all security personnel hired by Wen's Group from professional security channels. They are professionally trained and responsible for the safety of the entire Wen's Group. It is a heavy responsibility, but yours today I was disappointed by the performance. The grand security of Wen ’s Group actually appeared on such an important day when the product was released.

The stern voice, with its powerful momentum, made everyone present breathless!

The trained security personnel were also ashamed,

Wen Xinya rebuked these people in the face, but did not want to make outsiders feel that the internal security of the Wens Group was loose, and thought that the Wens Group had the opportunity to take advantage of it. On the contrary ... She wanted to make the impression that everyone on the scene was only negligent.

Secretary Cao had a headache looking at the reporters who did not plan to leave.

At this moment, the Wen Xinya eyes turned to the reporters who suddenly appeared: "Dear friends of the reporter, if you don't want to abandon them, please come in for a cup of coarse tea and light wine?"

Everyone naturally agreed.

In my heart, I was praising the lady Wen. She was really not an ordinary person. She was very organized and experienced, and she was extremely smooth.

In this way, Yang Ziyu was easily grasped.

Secretary Cao whispered: "Miss, wouldn't it be inappropriate? Most of these reporters are reporters of tabloid tabloids. Both professional and human qualities are believed. However, today is the Wens Group Aishang product release. Let them enter the meeting place, I wonder if there will be any anti-monster moths. "

Wen Xinya: "Don't worry, Yang Ziyu can't hide this matter. It's better to go out by these gossip tabloid reporters. Anyway, our Wen family didn't lose face, so what if we copied it? Said these people ... As soon as Yang Ziyu appeared in the Wen's Group Building, he got the wind, and his heart was like a mirror, and Bacheng had already guessed that there was something nasty, let them enter the venue, let them pull the truth, but sit down What the grandfather had said before the opening was good for the Wen Group. "

Tabloids are useful for tabloids, just how to use them.

Secretary Cao realized suddenly and nodded: "I still think the thoughtful lady!"

Wen Haowen stood by and was completely forgotten. He looked a little complex and Wen Xinya. He found that he had always underestimated this daughter. Her actions seemed inadvertent, but she was full of thought.

Is this Wen Xinya, can he please?

He couldn't help but wonder.

Wen Xinya led the reporters into the venue.

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