Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 823: Grandpa used Secretary Cao for her

Warm and accompany Secretary Cao to see Grandpa.

Walking far away, she can still feel Wen Haowen's gloomy eyes staring at her back. She frowned slightly. Since Ning Shuqian's false pregnancy was revealed by her, she feels that Wen Haowen's character has become increasingly cloudy. .

Wen Xinya came to the grandfather's special office on the top floor of Wen's Group. Grandpa was holding a plate of orchids with scissors. He heard the footsteps and said without looking up, "Xin Ya, come and see how Grandpa's pot of orchids kind."

Warm and eagerly walked over and watched this delicate and beautiful Fenglan seriously.

"The flowers are good, the leaves are good, but why ca n’t grandfather raise the Meran plant in Wen family." Fenglan is a more expensive species in orchids, and it is also known as rich orchid. It is deeply loved by many high-class orchid lovers. Love, flowers bloom. milk. White, flower-like gold and silver like jade, three-lobed lip, beautiful flower posture, delicate fragrance.

Father Wen put down the small scissors in his hand, lost the interest of the housekeeper, and said lightly: "Only if you raise the orchid yourself, you can develop the charm."

This strain of Fenglan is a relatively easy to cultivate type. It has always been Wen Haowen's housekeeping service. A good pot of orchids has been raised by him so that he has lost his high-quality appearance.

A Wen Xinya glance at the blue orchid, no matter how good the flower blooms, raising the orchid is to cultivate its taste and elegance, and it has lost its purity, and it is useless to serve.

Mr. Wen said lightly: "Secretary Cao has already told me about the previous trouble of Yang Ziyu in fifteen and ten. You handled this very well. It did not involve too much, and did not affect the release of Aishang's products. The most important thing. The reason is to preserve the face of the Wen family. "

He didn't expect that those little crumbs actually launched this kind of shameless insidious means when the angels released the products of Aishang under the Wen Group. Fortunately, Xinya reacted in time and resolved the trouble on the spot.

Otherwise, the Wen family will lose face, and the product distribution will be negatively affected. The Wen family will become a joke in the circle.

Wen Xinya smile: "Grandpa has won the prize, and I am also a member of the Wen family, naturally I will not allow anyone to do things that hurt the interests of the Wen family."

The release of Aishang products was related to the Wen family's counterattack and reversal. She didn't dare to neglect at all, so she had been consciously paying attention to the situation in the field since the reception, so she quickly found out that Wen Haowen was missing.

Grandpa Wen was very happy with her words: "Xin Ya, you are getting smoother and smoother, not only old and spicy, but also considerate in every aspect, and she is indeed the granddaughter of Grandpa."

Wen Haowen was derailed before. Where did he notice if Yang Ziyu would be pregnant? He didn't even think about it. Xinya had quietly solved the warmth for the Wen family when they didn't know. The hidden dangers of Yameng's shame.

He was so surprised at how old he was.

However, compared to Xin Ya's satisfaction, Mr. Wen was more and more disappointed with Wen Haowen. So far ... he was still so confused, and was almost taken in by Yang Ziyu!

After getting praise, Wen Xinya, I am a little embarrassed: "Compared to Grandpa, you are still far away. I still have a lot to learn."

Mr. Wen thought, "I have been interested in charity recently, and I plan to build something on it. I may not have much time to teach you, but ... Secretary Cao has followed me for so many years, Thanks to me, if you do n’t understand anything, you can ask him directly. "

Secretary Cao has followed him for so many years, and he has never seen him look so differently to anyone, but speaking of Xinya today, both inside and outside the praise and respect of Xinya, which made him very pleased.

Secretary Cao has the ability, knows his duty, and is very loyal. He has always been very satisfied. After stepping down from the mall, Secretary Cao is useless. He was going to give Secretary Cao Wen Wenwen, but Wen Haowen was arbitrary and dedicated. Such a temperament was afraid that Secretary Cao would be buried. Later, when she saw that she was so good, he faintly gave birth to a thought that allowed Secretary Cao to assist Zuo Xinya.

It ’s just that he still has to look at Secretary Cao ’s intentions. It must be ... if Xinya ca n’t make Secretary Cao happy and convinced, she may not do her utmost to help Xinya. At that time, he will give Xinya ’s people a tie. Hands and feet.

Wen Ya is naturally Wen Qin Zhi Ya, with a smile on her face: "Thank you Grandpa."

Grandpa wants Secretary Cao to come and help her. She is very happy. Secretary Cao has been in contact with her many times. This person's working ability is more sophisticated, the experience is more sophisticated, and the mind is more meticulous. Mall dip. kinky. It is not unreasonable for Grandpa to value him like this.

She is lacking such talents around her.

But ... she won't let Secretary Cao participate in her private property.

Mr. Wen nodded his head. In the future, with the help of Secretary Cao and Zuo Xinya, he can also devote himself to charity: "In the future ... you will be more interested in the things of the Wen Group, my old man! It's time to let go and enjoy the blessing. Let the young people go ahead. "

He really should retire.

Secretary Cao is his personal secretary, who represents him in the group. He helped Xinyazhen, and the shareholders of the Wen Group did not dare to make waves.

Warm and stunned, he quickly said: "Grandpa you ..."

She didn't want to pick up the Wen family at such an early stage, she would have to ... She wants to do the right thing at the right age, run her own business, work hard to accumulate knowledge, and increase her knowledge.

Grandpa Wen couldn't help laughing: "Haha! Grandpa knows that you are now studying in college and studying design courses. The Wen Group has its own business model, and those shareholders ca n’t get out of trouble. You just have to look at it from the side. "

Although Wen Haowen is mediocre and has no business talent, mediocrity also has mediocre benefits.

Warm Yasong breathed a sigh of relief: "Relax, grandpa! I admit that as Wen Jiaji, I have no responsibilities."

Mr. Wen was very satisfied with her answer, and then Feng Feng asked, "What do you think of Yang Ziyu's troubles today?"

Wen Ya has already guessed in her heart: "Hope we don't call out on the day of the release of Aishang products is one of the two Xiao Jiang, or ... both have a share!"

The Jiang family and the Xiao family got together again. I heard from Grandpa before that there were some small movements in the back of the ground. If she was convinced that it was purely a family matter, she would not believe it.

After hearing this, Mr. Wen sighed slightly: "Your meaning coincides with me, and the flies do not bite seamlessly, and it is also the Wen family that gives outsiders a chance."

Wen Ya also knows what he means. Wen Haowen's heart is easy to be manipulated.

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