Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 828: Xia Ruya buys birth control pills

At this time, Xia Ruya, who was being talked about by Xu Tongxuan, was another scene.

After escaping from the hands of several gangsters, she did not dare to jump around, and has been staying in the small hotel in the West District. Because she had eaten the small hotel before, this time she has been in the room and dare not go Just waiting for the wind to pass, I fled to a small villa in the southern suburbs.

She has been watching TV news and online news constantly, wondering if the black T-shirt man was really dead. Although she was not really scared about the killing, she did not show such calmness.

In the evening, Xia Ruya had a nightmare.

She dreamed of being strong. Stormy picture.

The man became a devil, and she was struggling, screaming, crying, screaming, cursing ... she couldn't stop herself from being ruined, and she felt the pain of tearing her body again and again in the dream.

Later, the picture turned around, and I dreamed that I was desperately holding a chair and smashing on the man, smashing his mixed blood and flesh, and I could no longer see the human figure. Her whole body looked like the evil spirit that crawled out of hell, stunned, terrified, she laughed wildly at a pile of rotten meat on the ground.

Then the man turned into a ghost, held out his long tongue, and grabbed at her: "You kill me, take your life ..."

The screen turns again. She dreams that she is pregnant and has a big belly like a meat ball. She does n’t dare to go to the hospital for abortion, so there are various ways to torture her belly, even holding the cloth tightly. Trouble your stomach and want to get rid of the children in your stomach!

The last picture is that she dreamed of a **** baby and kept crying at her: "Mom ... why did you kill me, why did you kill me!"

In the dream, Xia Ruya, a messy black hair wet on her cheek, lined the pale and white staggered, horrified, and the painful and twisted face became more and more horrified, and her mouth kept muttering: " Don't ... don't ... let me go ... "

Her hands clenched tightly on the bed sheet, her body tossed to the side, trying to get rid of this terrible dream: "No ... I didn't kill, I didn't ... you asked for it ..."

Xia Ruya's breathing became heavy, and a painful sound came from her throat, and she was screaming like she was crazy, kicking her leg: "Ah ..."

Then she opened her eyes suddenly, a pair of empty and silent eyes, looking terrifying and weird in the dark.

She was lying straight on the bed without the strength of motion, like a corpse.

I don't know how long it took, her eyes rolled twice, and the dream just now spread in her mind little by little, and she suddenly realized what she had overlooked.

Suddenly, she "suddenly" got up from the bed, picked up the clothes next to the bed and put them on her body, and ran out of the room barefoot, regardless of shoes.

"It's too late, it must be too late!" She ran out of the small hotel.

It's two o'clock in the morning, and there are no signs of human beings on the street. Xia Ruya's messy wind is scattered behind her head, and the white clothes are weird in the night. This picture always reminds people of island horror movies. People feel strange, with hairs standing on their backs.

"Where is the pharmacy?" Xia Ruya ran anxiously on the street, ever since she was strong. Until now, she has been immersed in her pain and despair, and she has forgotten such an important thing.

That beast is strong. She banged her again and again and never did anything.

And because she has no experience in such things, she doesn't know how to protect herself, and she doesn't know how to prevent herself from being hurt so much, so she doesn't know it at all.

If it weren't for the dream of tonight, if she really conceived the child of the beast ... her whole life would be ruined!

Xia Ruya ran on the street for more than half an hour. Except for the dim street lights on the street, it was an immersed darkness. She thought ... the drug store was closed.

Xia Ruya couldn't help despairing, didn't even God let her go?

She couldn't help squatting on the ground crying and losing her voice!

The dream scene kept echoing in her mind. She thought that there might be a child of that animal in her stomach, and she felt like a heart of death.

No, she must not allow herself to carry such filthy and filthy bloodlines, reminding her of what she had encountered before. She is young and has a better future. She is Xia Ruya, the proud girl of the sky, and she cannot allow her life to leave a dirty stain.

Xia Ruya looked up and suddenly saw that a small shop on the roadside was still lit, and the light box outside said: "Adult Products"

Xia Ruya suddenly overjoyed, ran towards the shop, and patted the door constantly: "Open the door, open the door, the boss opens the door."

The door was opened, and a woman in her forties stood at the door, looking at Xia Ruya: "What is the ghost in the middle of the night and what do you want to buy?"

This young and beautiful, so good figure, came out in the middle of the night and ran to the adult product store, and at a glance, I knew that it was not a serious woman. It must be a lady sitting at a nearby nightclub.

Xia Ruya felt that the female boss's eyes looked like a knife with disdain, and she looked up and down all over her body, with scrutiny and disdain, she forced herself to calm down: "Here ... here ... No emergency contraceptives sold? "

After saying a word, Xia Ruya felt only extremely humiliated and indignant.

The boss looked even more scornful at Xia Ruya: "Yes!"

Xia Ruya took the emergency contraceptive, and when she saw the instructions that it was effective within 72 hours, she could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, holding the medicine tightly in her palm.

As soon as she walked out of the store, she heard the mean voice of the female boss talking to herself: "Now why girls don't know self-love so much, they sell it for money at a young age ..."

When Xia Ruya heard this, her face ran away blue and white, but accidentally hit a man.

The man's body was full of strong alcoholic smell, smoky, and a weird smell remained on the body. This smell rushed into the nose and somehow made her think of the smell of that black T-shirt man!

She shoved the man away, and when she ran, she stooped and vomited.

And the man inadvertently saw Xia Ruya leaning over the tree, her slightly hips were round and beautiful, suddenly her color center rose, and she staggered and ran over, hugging Xia Ruya from behind: "Hey, Little ****, I'll give you two hundred yuan and cover you all night! "

"Ah!" Xia Ruya screamed, desperately struggling, and the disparity in strength between the men and women became apparent at this moment.

In the entanglement between the two, Xia Ruya opened her mouth and bit her on the man's arm. The man released Xia Ruya and she ran away.

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