Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 843: Dealing with the Xiao Family

Everyone said: a century-old family, three generations of giants.

The inheritance of the family is mostly based on deep foundations and strong foundations. The descendants are prosperous and passed on to the world, while the wealthy families continue to inherit the wealth of their families and their wealth.

Gu Xiao Wen Jiang and the four others, in addition to the Gu family is a long-standing wealthy family, Wen family is second, Xiao family is second, Jiang family is last.

The Wen family's heritage is a little longer than the Xiao family. When the Wen family rose, the Xiao family had just become famous. When the Wen family flourished, the Xiao family had just emerged in the business world.

The Xiao family has truly risen because of the vicious acquisition of the domestic home appliance industry by foreign companies, and has laid an unshakable position in the domestic home appliance market since then. The Wen family retires early because of the gentleman Wen, and Wen Haowen's mediocre qualifications make it difficult for him to hold office. This has caused the Wen family to stagnate for many years. It was eventually overtaken by the Xiao family.

Looking at the information in her hand warmly and elegantly, her fingers pressed on the lower right corner of the file, and the white paper became more and more beautiful with her beautiful fingers.

Secretary Cao stood next to her and explained to her the current operating conditions and operating projects of the Wens Group.

Warmly and elegantly closed the relevant information compiled by Secretary Cao: "I always thought that the Xiao family was superior to the Wen family in terms of financial resources and strength, but I never expected that the Wen family would give up."

After Xiao Jingnan took control of the Xiao family in the previous life, the Wen family was once suppressed by the Xiao family and couldn't lift their heads. After the rebirth of this life, the Xiao family repeatedly refused to put the Wen family in their eyes and provoked the Wen family. Both gave a Wen Xinya feeling that the Wen family was weaker than the Xiao family.

Secretary Cao laughed: "Not only Miss you, but even your father and the shareholders of the group think so."

Wen Xinya looked at Secretary Cao with a curiosity: "Why is this?"

Is there any trickiness in this?

Secretary Cao explained: "The old man withdrew from the mall and your father, Wen Haowen, took over as president. It has not been successful for many years. This made the old man realize that the Wen Group may not be able to go any further and can only succeed. Therefore, he quietly set about operating some businesses. And the funds have been turned into the dark, on the one hand to keep the family business, and on the other hand to retain a back-end. "

In fact, the Wen family is stronger than the Xiao family, and its strength is not too much.

The Wen Xinya realizing, Grandpa really thought about it: "I didn't expect Grandpa to be so far-sighted, and arranged everything for a long time. My dad is mediocre, hard-working, very arrogant, and it is difficult to be successful."

If you think about it, it is no wonder that Xia Ruya was in harmony with each other in the last life, and Chu Jingnan only suppressed the Wen family, but couldn't raise it, but it didn't break the Wen family.

However, this matter should be the biggest secret of the Wen's Group. I did not expect Secretary Cao to tell her. This surprised her. It must be that she is only the heir to the Wen family and has not formally taken over the Wen's Group. business.

Secretary Cao smiled lightly and didn't answer. He must ... For the affairs of the Dong family, he is not good at making beaks. This is his duty. The old man asked him to come and assist the young lady, and he also meant to teach. He naturally spared no effort.

Warm and faint sighed: "Although my dad managed the Wen's Group for many years, he did nothing wrong, but in the end he did nothing to the people in the circle. In addition to the weak Wen family, it is no wonder that the Xiao family would not The Wen family sees it, provoking the Wen family everywhere, even ambitious, and wants to intervene in luxury brands. "

Secretary Cao frowned slightly. This time the release of Aishang products, Yang Ziyu made a big noise in the lobby of Wen's Group, which is what the Xiao family did.

After a Wen Xinya look, he became fierce and majestic, and his thin lips froze slightly, even with the momentum of killing: "It is time to let the Xiao family taste the provocation of the Wen family."

The girl's voice was thin and cold, like an ice knife, with a sharp blade, cold temperature, and shocking. Secretary Cao looked at the decisive expression on her face, just like the old man when he was young: "Miss, do you have to deal with the Xiao family?"

Warm and sneer sneer: "Uncle Cao, you said ... If I would combine the Xiao family with the Jiang family, on the day of the Wens Group Aishang product release, I would use Yang Ziyu to calculate the Wen family and destroy the Wen family product release. What are the consequences? "

Earlier, she told Ling Qingxuan that she would borrow his contacts. The reason why these soldiers would not move is to make the Xiao family careless and be caught off guard.

Secretary Cao condensed and said, "Wen's skincare products under the Wen Group are being released. During this time, the Wen family is gaining momentum. No one in the circle dares to despise Wen's edge. If you have full confidence, If things go out and the Xiao family is poor enough to deal with it, then this incident will have huge consequences for the Xiao family, the reputation of the Xiao family will be damaged, the stock market will also shrink, and the loss of the Xiao family will be immeasurable. "

What does big lady mean? Want to use the media to deal with the Xiao family? I knew early on that the young lady was a master who must report, and now it seems correct.

Nodded warmly and elegantly, the smile on her lips deepened.

Secretary Cao whispered, "Miss, do you have evidence that the Xiao family counts Wen family?"

He had some vague expectations. At that time, the young lady silently settled the stock of Aishang, which caused the Xiao family to suffer heavy losses. I wonder if this time the young lady also has to deal with the Xiao family's later moves?

Wen Ya shook her head and said, "No!"

Secretary Cao's expression sank and became a little dignified: "Miss, Yang Ziyu, the party concerned, quietly fled the hospital. There are no signs of it. There is no other evidence to prove that it was the Xiao family. With a pot of dirty water in the Wen family, the distribution of Aishang products is bound to suffer various losses. "

The method is good, but this method is too risky, so in this case, he is more inclined to avoid extracurricular branches.

Wen Ya sneered gently at the table and smiled: "But there is no evidence to make evidence."

The evidence she created, coupled with Ling Qingxuan's network of contacts, made dealing with the Xiao family a breeze.

Secretary Cao listened to the young girl's faint voice and spoke a gentle and translucent tone, but she spit out ice like ice-cream and frost, and her heart was slightly cold: "Miss, can you be sure?"

Warm and low smile: "No!"

Shopping malls are operating, and no one has the confidence to grasp them, but ... as long as they have 50% confidence, it is worth fighting for.

Secretary Cao's heart shrank fiercely. According to the truth, the old man asked him to help teach the young lady, and the young lady should take such a risk. He should prevent it, but he did not know why, but his heart was faintly excited. Have a thorough plan? "

Wen Xinya nodded and smiled: "Of course there is."

Secretary Cao is in her forties this year. It is inevitable that she will be conservative and conservative, so today she deliberately used the Xiao family to test Secretary Cao to explore his depth and see if he really used it. Can she really use it for her, but ... The cautious attitude shown by Secretary Cao, without losing thought, made her look.

Secretary Cao said: "As long as the plan is thorough, it is not impossible! The key lies in the operation."

The smile on the Wen Xinya lips deepened a lot. People around Grandpa did not have a fuel-saving lamp.

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