Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 867: The Queen is simply too V5

The college began to prepare the final key review materials for the college entrance examination. Wen Xinya also participated in the data collation. It was a lot more busy than before. Even Si Yifan had not been there for a few days. She and Si Yizhen were basically both The phone is crooked.

What surprised her was that a cold and indifferent man like Si Yizheng was able to hold a phone with her like an ordinary man. [I miss you], [Do you want me?], [Did you eat? ], [What did you eat today] This kind of boring topic, a chat is endless.

Sometimes she would call him and ask him to study the above problems. He would take the phone to ask her for help, and give her tuition on the phone.

More often, she stays on the computer, turning on their headsets, but not talking, and they are busy with their own affairs, but ... No matter what is happening on the headset, they can know each other, sometimes they forget it, and suddenly Thinking of him at the end of the headset, she just asked gently, "Are you there?"

He would answer immediately: "I'm here!"

Obviously there is no sweetness, but this faint warmth always makes people feel at ease.

The relationship between them is mostly gorgeous and ambiguous. She didn't know that she and Si Yizhen could be so bland and warm!

However, no matter how busy the study is, how sweet is the love, and I still remember her. Today, she asked a rare cardiologist in Country Z to check on her grandfather. The grandfather of the last life was when she returned to Wen ’s third year in June ... ...

This incident became a shadow in her heart, always lingering in her heart, unable to let go.

I made an appointment with the doctor at three in the afternoon, and looked at the time warmly and elegantly. It was already 1:30 in the afternoon, and it was time to pass.

Warm and simple, cleared up the review notes, and left the classroom.

"Ah! People who are rich and powerful are just different. They want to ask for leave, just like the college is her home." A girl dressed in a school uniform and dressed in some gorgeous dresses, looked at the back of the Wen Xinya departure, a little sour Sour said.

"Not only that, even if she asks for leave for three days and two, the gates of her college are still open for her, and the teachers are still taking care of her. It ’s like us ... I usually ask for a leave for constipation." Another girl bitterly answered. words.

"Hey, I said the two of you, don't be sour in your back. If you can take leave for three days and two at the same time, but your grades are still among the best. It can be so. "A boy couldn't get used to two girls talking on the back, couldn't help but speak out.

"Yeah! What ’s wrong with people asking for leave for three days and two? Is your academic performance worse than yours or your talents worse than yours? As for saying bad things behind others? I just ca n’t see you girls. I ’m jealous and can do it. Black people in this way. "

"Even if you are Wen Xinya, even if you take leave for three days and two leave, your academic performance will still leave you a few streets away. You just read the dead book every day, and you can't compare with her. You are inferior to others. ... "

A few girls also helped to speak.

The two girls were pale and angry, and one of them lamely said, "What's so great about her, do you guys defend her like this? Don't forget, she was a little **** the street."

Another girl also agreed: "That is, Wen Xinya, isn't she just a little more beautiful? Just fascinate you guys, and pretend to be a clear look, as if you are amazing, in fact ... ... is cheaper than anyone else! "

The classroom suddenly became quiet.

The two girls stared at the other girl who spoke warmly and elegantly: "Don't think that if you say a few words for Wen Xinya, you will end up with Wen Xinya, I tell you, they are Wen Xinya ..."

When the two girls finished speaking, they found that the classroom was quiet, and they could not help but stunned. When they turned back, they met a pair of clear and transparent eyes, and those eyes reflected them. They were distorted by anger and became abomination. His face was stunned.

The two girls stared warmly and elegantly, where she stood quietly, as if the people and things in the entire classroom had become a background and a foil, her indifferent temperament lined her with a graceful, beautiful face, covered with The sharp edges made their hearts shrink.

Warm and indifferent: "You have blocked my desk."

Not jealous is mediocre. She considers herself not mediocre, so it is taken for granted that she is jealous. A few words of sour words are not in her eyes, but she is just a small character.

One of the girls, almost subconsciously gave way.

Wen Ya took the information she had forgotten, and turned around and walked away.

Turned out to be ignored!

This is more embarrassing than scolding.

"Ah, ah! The queen is simply too V5!"

No matter what V5, people didn't do a good job at all.

"Yes, yes, it's too powerful V5. Look at Queen Wen just before. The dust-free momentum that stands high above and below the eyes is enough to kill all beings."

Everyone suddenly realized that they were the queen! Noble lord, noble and elegant, noble queen, as for the irrelevant little character?

The Queen is really too sharp!

One of the girls burst into tears in their eyes, and suddenly rushed forward, shouting at the Wen Xinya back: "Wen Xinya, stand still, did I not hear you saying bad things behind you?"

Everyone in the classroom looked at her like an idiot.

Warm Arden stopped, slowly turned around, her indifferent temperament, coupled with the cool face, made her more powerful and ambitious: "Student Wang, please take the mirror and give Bai students a picture of her at this time . "

The classmate named Wang is one of the girls who just maintained Xinya. She didn't know at all what Wen Xinya was singing. Out of the inertia of the brain residual powder, she quickly took out the small mirror that she usually used and took it to Bai In front of classmates.

A Wen Xinya look at the student named Bai: "Did you see clearly? Pig Bajie also knows how to spit urine and shine according to his own virtue. What do you think you are?"

If Fang is the disregard of Hongguogu, now it's a bright face.

The woman was so angry that she cried. It turned out that ... people didn't put her in the eyes at all, even in the eyes of others, she didn't even have the qualifications to challenge, she was just an ant.

"Ahhhhh ... what do I do if I find that I love King Wong more and more? It's too sharp. There is wood. There is too much gas. There is wood!"

"Then Lily!"

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