Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 888: Lan Xin's Development Concept

The next day Wen Xinya responded to the editor-in-chief of Miao.

Within two days, Wen Xinya began to cooperate with Editor-in-Chief Miao's relevant interview content and understanding of the details of life, as well as some photo sessions. The content of the interview did not exceed what Yi Yijun expected, mainly focusing on her grinding and Transformation, also mentioned the grandfather's off topic.

As for the details of life, it is all about maintaining skin care, dressing, beauty, etc. The magazine also photographed her cloakroom.

Although Cozy and Elegant was the first interview with the magazine, the whole process was quite smooth with the help of the professionals of the “Elegant” fashion magazine this week. As a result, the people of “Elegant” magazine were very satisfied.

It took three full days to get it all done.

Warm and sighed a sigh of relief.

Yan Shaoqing reported to her related work: "About the group building of Lanxin Company has begun preparations for construction, and it is still the same group of migrant workers. It is expected that the project will be initially completed in July next year, and hardcover will be completed. A total of More than two years. "

Wen Xinya nodded. Once the Lanxin Group Co., Ltd. was established, it meant that the group was listed, and Lanxin's current products have not yet matured. The empty window period of this time can just develop the various industries under Lanxin.

Yan Shaoqing added: "I and the International Student Mutual Aid Association have negotiated and they agreed to introduce us to at least five elite talents within half a month. These talents are computer, business management, financial management, and real estate planning. There is design talent. "

A warm smile appeared on his face: "These talents are now our scarce talents."

High-end computer talents can strengthen the company's precautionary capabilities and protect the company from cyber hacking attacks. This is a top priority.

Business management is equally important. Although Yan Shaoqing's working ability is good, he is studying an assistant major. He still lacks in business management. In the future, his positioning is also the closest to her. The most trusted special help is like Secretary Cao.

Financial management talents are still very important. If a company does not have high-end financial department management talents, then the company's finances will be disorderly, which is not good for the company's development.

Real estate planning is also very important. At present, some of the grounds on her hands are facing the issue of imminent development.

As for design, Lan Xin is also needed, but we also need to look at the other party's design direction in detail.

Yan Shaoqing said: "This is also expected. As long as someone with a slight vision can see the future and development of your industry, plus you also have no shortage of funds. Compared to applying for a large company from an early age, Starting from the staff, those international students who have high self-esteem and are full of blood are more willing to find a promising company to work for the company, so that they can be reused, show their strength and talent as much as possible, and have better future."

Therefore, the International Student Mutual Aid Association will only actively provide talents after listening to his request. How can people like the International Student Mutual Aid Association be short of money? Wealth and industry are naturally worth the money.

Naturally, she also understands this reason, so she asked Yan Shaoqing to negotiate with them: "Yes, I have an idea about the future development of Lan Xin. I would like to ask your staff and staff."

She thought about this idea for a long time, and felt that the feasibility was very high, so she wanted to discuss it with Yan Shaoqing.

Yan Shaoqing showed great interest because he knew that the girl had ideas and opinions, and she made almost no mistakes in the decisions she made.

Wen Xinya saw the trust in his eyes, which was caused by the tacit understanding of working together for a long time: "I want to set up a charity foundation in the name of Lanxin Company."

Since the launch of Aishang's product, Grandpa should announce the major decision to establish a charitable foundation in her name. This idea has formed in her mind, but there have been too many recent events that she cannot take care of.

Yan Shaoqing was surprised and asked: "In what form do you plan to establish this foundation, the scale of our Lanxin company's development today, such a charitable foundation will certainly be quite difficult to develop."

Generally speaking, after the company's development is complete, the use of charity funds will refresh the positive image of the society. It is strange that Xinya now wants to set up a charity fund.

"I want to be a civil charity, mainly to receive civil lawsuits from low-level social groups, as well as groups such as social work. This group will grow and grow with Lanxin Company step by step. Witness the development of Lanxin Company, it will also become Lanxin's last charity. "

There are too many low-level people in this world who are suffering from various unfair treatments. For example, those migrant workers who are in arrears of wages have no way to ask for help. Organization is to give those people the opportunity to voice their grievances. In addition, social worker groups are the focus of some developed countries to help individuals, families, groups, and communities spread positive energy to prevent or ease social problems.

It is especially reflected in the poor, the elderly, the physically and mentally disabled and other unfortunate people; preventing and solving some social problems caused by economic difficulties or poor lifestyles.

Yan Shaoqing's face was difficult to hide from shock, and he said for a while: "You have a good idea. Compared with the use of high society now, charity activities to save face, and the false appearance of orphans and related charities in poor mountain areas, Such a civil institution is more practical and more likely to attract media attention. It reflects the positive image of our Lanxin company, which is beneficial to the development of its brand. In the future, we will wait for our Lanxin Group Co., Ltd. to list. , You can accumulate social prestige in the first place and gain a foothold in the society. "

I didn't expect this girl to be so visionary.

Wen Xinya smiled: "I think so."

Yan Shaoqing is really powerful. As long as people who are slightly short-sighted, they only see the difficulties that this institution will face, and they can't see the benefits it will bring to Lanxin Company.

Yan Shaoqing said: "Although this idea is good, it was very difficult to set up in the early stage. The lawyers are not a problem. You can accept some rookie lawyers first. Anyway, there will not be many particularly large cases. Chaofan Law Firm cooperates. They also have a civil litigation department in this area, but social workers have great problems. Firstly, they must receive psychological education, and secondly, the quality of personnel is also a problem ... "

Yan Shaoqing's sharply asked questions are top priority, Wen Xinya: "We can't become fat by a single bite, we can take it slowly and grow stronger step by step!"

She looked out the window with a Wen Xinya look. She had experienced a lot of pain in the previous life. At that time, she hoped that there really was a savior in the world that could pull her ... but hoped that it would eventually become empty. This life ... she spent a lot of money to establish Such an institution is not only for the benefit, but also to ignite a kind of people who are really suffering and desperate.

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