The Wen Xinya invited to play the theme of the "elegant" trend of the week has also attracted widespread discussion and attention in the upper and middle circles. Everyone is an elite. Would you have guessed that the "elegant" trend of fashion invited Wen Jia The reason for the young lady, but even so, everyone has to admit that Miss Wen Jia is a wonderful character, and she is the main character of the first phase of the "elegant" trendy fashion.

Miss Wen's name, Wen Xinya, was officially faced by insiders.

At this time, Mr. Wen is also watching this week ’s “elegant” trend. His focus is naturally on the warmth and elegance of his granddaughter. In fact, in addition to paying attention to some financial magazines, he has never watch.

The content of the interview with Xinya in the magazine was positive and very pertinent. The words were splendid, the language was elegant, and the themes of sharpening and metamorphosis were highlighted. The answer of her granddaughter was also quite brilliant. There was no half-tone between her words and sentences. Silk's grandeur, but full of brilliance and talent, not only showed his courage as Wen Jiaji's recognition, but also did not conceal his sharp edge.

Every answer can withstand scrutiny.

A person's mentality, talent, demeanor, courage, and urban dominance are actually seen from a young age, and a "elegant" fashion style alone, all these qualities are displayed in her body.

Entering into the living room, she looked at the magazine in Grandpa, and couldn't help laughing: "Well, Grandpa also reads this kind of women's magazine?"

The kind of tone has a naughty meaning.

Mr. Wen put the magazine on the lower glass tea table: "My granddaughter has been on the magazine, and everyone in the world knows it, but I was the last to know it."

He also called the old Zhu this morning and listened to him casually mentioning it, only to find out that this granddaughter was incredible, and he was actually seen by the well-known domestic women's magazines and played the role of the magazine's theme.

Wen Xinya came to Grandpa's side and made a tea ceremony for Grandpa: "Grandpa has been busy preparing for a charity foundation recently. There is no need to startle you with such trivial matters."

Grandpa has announced the establishment of a foundation in her name on the release of Aishang products. This time, she went to the drill, and with a few like-minded friends, she did not participate in various orphans all day. The voluntary activities of the academy are all kinds of small-scale charity and caring activities. They are busy all day, but people are more and more energetic.

As people get older, they should have a spiritual trust, so Wen Xinya did not stop, but just adjusted his usual recipes and recipes for medicated diet.

Mr. Wen smiled, "You are a smart and opinionated child. No matter what you do, you have your own reason, and you also have a sense of proportion. You have been in Wen's family for more than three years. You should do this magazine interview and business. Image and fame operating in circles. "

This week's "elegant" trend is very positive. This magazine can be the main character of this magazine, which is good for Xinya, and he has also paid attention to the "elegant" official website before. The magazine has a good response. Most of the comments about Xinya are positive.

Warm Yawei smiled and didn't say a word!

Father Wen thought of Lao Zhu calling him in the morning, and he was very proud of his appreciation and praise of Xinya in his tone: "Xinya, now that you are eighteen years old, I plan to equip you with a personal assistant. What do you think about taking care of your daily life, work affairs, social relations, and managing your clothes, accessories and other related matters? "

I did n’t prepare for Xinya before because she was young and was in high school, so she did n’t need it at all, but now Xinya is so old that some miscellaneous things ca n’t be handled by herself, she still needs someone. Take care.

Wen Xinya laughed: "I understand the grandfather's considerations, and now I am an adult. Words and deeds represent the entire Wen family. Every move is closely related to the interests of the Wen's Group, and I also have my own social circle. There are people in the circle, and I am also learning about some operations in the group. It is also good for a professional to take care of my daily affairs. "

Mr. Wen smiled and nodded, the child thought it through.

Wen Ya continued: "Uncle Cao gave me advice in this regard. I have asked Zhou Tianyu to find a good candidate for me, and the person is quite reliable. I will take her over to show grandpa someday."

Such a close personal assistant that is related to her daily life, as well as social and image, is naturally looking for someone who is absolutely credible. Si Yizhen had already considered it for her and helped her find a candidate herself. Before, she also I have seen it, it is definitely the top talent in the world.

Si Yizheng always considers her well in these aspects.

Mr. Wen was a little surprised: "Since this is the case, it is so decided."

This personal assistant's work has a bearing on Xinya's life and social privacy, so he can't tolerate any flaws, so he still has to look at the candidate himself before he can rest assured.

Wen Xinya: "Grandpa you will be satisfied."

The person whom Si also picked, she was naturally at ease, and naturally believed that the other party could have the ability to satisfy Grandpa.

Mr. Wen drank his head down and drank tea. Although Zhou Tianyu had a close relationship with Xinya, he still tended to look for himself. Since Xinya has arrangements in this regard, and believes in Zhou Tianyu, he is not good at saying much. Plan later.

Wen Xinya, understanding Grandpa's mind, he turned the topic and said, "Grandpa, I plan to go on a summer vacation in two days. After three or three years of my life as a devil, I finally want to relax."

For the summer vacation, she had to agree with Grandpa before she could arrange it.

Mr. Wen said: "Yes, yes, young people now like to travel and take pictures, young people! They should be full of vitality, full of vitality, walk around, look at it, you can play with it. . "

Mr. Wen is very supportive of this. After returning to the Wen family, Xinya has been working very hard. She did n’t go out to play in any winter or summer vacations. She spends most of her time studying. He is also distressed. He would naturally agree to the request to travel.

A warm smile appeared on his face: "Thank you Grandpa!"

Grandpa's promise was her expectation.

Grandpa Wen laughed: "This kind of trivial matter is worthy of your thanks to Grandpa."

After the previous college entrance examination, she stayed at home, either with her to drink and play chess, or to go out with her to go fishing and playing golf. Several Lao Zhus said that he had restrained his children too tightly, and he was not as energetic as a young man. He intends to find an opportunity to arrange her to travel.

Warm and ya could not help laughing.

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