Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 904: Kazawa, one of Lucifer's principals

In a blink of an eye, it has been a week since I came to country E!

During this time, Si Yizheng accompanied her to play around all day, and even the work of Xia Si and Lucifer was put down, but whenever the night went by, the temperature around her was already cold, she knew ... Si Yizhen went to the study to deal with the work while she fell asleep at night.

Cozy and elegant, she picked up Si Yixun's black silk satin pajamas and draped it on her body. She got up and went to the bar and poured a cup of mint tea for Si Yixuan. The mint tea was boiled in the afternoon and she was refreshing.

Wen Xinya, holding mint tea, walked towards Si Yizhen's study.

After staying at the manor for a week, she was no longer the same as before, and would get lost in this huge manor.

Wen Xinya standing at the door, just ready to push in, and heard the voice of speaking in the study.

She quietly retracted her hand, Si Yizheng was talking about things, it wasn't good for her to go in like this!

Nuan Ya was about to leave, and she heard the funny voice of Xu Xianghu: "Boss, it's been a week since you returned to country E. You didn't tell us. You haven't met our brothers for so long. You won't be really That **** was so fascinated that she forgot her friends! "

After Wen Xinya listening, my face was dark: you are the damsel, your entire family are damsels, and your ancestors were all damsels in the eighteenth generation. Find out that you are a subordinate of Si Yizhen, but you are not friends. With well-developed limbs, isn't it really the teaser that the monkey invited?

Si also said quietly: "Pay attention to your words, and next time I see her to see the sister-in-law, I gave her the token representing Mother Lucifer three years ago, and I must not be rude to her."

A light tone, with a light warning.

The smile on Wen Ya's face couldn't be hidden.

Xu Xianghu's eyes widened: "Boss, are you really playing? No ... Boss ... Woman, just play when you need it, how can you play with emotions ..."

Si Yizhen's face cooled down.

Gu Yuehan said indifferently: "If you don't want to go to the Middle East to eat oil again, you can go on."

Xu Xianghu dare not, a pair of tigers stared at the boss: "Fuck, is there a place in the Middle East where people can stay? Finding a woman to go to bed is more difficult than constipation. Women are ugly and dark, and look disgusting ... "

Mr. Si also said, "The women in Huadu not only look beautiful, but also have a good figure. More importantly, every woman is pregnant with mystery on the bed. It will definitely make you unhappy, if you want to experience it in the past."

Xu Xianghu's face turned white, and he trembled: "Hehehehe! Although I think there are countless maids, I can't take those women ..."

Flowers are the biggest ** place in country E, the most. kinky. Chaos, that kind of place, although it is a paradise for men in country E, but ... there is no strange disease.

Wen Ya has been in Country E for so long, and naturally she has heard the name of Huadu.

At the moment of warmth and pleasure, the closed door in front of him was suddenly opened.

Wen Xinya looking at the man standing by the door, the height of the man is about one meter and eighteen, very beautiful and exquisite, like a doll, not like a silly big Xu Xianghu, back and back, nor like Si Yizhen He is so thin and thin, he feels a bit thin, but the insidiousness revealed in his eyebrows inadvertently reveals the man's deceptive appearance.

This man is not simple.

Probably one of Lucifer's principals.

The man just stared at the Wen Xinya, with his eyes examined, this girl, Lucifer's future maid, their beloved woman, King Rex!

He looked at him warmly and faintly, "You are blocking me."

The clear voice, with its sharp color, made men quite entertaining. They were just eavesdropping at the door, but they were straightforward and not half distracted, saying that he was blocking her. This is a woman with a sharp edge. , A completely different woman from the old lady.

Wen Xinya frown.

The man suddenly reached out and said, "Hello, Ozawa, one of Lucifer's principals."

For the woman selected by Rex, they could not comment. Although they were Wen Xinya, they were also concerned, but they were afraid to step on the bottom of Rex, so they were not too arbitrary. For this woman, they adopted a conservative attitude.

Wen Xinya: "Wen Xinya!"

Ozawa retreated.

Wen Xinya walked in with mint tea.

The conversation inside stopped short because of the Wen Xinya arrival.

Si Yiming's frowning eyes softened, "How are you up?"

Nuan Ya really wanted to say "You're not here, I can't sleep", but considering his ministry, he still kept his dignified and elegant attitude: "I pour you a cup of mint tea to wake up."

Si Yi smiled and took the mint tea ...

Xu Xianghu looked at the Wen Xinya way: "Little sister-in-law, you are biased, you actually only prepared mint tea for the boss alone." With that, Xu Xianghu couldn't help feeling sorrowful and angry: "You said, it's easy for us as people who do not want us. To accompany you to play, and even to take along those of us who were involved, tired for a day during the day, and the boss was dug up from the bed in the middle of the night to discuss things. "

The Wen Xinya face turned black, calmly looked at Xu Xianghu and said, "Want to know, why don't I prepare mint tea for you?"

Xu Xianghu hurriedly asked, "Think!"

Warm and sweet smiled sweetly: "Because I made this fruit tea for your boss alone, so I don't have your share." Then her words turned sharply: "I was tired during the day, and I still have energy for irrigation at night Women who have been in "constipation" for a long time because of the serious imbalance between the male and female ratios in country E. "

Xu Xianghu opened his mouth, and the face of the fierce **** forgiveness flushed: "How do you know?"

Nuan Ya covered her nose and said, "The bad perfumes of women are brought here, um ... if I didn't know the taste of your boss, I would have stolen it by your boss." Then she clicked casually. His neck, grinning, "And there! After eating, remember to wipe your mouth."

Gu Yuehan held back a smile, his smile crooked on his cold face, his shoulders kept shaking.

Somewhat interesting, Yue Ze looked Wen Xinya, smiled most recklessly, and patted Xu Xianghu's shoulders to show sympathy.

He said that he had a bad taste and made fun of him. Xu Xianghu suddenly was not good. He stared at a pair of big eyes: "Little bitch, please don't be black, please let it go, please be merciful ~!"

What a pair of affectionate eyes! If it weren't for the faces of a pair of men who were forgiven by evil gods, Wen Ya would have been chilled by him.

Si Yizhen's eyes were faint at Xu Xianghu: "Sympathy under his mouth? Huh?"

This is ambiguous if it is ambiguous.

Xu Xianghu covered his mouth and shook his head desperately.

Cozy and ya is cold again, this Xu Xianghu is really not a teaser from the monkey!

Si Yichang said lightly: "Next time I come to the manor with the smell of perfume, I will order you to throw you out!"

Wen Xinya words gave him a wake-up call, um ... not to allow anyone to bring perfume into his territory, otherwise what should she do if she misunderstood?

Warm and ya could not help laughing.

Si Yizhen's lips cornered, "It's half past two in the morning, so go to rest."

Warm and Ya wanted to give him a good night kiss tenderly, but with so many people present, she couldn't be cheeky: "I'm going to bed first, you shouldn't be too late."

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