Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 918: Funny monkey invited

"Si Yijun ..."

Si Yi also gave her a slight glance and asked, "What do you want me to do?"

Wen Ya narrowed her neck and obediently changed her mouth: "Oh!"

Si Yizhen feeds the grapes in her mouth: "Good!"

Wen Xinya mumbled his mouth and slandered him in his heart, wasn't that a title? Do you want to be so overbearing?

Si Yizhen peeled another grape and fed it into her mouth: "Feed me!"

Simple and straightforward words, with orders that cannot be refused, still have the momentum to resist.

Wen Xinya yielding to someone's. kinky. Under the mighty grapes, he approached his lips and fed him grapes.

Si Yichen was eating grapes and eating her lips, just like the ancient emperors, so don't enjoy it too much.

Just when the two were in love, the door of the private room was suddenly pushed open, and the silly big man made Xu Xianghu amused, standing at the door in a stunned state, watching the boss and little sister-in-law flirting.

The little sister-in-law sat on the boss's legs, with a pair of delicate red lips, with beautiful gem grapes, leaning on herself as white as jade as a swan, long and beautiful neck, and put grapes between her lips.

The boss bit the grapes in the mouth of the sister-in-law, biting the lips of the sister-in-law, and the bright red and beautiful grape juice wandered down the smooth, jade-like jade neck of the sister-in-law ...

Boss's lips, chasing that winding red line, all the way to the bitch's chest ...

This picture is simply not so good!

Let him have the urge to poke his eyes.

He actually accidentally broke the picture of the boss and little sister-in-law's affection, and didn't know why, the cold sweat of the vest kept going out, and a wave of cold climbed the back, and a bad feeling came from his heart. .

Xu Xianghu felt a pair of cold eyes staring, and his mind cleared immediately, and he quickly said, "I ... haha! You continue, I see nothing, really ..."

After speaking, he quickly exited the door, took the door, and leaned against the wall to pant!

At this time, Gu Yuehan and Yue Ze came over together and saw Xu Xianghu who was standing by the door but did not go in. It was quite strange that this girl was so anxious that it was really the sun that hit the west without breaking the door.

Eizawa asked: "Tiger, what are you doing, standing outside as a door god."

As soon as Xu Xianghu saw Gu Yuehan and Yueze, they immediately saw him as a savior, and rushed forward and grabbed him: "Woohoo, Yueze, the earth is too dangerous, I want to go back to Mars!"

Gu Yuehan was full of black lines, looking at the two men, a tiger with a bear on his back, a slender and delicate, how strange the picture looks, but his heart suddenly raised a strange sense of harmony.

Yuzawa grabbed his arm, and mercilessly gave him an over-the-shoulder fall. Xu Xianghu dropped a meter and nine meters and his body fell to the ground like this, making a dull sound.

Eizawa looked at him: "If you have something to say, don't give me a point."

Xu Xianghu was thinking how to tell him that he had broken the boss's good deeds, and it was estimated that there were many bad things. At this time, Bao Bao was opened by people, and he stood at the door warmly and looked at them: "Nine let you in!

Several people entered the private room.

Si Yizhen sat on the sofa, exuding a lazy atmosphere, like a satiated lion, temporarily aggression in his whole body.

Wen Xinya sitting next to him.

A few people were keenly aware that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, but they couldn't tell what was wrong.

Only Xu Xianghu sat like a needle felt, and from time to time, a pair of tiger eyes quietly looked at Jiu Shao. After watching Jiu Shao, he couldn't help but secretly looked at Xiao Xunzi's red lips, which were almost better than the ruby ​​grapes on the table. Still tempting.

This is a masterpiece of Jiu Shao.

He seemed to be aware of his eyes, Wen Xinya, with a black and white pair of eyes, and the cold cold eyes fixed on him: "Is there something stuck on my face? Why do you stare at me?"

Xu Xianghu felt the deterrent look from Jiu Shao, and suddenly shook his head desperately: "No! I just thought about the little sister-in-law who is treating you Anatolinas. It's just too bold ..."

No one ignored him.

Xu Xianghu continued to say: "Little sister, you are so amazing, you are my idol! You don't know that I have always looked at Anatoli's stinky boy, and I always wanted to repair him Come on, hehe ... "

Wen Xinya looking down to drink tea.

Xu Xianghu still chattering: "Little sister-in-law, I didn't expect your skill to be so good. You didn't see that old Mo Gong's old face was so angry that even Moville changed his face ..."

Yoshizawa and Gu Yuehan looked at each other. Could this kid offend Xiaoyu and Jiuxiao?

At this time, Si Yizhen interrupted him and said, "Follow me for so long, but you have learned more and more rules. I have called Gu Yuexi. You will go to Italy tomorrow and learn from him. "

Xu Xianghu widened his eyes and mourned: "Don't be a little young! Gu Yuexi is just not a place to stay, and I will never bump into the house when you flirt with my sister-in-law, and you will forgive me a lot. This time! "

He knew that he would surely be fierce this time ...

Gu Yuehan and Yueze looked at each other. It's no wonder that they just stood outside the door of the private room and became the door god. It turned out that they had broken the good thing of Jiu Shao and Xiaozheng. ! "

Wen Xinya eyes glanced at Xu Xianghu vaguely, and the corners of his lips slowly aroused ~!

This is how the fairy princess was made.

Si Yiming stopped paying attention to Xu Xianghu, and looked at Yueze and Gu Yuehan: "What's going on with Moville and Amogong?"

The main purpose of Grand Duke Moville's banquet today was because the Ivanov family had not yet opened the foreplay, so Xinya directly hit his face. Grand Duke Moville and A Mo Gong were not good friends. General Admiral has uncovered this, but it may not really be a good job. There should be other calculations.

Otsuzawa said: "Prince Moville went to the study, accompanied by Anatoly. Amo was still at the banquet, and everything was normal at the banquet."

Xiaoyan's previous performance is simply amazing. Even if he is replaced by him, he cannot handle it more perfectly than Xiaozheng.

Si also said lightly: "Although we preemptively gave Grand Duke Moville a dismissal, it is estimated that Grand Duke Moville has some calculations and will weigh a little more, but still cannot be taken lightly."

Eizawa nodded: "I know, Nine Young!"

Si Yizhen looked at Gu Yuehan: "Gu Yuehan, Xinya's safety will be given to you, you must protect her intact!"

Next is the real highlight of the banquet. He may have no skills to take care of Xinya. For the sake of her safety, it is best for Gu Yuehan to protect her.

Gu Yuehan said: "Jiu Xiao, please rest assured, I will protect the little sister-in-law for a while."

He has always protected Jiu Shao, but in Jiu Shao's heart, Miss Wen's safety is even better, and he will naturally protect him with all his strength.

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