Reborn Aristocrat: Return of the Vicious Heiress

Chapter 930: Aphrodite Falling Horse

Aphrodite's eyes were red, but the horse was getting more and more irritable.

Wen Xinya surpassed Aphrodite easily, and turned back and smiled at Aphrodite: "Miss Brain Remnant, I'll go one step ahead, rest assured, I will wait for you at the end."

After speaking, she pinched the horse's belly, raised her whip, and shouted "driving", and the horse underneath seemed to be rushing towards the end.

Aphrodite watched Bella's horse go away towards the finish line. She was so annoyed that she fell down from a young age. Where did she suffer such grievances and failures? The important thing is ... she couldn't keep that paperwork. How could she explain it to grandpa?

Anxiety, fear, resentment, and grievance lingered in her heart, making her tears more and more fierce.

It's all that little **** Bella, she is scrambling for her game, everything is her plan, it is she who dug a pit for her to jump, it's her, it's all her!

The Wen Xinya horse slowly crossed the finish line, and stopped slowly. She sat on the horse's belly and looked at Aphrola not far away, waving at her: "Hi, white-faced ghost face, I have You have reached the end, and you will not be able to work harder. "

Then everyone realized that Aphrodite lost this yellow woman in this horse race.

"Oh my God, Miss Aphrodite lost to that yellow chicken skin. How could Miss Aphrodite lose? This is simply impossible! Oh! I can't believe everything I see is true of."

"Oh my god, I must have seen it, so I read it wrong. How could Miss Aphrodite lose? If Aphrola's horse doesn't run, it must be the yellow chicken skin, otherwise how can Miss Aphrodite lose? That yellow chicken skin is invincible. "

Unbelievable screams came and went.

And Aphrodite was so impatient that the horse was not running, and he was so impatient that he pulled the stables. The horse was frightened because he was frightened. At this time, under the influence of the owner, the tame horse was also irritable. When he got up, he immediately lifted his head, hissing, and backed up, kicked his front legs, and flung Aphrodite off the horse.

"Ah!" Afflora let out a scream, and the whole person fell to the ground fiercely.

This change almost stunned everyone present.

"Oh my God!" Miss Afflora crashed.

"Ahhhhhhh ... Afflora crashed the horse!" The sound of screaming immediately caused a panic.

Miss Aphrodite, but the lady of the Archduke Mowell, if she had an accident, they would not have any good fruit.

Everyone was tenacious. Several aristocratic ladies ran towards the racetrack in a panic, and wanted to check how Afflora fell.

Wen Xinya, looking at the scene not far away, slowly raised the corners of her lips, and now she fell off the horse. The riding of this Afrola is really good. I do n’t know if you fall off the horse like this, you will be hurt. where?

Wen Xinya, but she slowly jumped off the horse's back, and touched the horse brown in a rewarding way. The horse made a cheerful hissing sound, pressed her Wen Xinya cheek, and her nose hit her face.

Warm and cheerful dodging the face that the horse came over, "Thank you! Thanks to you today."

At this time Liu Yanhua had hurried over and asked nervously, "Miss Bella, how are you doing? Did Aphrodite hurt you just now, where did you hurt, was it serious?"

Wen Ya listened to the words of concern and could not help but move: "Relax, I'm fine."

She moved her injured arm, and her arm still had a hot pain.

At this time, Liu Yanhua noticed that the cloth between her forearms was damaged by the stinky woman of Aphrodite, and she knew that the whip must have fallen on her forearms, and she was so nervous that her face was pale: "Miss Bella Just show me your arm ... "

Although the injury on the forearm was painful, but it wasn't really bad in the end, so she avoided the handway that Liu Yanhua grabbed: "It's just a small injury, let's go ... let's get our loot first."

For the sake of fairness and fear of the other party's remorse, before the game, she and Aphrola put the bets to a noble lady who acts as a referee. Of course ... she was not worried that the person would dare to play tricks. Gu Yuehan secretly Look at it.

Liu Yanhua trot kept up with Wen Xinya.

Nuan Ya has come to the woman: "I won, bring the booty!"

The woman was naturally reluctant to hand things over to her so easily, so the excuse was: "You hurt Miss Aphrola. This is a collision with aristocracy. You also want loot. It's just delusion!"

A Wen Xinya look struck the woman's throat: "I'm not afraid of even Afflora and Anatoli. I'm afraid of you? Wasn't there a rule before the game? When I got hurt, I always The other party has nothing to do? What do you mean now? Want to openly violate the rules of the game? "

The woman didn't expect Warm and Ya to be so fierce. She didn't agree with each other, so she went straight to her hands, her throat was choked, and she trembled with fright: "You ... you ..."

Warm and sneer: "Avrola fell off the horse by herself. What mattered to me? When she fell off the horse, I had reached the finish line. She rode too badly. ? "

Compared to pumping, she just pulled a horse and wanted to use her to collide with the nobles to pinch her.

The woman was speechless, staring at the mask on her face, the black golden mask, and the phoenix mask on her face under the light of daylight on the racecourse. Authority and irresistible majesty.

The golden-red phoenix with wings spread on her forehead exudes suffocating pride, and her heart is a little bit rebellious.

Loving this woman warmly and sneerly: "And ... I was invited to the feast of the Moville Mansion today. I was accompanied by Rex. Before that, Aphrodite fetched me with a whip and hurt me. On my arm, I didn't care about her. She was neglectful and hurt you, but you have the courage to hold me up. "

In the end, she followed Si Yizhang, and she was also Lucifer's mother-in-law. Aphrodite blatantly hurt her. Obviously, she provoked Lucifer, and Si Yizhang would not give up.

The woman's body collapsed to the ground.

Nuan Ya squatted down, reached out and grabbed the document bag in her hand, checked the document bag, and it was indeed the previous paperwork, and her earrings were well packed in the document bag.

Avrola fell on the horse, and this matter would soon get out of hand. It was necessary to cut off the exogenous branches. She had to start first and take things into her own hands. This was the best strategy.

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