The road was not smooth. In less than 20 minutes' drive, there were two attacks, but because there were 20 cars to cover and each car was the same color model, those attackers could not distinguish her. Specific location, so this road, she can be considered to have survived with no surprise.

What surprised her most was Xu Xianghu.

The teaser that she thought was invited by the monkey. The guy leaked Wang Bazhi's gas as soon as he took a gun, as if he was a natural killer.

After seeing him like this, she couldn't believe it. This extremely brave guy is actually a funny!

She feels that judging people by their appearance is actually accurate at some point.

She thought of Si Yizhen, who had just protected her in the rain of guns and bullets, and was always a weak man. At that moment, it was not the possession of a fierce god, and the body was covered with smoke. It was like a **** who was too old in the world.

"Can you guess who attacked us?" Warm and Ya asked in a low voice. The Mowell government intentionally cooperated with Si Yizhen. What is a marriage? Even if someone sends them to attack them, you must not show traces.

Although they were attacked after leaving the feast, it was easy to make the Duke of Mowell's mansion doubtful, but he could also use it, and the Duke of Mowell's mansion would not be fooled by such foolish and doubtful excuses.

Of course, if they don't find any evidence.

Talking about the business, Xu Xianghu's temperament changed: "From the other side's approach, it seems like a mercenary."

In the jungle of country E, the world's largest mercenary organization is hidden. These mercenaries, all of whom possess extraordinary skills, use people's money to dispel disasters for others, mysterious, even if they deal with them, they are also very strenuous.

Warm and ya's mind had a plan, mercenaries fought against them, most of this would be because they could not find the evidence, they could be contacted by mercenaries when they left the first room of the manor. The government is much stronger than she imagined.

Xu Xianghu continued: "Some of the mercenaries' characteristics are left on these mercenaries, and I guess they are most likely to be more professionally trained veterans, most likely a force cultivated by a certain force."

These people have a degree of advancement and retreat, and tacit understanding. There may be a relationship between long-term cooperation and mission, but because the mercenary organization has too many casualties, the personnel is highly mobile and scattered, and the mercenaries like to be independent Being alone, even if there is a group, it will not be a large group of dozens of people like this.

Wen Xinya slightly frowned: "The mercenary organization will also cooperate with some major forces?"

In his impression, mercenary organizations, in order to avoid too many secrets being exposed, involve too deep relationships, and even to reassure customers, they will never establish cooperative relationships with anyone.

Xu Xianghu explained: "No, the mercenary organization is famous for its mystery and secret because they will not establish cooperation with anyone, but ... Some organizations will receive some training and training lists, like the ones that attacked us today. These people are most likely to be a force developed by the mercenary organization. "

In this way, the Wen Xinya understand that such a list is clearly transformed into a nobleman to train the dead guards and even the killers. These people are mercenaries, but they have another identity.

Along the way, Wen Xinya learned from Xu Xianghu about the situation in country E.

Xu Xianghu knew everything about her.

Listening warmly and earnestly, but carefully discriminating, this Xu Xianghu, who speaks in tune, is ten percent of his words, and it will be greatly discounted.

"Little sister, we're here!"

This sentence sounded to her as if it sounded natural.

Warm and ya whispered, "Your connector, can you contact the situation at Jiu Xiao?"

Twenty minutes along the way, Si Yizheng's estimate is almost resolved.

Xu Xianghu grinned: "The situation over there is completely under control. You will be back in a little while. You will not worry about my sister-in-law. You have asked Nine Young along the way and asked four or five times ..."

Warm and relaxed, although Xu Xianghu was funny, he would not be ambiguous on the matter.

Si Yichen's manor was too big. The car entered the manor and it took about ten minutes to drive to the main living room.

The car stopped slowly.

Xu Xianghu took the lead to get out of the car and opened the door for her. It was not a gentleman's gesture, which seemed a bit rough, but it was very natural: "Hey, I have a rare gentleman." Then he made a gesture of bending down to ask : "Little sister, please get off!"

Wen Xinya could not help but Jun could not help but bent down and got out of the car, and entered the living room with Xu Xianghu.

As soon as I entered the living room, I didn't even have time to change my clothes, so I arranged related matters: "Tiger, have you arranged for someone to cope with the nine young people? The nine young people are injured, and some of them may be inconvenient!"

Xu Xianghu immediately fussed: "What, Nine Young was injured?"

But Wen Ya didn't bother him, but let the servant call the housekeeper.

Xu Huhu stood aside and thought for a while. Jiu Xiao may be protecting the sister-in-law's injuries. He quickly said, "Yoshizawa has sent someone to take care of it. Rest assured, nothing will happen."

After Wen Xinya listening, she settled down and instructed the steward to prepare medical facilities. After a while, both Si Yizheng and those who were injured could receive treatment at the first time when they returned.

Xu Xianghu turned round and round around her and asked eagerly, "Little sister, is Jiu Xiao really injured? Where is his injury? Is it serious?"

Wen Xinya: "Injury to your arm will not endanger your life, so don't worry."

That being said, in the Wen Xinya heart, even if it hurts his arm, it's like a slump in the sky. As long as he thinks of his injury, his heart can't help but faint.

Xu Xianghu breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately it was just his arm, took the bullet, and kept it for a week.

Warm and Ya was busy over there and told the kitchen to prepare light and digestible food. After fierce battles, everyone would need to replenish their energy, not to mention the injured people.

Xu Xianghu kept talking in his mouth: "Mom, I don't know if he's a helpless guy, but he dared to attack Jiu Shao, let Lao Tzu know, and let him know how to write his name."

Regarding the paperwork, only her, Si Yizhen, Gu Yuehan and Liu Yanhua knew that Xu Xianghu could not even think of breaking his head, who was sent by Mowell Government.

Jiu Shao is aloof among the aristocrats in country E. Those old nobles who really have the right to do so dare not dare to start in such a bold manner, and it is surely the small family that tends to decline.

Unless, their heads were kicked by the donkey.

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