At this moment, Aphrola was lying on the bed, staring blankly on the opposite wall. Her huge picture, in the picture, she participated in a large horse race of a noble lady. In the picture, she was riding Bai Xue, Bai Xue that Snow-white fur set off her flamboyant red riding outfit, and the whole person was bright and eye-catching like a flame.

She was holding a rein, a whip in one hand, and a crystal crown representing the champion on her head.

She still remembers the enthusiastic scene at that time. I don't know how many aristocratic ladies secretly envy her, how many men are yelling at her name, and from that moment, she has an extra nickname, Princess Aphrodite!

However, she never expected that everything she had worked hard in the aristocratic circle for many years would be destroyed.

She might just be ashamed of losing the horse race.

However, what she lost was the Mowell Mansion, the authority and glory that she relied on to survive. She could imagine how she would face the grand anger of Grandpa next.

That Bella was right. Movil ’s most beloved princess may soon not be her again.

And her dream of marrying Rex ended up being a fiction.

The door of the room was pushed open, and Boris stood blankly at the door and said, "Aphrodite, your grandpa asked you to go to the study."

Avrola's eyes were empty and bit by bit. She resisted the injuries and got up from the bed and stared at her swollen foot. The doctor said that this foot not only hurt the bone, but also hurt the softness. Tendon, it is estimated that you need to rest for more than half a year to really recover.

She resisted the pain under her feet, and slowly came to the study with the help of her servant.

There was no one except Grandpa in the study. The dark light hit her, with the cold, letting her mix and snoring, the feeling of fear sprang up.

Under the authority of Grandpa, Aphrola's legs were soft, and the whole person knelt on the ground, crying and crying: "Grandpa, I'm sorry, I know I'm wrong, please forgive me this time! I will never Dare ... "

Lord Moville looked angry and reached out and slap her severely: "Stupid thing, I always thought you were a smart child, even at your side, but you are so bold and arrogant, you think you dare to take it Bet on the authority and glory of the Grand Duchy, I will certainly not spare you. "

Avrola was suddenly instigated by the force on her face, and she was overturned to the ground. The whole person hit a vase about half a human tall in the corner, and suddenly the vase fell to the ground with a slam, just hitting Avrola's body.

"Ah!" Afflora screamed, and the blood on her forehead kept pouring out.

Archduke Moville looked coldly at his favorite granddaughter lying in a broken vase, and his white skirt was covered with blood, but he was indifferent: "You ca n’t forgive your imprints, you are eating the ambitious leopard gall Anymore? "

Aphrodite couldn't care about the pain in her body. She got up from the ground hard, and crawled up and down in front of Grandpa, crying, "Grandpa, I was wrong. You asked me to find a chance, put forward a test, and calculate. Bella wins Lucifer's mother-in-law earrings, and what I am best at is horse racing. It is that Bella. She counts me and makes me think she won't ride a horse.

If she did n’t think that Bella would n’t ride a horse and gave her a winning attitude, she would n’t be easily taken by Bella, and Bella was decently deficient. In the end, it was difficult for her to ride a tiger, and she eventually made the wrong decision. .

Archduke Mowell sneered: "Why did you not send me a notice when such a big thing happened? Since that Bella can count you, you thought you would be her opponent, and thought you could get it back with your own power. The paperwork? It's just a idiot with a straw bag. "

If he had known about it early and got involved, it would not have caused the situation it is today.

Afflora pursed her lips and couldn't speak. She crawled on the ground, the slap on her face was sorely aching, and even her ears were tingling painfully. Her body was wounded with fragments and incomplete skin, her forehead was hot and humid The liquid flowing into her eyes made her eyes uncomfortable, and all she saw was a blush. She felt that her body temperature also passed with the loss of blood, and her mix was as cold as an ice cellar.

Archduke Mowell angrily said: "You know, because of your stupid behavior today, the marriage plan of the Mowell and Lucifer was aborted, which caused the Mowell to miss the opportunity to restore the glory of the past and let Mo The authority of the Weir House is damaged, its reputation is shameful, and even it is about to face a huge loss of profits. You are a long-time sinner of the Mowell House. "

The sinner of all ages--Afflora's body was weak. The whole person crawled on the ground. The whole body's strength was drained instantly and she lost the paperwork. She thought about the loss to the Moville government, but it was far from it. Think of these.

At this moment, she was really scared: "Grandpa ... please forgive me and give me another chance ..."

Grand Duke Mowell sneered: "Of course I will give you a chance to make atonement. I remember the youngest son of the Orvis family, who was very interested in you. Three days later, Room 603, Grand Emperor Hotel, I do n’t care what you use No matter what, we must win the opportunity to cooperate with the Orvis family on drugs. "

The Orvis family, that's just a little aristocrat of the E country, and the youngest son of the Orvis family, has sex. The tendency to abuse, Grandpa actually sent her to the beast's bed, just for the benefit ...

Her pupils kept shrinking, and even her breathing became weak: "Grandpa ... no, I don't ..."

She is the first beauty of country E and a noble princess. How can she lower her price and send herself to the bed of a humble man? No ... it's terrible.

Archduke Mowell sneered: "You have committed a terrible crime, even if you kill you. I gave you a chance to make atonement, why ... would you like to refuse?"

Grandpa's meaning was obvious. She refused to die or promised to live, leaving her no choice. Afflora crawled on her body and became cold. "Grandpa, I was wrong, I promised you ... I beg you, be sure forgive me."

Archduke Mowell faintly said, "You have lost the value of using Mowell House now, and in the future you will be a communicative presence of Mowell House!"

The plan to marry Lucifer failed, and he could marry Aphrodite to the great aristocracy for the best interests of the family, but Aphrodite made a terrible mistake, so it was too kind to her. This is not his style of acting In this case, it is better to let her deal with the aristocratic men and seek more benefits for the family, but it is real.

Aphrodite's eyes widened suddenly, and she looked at Grandpa incredulously. Grandpa meant to make her a noble prostitute among nobles. Female, working among various men, seeking benefits for the Mowell Mansion, no ... she doesn't, she is the first beauty in country E, the noblest dazzling princess, how could she become so dirty An unscrupulous woman, put down her body, and serve Israel?

Aphrodite screamed: "Grandpa, don't, I beg you don't do this to me, don't ..."

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